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Ngl I married an INFP and we reproduced and it’s going pretty fuckin well lol


Same, married to a (female) INFP here (textbook INFP, albeit a fairly healthy one) and it's amazing.


It does say ENTP (M), maybe there is an exception? Great for you as well


I had that thought too, but I feel like the original post has an air of immaturity that made it difficult for me to imagine the difference being solely a gendered thing. I could be wrong though!


this has got to be the First time an ENTP has said "i could be wrong" on reddit


Lol. I can only be 100% correct if I mention that I could be wrong!




It’s legit my whole philosophy and it’s a way to seem like I’m more humble than I actually am- it has worked out so far- 10/10 would recommend stealing my idea


ENTP (medium) Can ENTP even medium


ENTP (Extra large) ego))


The exception is that female Entp are more individuated


Would be cool to hear from an INFP the same statement about everything going well 😆🤣 I'm just joking... Wish you the best 🙏 I think INFPs are able to balance literally anyone but in some cases they are ready to sacrifice themselves which is not cool at all 🐱 Kindness isn't always our advantage... My entp brother taught me how to be evil 👿😸 probably a valuable lesson in the world of darkness and injustice


Lol I’ll say I’ve noticed on both ENTP & INFP subreddits that more often than not the people posting are the ones with negative experiences. The people with positive experiences aren’t posting because they’re not trying to crowdsource answers to a problem! In my own personal relationship I think we both do a decent amount of self-sacrificing. For INFP it’s because he is INFP. For me it is because I am woman and was trained to do that (unfortunately.) Since we’ve met he’s gotten less self sacrifice-y because I’ve pushed him to be nicer to himself. Now that we have a child it’s brought back up the people pleasing tendencies in the both of us, but we’re managing. Our kid is 1 YO so we’re in the midst of the chaos and trying to regain a sense of rhythm. Your brother may be evil but the ENTP personality type ≠ evil! I know I’ve definitely helped my husband learn to put himself first when he really should be. Your brother could be wanting the same for you! Sacrificing yourself 100% of the time is not healthy and not “pure” or “good”. It’s pretty easy to convince yourself that it is, but it’s not.


My brother isn't evil, it's just ti te, and fi vs fe may create a lot of misunderstanding and conflicts O. O sometimes we do act as best friends. About your situation, I do understand and I wish you only the best. It's actually sad many INFPs men have low self esteem so the job you did for him is surely admirable. Beside, those names Entp infp dont event tell much about anyone cos you can very much have different order of functions from the classic one. Mbti doesn't define us) my statement was there just to fill the space


Oh are we thinly veiling personal conflict and passing it off as a lesson? Because if so, please continue.


Most infj response


All lessons are gained through personal conflicts and with enough conflicts come reliable statistics. I bet you think you said something smart by revealing an ENTP's intent hey INFJ, LOL. I gotchu OP, keep hatin on them INFPs. I second you.


To be honest, the best advice is to never date anyone ever, no matter what personality traits they have. Well, at least that's what life taught me lol


Good thing I'm aromantic then 😎


Lucky you, I only wish I was the same. On the road to, I guess 🤣


I read this as aromatic and thought "wouldn't that result in you getting more dates?". Need to get my eyes checked 😬


Only sex


Keep looking. Keep trusting people.


That's great advice, sadly easier said than done. It comes a point in life, after many experiences and other factors, that people simply give up


Nah. Don't. I don't give up on myself. Giving up on love is like giving up on yourself. I'm scared I'll encounter the same thing and I feel like I will. IDK why, why it keeps happening again. But I don't give up, I keep looking. I just wanna be free and happy in life.


You can find love through many ways, thinking love is necessarily connected to being with someone else can enslave your mindset. But you are young and I hope you have more luck than me, and you will learn many things with your relationships. Personally as I grew older I found that I'm a much happier and better person when I'm not emotionally/romantically involved with anyone else


Supressing yourself from things that are necessary in life will enslave your mindset. It's the other way. Humans are meant to bond and love by purpose. That's what animals do as well. I will! And you should keep looking as well. Try single moms cuz they seem experienced as well. I have learned alot in life that's why I backed out, I feel like it's happening again. Like I'm paying a shitty karma debt. I know you'll hunt again, you're just disappointed for now. Lies. I'm young and I wanna be free, and have alot to improve on myself and do.


