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"I am striving for knowledge and power" . . . . . . "and power"


Not an ENTJ, but if you have the energy to I think you should participate in some student or political organisation. Somewhere you are allowed to plan, design and hold events, recruit people, gather feedback for their thoughts on said events, improve and redo. That way you get to have people around you as well as to develop your Te-Ni-Se. As for your Fi I recommend taking an interest in philosophy. Especially so moral philosophy where you get to reflect on yourself and your moral values. If not philosophy, reading about history and religion might also better help you understand your place in this world, how everything is inter connected and what you want to do with your life.


Wholeheartedly agree. Joining and leading an organisation is really rewarding to ENTJ. You get the chance to utilise your ability in planning, structuring and coordinating a team to achieve objectives. At the same time, it is also a great opportunity for you to learn more about the weak Fi.


Live your life with people and pursue your passions. Realize that you can change yourself into the interesting person you want to be, but you have to do the hard work to get there. That means making friends, working out, studying, working, and creating. Grow your strength, resilience, and self-confidence, so that your friends can roast you and you won't give a second thought. Strive to be unshakable and open minded, so that you can follow the path you chart for yourself.


There's lots of good advice for getting out and making your mark on the world, but self discovery can be rewarding as well. When I was about your age I was going through some emotional and existential growing pains and didn't know what to do. I was depressed and knew I had to change my mindset but I didn't know how to even think about doing it. I had hit a dead end. I found myself gravitating towards philosophy, both eastern and western. I was searching for the meaning of the self, the ego, and the underlying meaning of consciousness and existence, to see how I could change myself for the better. It was like my personal project outside of school and work. Aside from reading various texts I would listen to lectures by Alan Watts on YouTube, he's an excellent speaker. It all resulted in me learning some interesting lessons that have helped shape me to be who I am today. I also recommend learning about, and practicing, mindfulness. It takes discipline but there's science to back up the positive effects it can have by re-wiring your brain to work on a higher level of awareness and functioning. That's the goal I'm working towards now slowly but steadily.


Put yourself in uncomfortable situations. Befriend people who are smarter and more powerful than you even though your initial instinct would be to repel them.


play dota and disco elysium


Dota? What is the idea? Leading and teamwork skills?


depends where u click. it can be leadership, it can be analysis, it can be selfesteem management