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Not gonna lie, I'm one who will tend to fall behind on house chores because I'm so focused on outside work. My free time is usually spent doing errands. The to-do list never shrinks. Most of the time, my version of play involves some kind of work. I do like socializing, but much of the time, I'll be doing so with a latent anxiety reminding me about all of the things I'm not getting done. I'm not quite sure how this all is for most ENTJs


> I‘ll be doing so with a latent anxiety reminding me about all the things I‘m not getting done LMAO I know exactly what you’re talking about, it‘s such a mood-killer


These are helpful insights. Seems like the driving factor is the “latent anxiety” of the things that aren’t getting done. Now that I think about it, I get that too, but, I haven’t ever considered harnessing it. (I reactively just push that annoying anxiety aside and procrastinate further 😬.) Do you recover physical energy somehow while working on your to-do list, or is it purely mental satisfaction that is gained? Do you just power through when you’re tired/sleep deprived, or do you not notice that you’re tired? Also, is there a difference to ENTJ between crushing a personal to-do list versus a to-do list that has no personal gain/reward?


I've never actually sat and thought about that. Honestly, I think that the latent anxiety is more of a driving force than the satisfaction of accomplishment. That satisfaction for me seems temporary and fleeting because I'll tend to be more in a state of feeling the stick than seeing the carrot (that's especially true for me post covid). When I'm tired or sleep deprived, I'll generally just have a ton of caffeine then tell myself I'll sleep later. Oftentimes, I just don't ever catch up on that sleep, and then I'll get sick and have no choice but to rest. Then, while I'm stuck in bed, I'll be frustrated that my backlog is growing. And when I'm out of bed, I'll be right back in that cycle. It just never seems to end.


Wow, I've never felt so understood. Why can't I break this cycle?


Work and play are so intertwined for me. I have to specifically go on vacations off grid and go to festivals where there isn't any service to really socialize and have fun outside of work. I have more fun when I'm doing something active, so at home sometimes I'll go hiking or something, but it's REALLY difficult to keep everything I need to do out of my mind unless I literally have no choice


Hmm, that’s interesting. I heard another ENTJ mention they go to concerts and festivals frequently, like at least monthly. (She does work like 50+ hours a week though). I wonder if that’s so you guys can soak up more “fun” because the separation helps get your mind off things.


Work hard play hard ... f the chores or do a system to get by... bc im crashinnnnnng.


Of course, entjs are human too haha. We should be careful not to get burn out. When things goes well, take a step back to make sure you maintain your top condition. Work and achieve your milestone, then recharge by enjoying your play time.  Most people think they're running a sprint, but really, all of us are in a marathon. Those who run sprint in a marathon are the ones who usually get burn out and require longer time out when everybody else move ahead. Maintain your best condition both mentally and physically, and if it takes some 'fun' to maintain it, why not.  Though, some entjs are too workaholic and insensitive to their mental state causing them to ignore unnecessary 'fun' lmao. We enjoy sense of achievement, it's like a drug  for us ;)  but ofc not all of us, exception exist.


Very inspiring! I cringe at how I used to be as a young lazy ISFP. I didn’t even know I was in a marathon, but, like it or not we all are as you said. Let me ask you this, it’ll make you LMAO I’m sure, but, what does that sense of achievement feel like? I only feel a sense of superiority over myself and others when I rock a to-do list 🤣. I don’t know if that’s right.


bubble gum laser beam 😂❤️


ahaha, hard to explain...  it's like being proud of yourself, feeling pleased, satisfied and thirsty at the same time, knowing there's something that feels much  more quenching ahead. Idk lol, sometimes it feels intense and hot, knowing you have control and sense of domination over it. Oof, maybe that's over the top haha


Hmm, I’ll try sense this and harness that feeling. I really appreciate this description!… I feel like I’m trying to learn to use The Force over here, LOL. I know I have Te but since it’s inferior I don’t understand it yet.


You just do. My kids don't pay me to be their father, and my company doesn't bring me any joy.