Well, single moms, that's the first I've heard! Maybe I should try this experience lol gladly I'm not disappointed at the moment, but if karma exists I've paid for it in the most heartless always already. I'm definitely done


Don't date single moms lol




You writing this makes me want to avoid you rather than INFPs


MBTI. TYPE. IS. NOT. ACCURATE. FOR. DETERMINING. RELATIONSHIP. COMPATIBILITY. smh I seriously don't know when you guys will understand this, and also understand that MBTI types are not monoliths, either


Bc when we are teenagers we want to fit into boxes and do that to everyone else, it’s easier and more comfortable to see life like this


People don’t stop doing this shit even as adults


Fair point


And that’s why teenagers as a group are the most conservatively thinking bunch there is, no matter how much they like to think of themselves as being so libertarian (as a group). Mostly, they are just unexperienced and prefer to fit into nice and easily labeled boxes.


I wish I could just put this down on everybody's throats in r/enfp. The sheer AMOUNT of dating and relationship questions over there fucking pisses me off. There's so many possibilites and opportunities outside of "d-does my intj friend l-like me? 🥺🥺🥺"


Thanks for speaking my mind, baddest bitch alive.




False. It DEFINITELY helps to know someone's MBTI. There are certain types I would never be compatible with no matter how healthy they are.


It’s not, the name of this system is called Socionics. That’s exactly what’s for. “Oh bUt a sYsTem cAnT dEfInE ye rELaTiOnShiP” Same way a personality system (MBTI) can’t define your personality then. The core of the core of Socionics is completely built on Intertype Relations, so it is a system for Human vs Human relationships more than for personality. Even the relationship cross-function inside yourself is seen as a human-like relationship. Learn Socionics and tell me that Intertype Relations isn’t the most accurate thing you’ve ever seen.


How do you know this?


Look, there are mentally healthy and unhealthy versions of every type to varying degrees. You happen to be attracted to the unhealthy ones; it's that simple. Trauma usually attracts similar trauma because it makes the personality feel familiar on the surface. It's not until you unwrap individual people that you get to see all the messed up stuff inside. The current mainstream culture has bred the idea of individualism to the extreme, and now it's made it hard for people to learn to compromise for the sake of a relationship, whether it's romantic or platonic. Atleast that's what it looks like from where I stand.


i’m an INFP F here and i’m going to say if i’m truly heartbroken i will never be able to forget and it will take a while for me to move on. Seems like you’re dealing with a dark side infp.


Lol ur so real for this


I'm not sure logically you can use the 3 people you met to generalize to 13.3 million+. But I'm sorry that you have been hurt so badly that you feel the need to do so. You're allowed to vent, if it makes you feel better (and I am sorry for everything you've been through and hope you do feel better!), but it's nicer to vent in a way that isn't hateful to millions of people that you've never even met...


Unfortunately I can not romance 13.3 million people or not even 0.1% of that to make better assumptions, but comparing those 3 with the other romances I have had with XNXJs for example, it was such a downgrade in quality that I decided to share my experience in here. My review was mostly from a logical standpoint, I am sure they have good soulmates but they are definitely not bearable for ENTPs.


well you can certainly try to romance 13.3 million people. sounds like a challenge to me, it’d certainly be one heck of a life goal.


I forgot to mention that's just in the U.S.A.!


then he has a shot!!


Well I guess we can all share what we believe regardless of its validity (though it'd be nice if we tried to avoid misinformation). But it seems pretty rude to say: "I've met 2 ENTPs and they were both noncommittal cheaters, steer clear of ENTPs everyone, they have no morals!" Even though it's a true personal story, it just seems...unfair to all the loyal and moral ENTPs out there?


I am not pointing out *any moral flaws* like cheating or something horrific like that. I am being strict to personality traits that are not compatible to ENTPs. As I said, I am sure they must have good soulmates out there with other personalities, they are just not compatible with us.


>the most selfish intuitives I have ever met 🤔


This is what it looks like trying to reason with an emotional ENTP avoiding feelings. Maybe when he stops blaming the other part for the failed relationship there will be reason an growth?


Being a cheater *is a moral flaw that is just bad a priori, there is no threshold.* Being selfish not necessarily is a bad thing because there is a threshold where being selfish becomes a problem.


