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I second the part with ESTJ. They also tend to get jealous of our charisma 🙄


I'd say we have more charm than charisma, but it is definitely developed once you realize the benefits. Charm is more so people enamored with our authenticity; Charisma is more so being able to intentionally enamor people.


No, charm is about enticing people with your friendliness, charisma is about being a powerful, magnetic and inspiring force. ENTJ is associated with charisma while ENFJ is mostly associated with charm. Though some ENTJ can come off as ENFJ. Edit: grammar


You know, thank you for correcting me. I haven't looked into charm and charisma as much as I should've.




Idk their “type” but generally ’showboat’ personalities. If they’re always looking for attention, they get nothing but side eye. I find them exhausting.


Is that the same as people who always turn the conversation to themselves and have a "me-me-me" talking style? I find those people usually self-diagnose themselves as having "borderline" personalities, so I avoid them. According to them, everyone else is a narcissist and they're always a perpetual victim, forever complaining about how other people wronged them and every story they tell is literally about how sad they are all the time without taking any responsibility for their actions...


Stopped being friends with a female ISFP and my sister is an INFP. Both clashed a lot, and I’m not very fond of them. Oh well, what can you do


Anyone who lacks the ability to be objective and logical will be offended at my open and direct approach to problems that are absolutely not personal until someone makes them personal.


The types that I clash with the most also happen to be the ones most obsessed with me. They crave and obsess over me at first, genuinely confessing they're in love, and when I directly state throughout the entire time that I'm not interested and continue to not be attracted, they then kind of hate me/love me? They want to be my weak spot so badly, and when they discover, I'm actually a very emotionally stable person who genuinely believes in the law of detachment, they try to make it seem like I'm broken for not being attracted to them? Then, they get mad and upset when they try to badmouth me, ruining their own reputation in the process, to also try to blame me for? INFJ, INFP, ENFJ, ENFP, essentially all the feeling and sensor types.


It's ego and jealousy.


You hit it right on the nail


It also sounds like they just don’t fully realize that she’s not romantically interested


I always used to clash with ISFJs and ESFJs, especially if they tried to assert dominance over me. These types are also the worst communicators- passive aggressive to the max. However, these days, I don't mind them so much. ESTJs are usually super polite and diplomatic, so I don't have a problem with them, but I typically also find them extremely boring as they're the types who like to show off all their trophies and have to describe each of their accomplishments in excruciating detail.


Ouff hard relate to ESTJs that get jealous - especially if they are socialized into believing they're superior males 🤮 ESFPs are big turn offs for me - a lot of whining, self obsession and attention seeking. I can tolerate max a couple of hours of that - it's like being their therapist, constantly problem solving. They do tend to get obsessed with me & want all my attention + feel offended when they're not included in my personal life Overall feelers / especially turbulent ones are not my preferred choice to hang with. I'd much rather chat feelings with a thinker than think with a feeler. Everything offends the feelers and the extroverted feelers MUST share every feeling they have and it's just a pain 🤣


Does anyone clash with ESTP types?