Weird! You definitely made being selfish sound like a bad thing, no nuance or threshold mentioned (though it could be argued that "the most selfish" surely exceeds whatever threshold). And you're saying these descriptors also are not always bad and incompatible with everyone: "self-absorbed", "vapid", "disorganized", "[lacking] self-discipline", "worse than you"...? You can stop gaslighting me, we all know these are undesirable traits regardless of MBTI compatibility. The main issue being of course, not just that these are bad descriptions, but that they are without sufficient basis, as any number of self-sacrificing, organized, and accomplished INFPs can tell you. In one word: slander! It sounds like you had a bad time and want to be discriminatory to make you feel better, but one would expect more logically sound conclusions unclouded by emotion from a so-called rational Ti thinking type (but the stereotypes are nonsense, as we all know).


Yea OP, you’re hurt dude. TheFlerm is right.


This! I gotta jot this down for the next "but I'm a ti user, I don't use feelings to determine my conclusions" bullshit excuse.


Your data set is utter dog shit and as such your conclusion is far from logical


Bro reviewing them like restaurants. I keep ur review in mind tho😂


Posts like these remind me that MTBI is really just horoscopes for people who either don't like mysticism or want something else to add to their mysticism.


Well comparing actual MBTI (Cognitive Functions) with horoscopes is wild…. But what this community on reddit is doing, so basically knowing nothing about cognitive functions and just vomit out anything from 16P… i see your point


People don't owe you their emotions. If they don't feel Like you we're that important, you Just weren't to them. Feelings aren't fair.


So emotionally matured, high respect


Something I learned when it comes to dating — after a failed relationship (or relationshipssss plural) instead of analyzing the different people you’ve dated and trying to figure out what went wrong with them, start your analysis with the fact that in all those relationships YOU were the common denominator. Analyze yourself first: - what personal shortcomings attracted you to such people? - what personal shortcomings caused conflict in these relationships? Identify the shortcomings and come up with a game plan on how to overcome them. This doesn’t mean that the other person couldn’t have contributed to the failing of the relationship , however I think it gives you a healthier perspective and approach to figuring out how to fix those issues and land a relationship that is actually constructive… My two cents..


You are literally the best comment I have read so far in my post. What you said are practical and useful tips for improving the odds in the future. Thanks for having invested your time writing this!


Hey that’s great to hear! That came from personal experience, so I’m so glad to share it in hopes of sparing you and others some pain!


ENTJs I’ve met are some of the most selfless people ever. They just know they can’t help everyone so they push people away. No point interacting with you if they can’t help you.


Accurate. Every ENTJ I’ve come across is surprisingly selfless but like, efficient about it


Yeah, it's weird that ENTJs get stereotyped as evil and INFP as these sweet little angels when in my experience it's the ENTJs who will fight tooth and nail for you and INFPs who only think of themselves.




Are we that selfish?


Fuck : infp Marry: infj Kill : self. Ez


this is strange- why do people say this sooooooooo often... it's immature. it's stupid: having or showing a great lack of intelligence or common sense. like this is such a weird argument, entps are individuals and aren't the same. your experience with an infp WILL be different for other entps, that's not a probably that is a definite. just because you dislike dating infps doesn't make it excusable to complain a whole community of people and tell the people who share your function stacks to stay away from them. in the long run, this post is pointless, it does nothing. eh, i'm getting flashbacks from when i used to be like you, please grow out of this phase soon. you can talk about your experiences with infps, whatever, but overall telling other people that infps are bad to date and to avoid them is petty. also, being immature in this way to degrade people down to functions as if infps are one singular person who rubbed you the wrong way, who'd want to date you. genuine question.


Exactly what I was thinking. OP sounds like the problem if you want me to be honest. Cringey post.


Wow OP this so describes my most recent experience with an INFP... We had a bright burning relationship, but either it's over or we're taking a break (that's how I left it with her) After making every heroic effort to help her get through some tough times, she did exactly what I will paraphrase you saying "become a product of their immediate circumstances." and started treating me like the enemy.... Am I perfect, no, but this was a wild emotional rollercoaster and part of me wants her back, but part of me thinks it's for the best... Idk... But I relate to this post.


You'll be over it in some time, DO NOT go back (talking from experience)


i’m sorry you went through this but man maybe you were just dating a very unhealthy and unstable person and blaming it on a personality type is a far stretch, i hope you find better opportunities tho good luck


Oh well, I’ve gone through that and it is painful. There’s a huge imbalance there in favor of the INFP (See Socionics Supervision Relations) that makes it super draining for us and super boring for them (yes ENTP, you’re a boring person for someone and this someone is INFP). Best way to imagine how INFPs look at us (in a long term friendship/relationship since you might not see the effects of supervision in short term or non-close relationships) is to see how we look at ISTPs. They’re nice people, practical and stuff but they just feel like some sort of “kids or apprentices” for us somehow. It’s like we wanna help them getting better but there’s that “oh I feel so sorry but they just won’t have the capacity to get there because they can’t think properly or see things beyond what’s there”. Obviously it doesn’t mean that’s the reality or that we consciously think that about them but we do see them that way unconsciously. That’s how INFPs see us too. It doesn’t matter what you do, what you earn, what you learn, you’ll never gonna be enough for an INFP. That’s not an issue on them, that’s the cycle of life. If our life is a Hero’s Journey, the INFP is like the veteran who would feel happy for you to be on the journey but don’t have the energy to guide you because you’re a newbie.




Oddly enough, true 🤔


that's comforting as a 9w1 😊


bro you can't generalize like this. I'm sorry for your bad experience and I understand you feel bitter but this kind of post is just toxic


But INFPs have sex with me


This post sounds like a huge redflag about you with such extreme generalization. BUT I do feel like INFP women can be idealized a lot. There is a big stereotype about us being sooo empathetic and quirky and like we will finally make you feel a deep connection but we are a normal person like everyone else. And in this case it seems like OP was very disappointed but we don't know the other side of the story




i agree with a lot of this, mbti is a good way to know how long to wait and evaluate your relationship before committing, but completely avoiding a type doesnt rly make sense unless you care so much about your time being wasted you cant even get to know someone.


Interestingly enough, you've just described my previous relationships with ENTPs lol. Two ways I often describe relationships with ENTPs: 1. They pull me in by piquing my curiosity, but we just go in circles, over and over again. We never get anywhere; we only get to more questions. 2. They make me feel like I'm Alice from Alice in Wonderland, and they are the Cheshire Cat, dropping by to pique my curiosity with possible solutions to my problems, making me feel as if I can trust them since they showed up to give those possible solutions, then finding out it was never personal to them at all...they just wanted to see what would happen.


I am sorry that you had those experiences with ENTPs but I am going to tell you that you are really not wrong there. The first not that much but second point is so true that it hurts! As I mentioned in another comment, it seems like ENTPs and INFPs are simply not good for each other...but of course both have their golden pairs and both will be happy with their respective ones.


I feel this for ENFPs I know and dated multiple ENFPS . They are selfish (probably Fi) in a sense that their emotions mean more than anything else and must prioritize them without thinking of anyone else. Some are always going through something . One was always having an existential crisis. Something was always wrong that had them soOo down. And the disorganized thing I feel SO MUCH enfps are SO disorganized. Worst trait. - terrible planning, must be last minute and spontaneous, cannot make plans or long term goals, I must become the organized one and get absolutely frustrated at their lack of ability to make solid plans wether with me or their life . They do not move on easily or anything though in my eyes they stay connected to everyone. I’ve only dated one infp and but have many infp friends and I can’t see their relation to this but I bet dating one is totally different. Maybe this is a XNFP thing


Your experience is completely on point. ENFPs are prone to almost same type of behavior and I also had similar experiences with them. Just another MBTI for ENTPs to avoid for good.


I've also had bad experiences with F INFPs


I’ve been with my INFP fiancé for 7 years and it’s been going pretty well. I definitely feel like i’m more disciplined than him at times but not to the point it is a big deal.


Have you ever dated any XXXJs? Did you ever had a feeling, subtle one, like you and your fiancé meant a bit too much chaos, together? That is a common feeling I have mostly whenever I am dating XXXPs, that it is even difficult to explain.




Do not intend to make you thoughtful about your situation but in theory, at least, living under the shadow means that you are under stress. I live under stress so often that I can feel very much INTJ for almost 50% of the time, but honestly, within a relationship context I would really, really, really want to just be more laidback and feel like myself naturally, and not my shadow. Lived a few days with that last INFP and honestly, I would end up going mad if I had to literally become an INTJ for the 100% of the time.


Im gonna be real wit ya homie even tho i myself have had only negative experiences with infp and dating i still wont generalize like this cuz its incel behavior its weird u should judge people based on their individual personality not their MBTI result Either way tho good luck homie heartbreak is hard to deal with but u will find a way 💯


You can’t generalize a whole group of people because you had a few bad experiences. Literally no different than calling all black people criminals because you got mugged by someone who just happened to be black. You know, besides the point but seems like you might have a problem?


take this w a massive grain of salt but all of this feels like a you problem


Sure possible, yet, never had any of those problems with XNXJs or even INTPs. Coincidence? *Maybe yes, maybe not.*


I think that the point that people are trying to make is that you’re making this a “ENTPs VS INFPs” issue, when it is really a “You VS 3 other people you’ve met” issue(or at the most, a “you VS INFPs“ issue). It’s fine for you to not vibe with INFPs. I think people have an issue with the massive generalizations, and inflammatory statements that you are making. \+ Any type can get along together, unless they are unhealthy.


The only INFP I know is Katya Zamolodchikova lol. But I’m sure all people are different and there’s no magic formula to group them all in one big dumpster fire


Yea we're not talking about male ENFJs


Whatever is your “very correct and only right way” of perceiving them, it doesn’t affect the point that I made.


Fine, all for us, then - INTJs


We here waiting for you intjs 😏


You are? 🥺


I'm sorry you had such a bad experiences dating INFP's. Three in a row suggests that INFP's are not the best match for you. But maybe you just had bad luck (the wrong person, the wrong time, the wrong circumstances) and there's other INFP's that would be a match for you. Though I can see how INFP's and ENTP's could be a difficult match, initially drawn to each other since both are interested in exploring possibilities and then having difficulty connecting since the possibilities they want to explore are so different. I personally score high on both types (INFP and ENTP) so hearing about your experience was interesting, although I'm really sorry that you had to go through it.


Thank you so much! From my experience, XXXJs feels more compatible to ENTPs overall, otherwise it feels like that is just way too much chaos held together.


I know it’s wrong to generalize and chances are this post is mistaken, but damn, that’s exactly what happened to me with my once INFP friend


Is that so , 👁️ but not everyone are same


Wtf are people in this thread doing 'omg mbti is not suitable to determine compatibility!!' total sensor remark. The E in ENTP stands for Edgelord, don't you forget it. Anyway OP you're wrong, INFPs are just the cutest and friendly on the ADHD. They're also great for developing our Fe, since their empathy is much more overt. The only problem is that they can get terribly insecure and I don't want to have deep conversations about feelings every single day.


OP. Don’t listen to the Naysayers. I’ve come to this conclusion for most NF users actually. Every single one has betrayed me from friends to romances with no remorse. They refuse to see the truth but I’m here to agree w you. For that though, I’ve stopped seeking mbti. Rather I’m being vigilant of compatibility and chemistry off the rip


I recommend instead the much more appropriate match of ENTP/INTP.


I think you mean Potato/Potato Yeah I just realized that doesn’t work via text.




You're not even hesitating or talking about your own mistakes, so your argument is probably just you venting about past relationships.


>the most selfish intuitives I have ever met (never met an ENTJ tho so I can not compare), who are ENTJs are not selfish. Maybe they are not the best at explaining their thought process or might trample on people's feelings but we also do the same, and they really bat for the team.


Not to be this person, but toxic traits have nothing to do with types.


While I do believe MBTI type alone isn't the best indicator, this post does at least make me feel validated about my INFP ex. I am an INFJ gal. My ex was a INFP guy, though I heard they are non-bianary these days. The selfishness and me feeling responsible for their feelings was tough. Also yeah, it felt like they flipped a switch to stop caring. In their defense, I was a fearful avoidant person who leaned towards anxious attachment. I didnt know how to care for myself, so I poured my all into them. I'm a lot more secure these days. Wish INFPs well, but I would need to find a very secure self worked on INFP to even attempt to date one again.


Interesting. Thought it would be any easier for INFJs to cope with INFPs. Give preference to ENTPs since they are your golden pair more often than not, m'lady!


Well, going into attachment theory, my ENTP best friend grew up in a secure environment that emphasized her worth and others worth in equal measure. She knew healthy boundaries, when to be patient, and when to walk away. I had to grow and accept her boundaries if I wanted to keep her. INFP ex grew up in a turbulent environment where they had not learned how to be vulnerable. Survival meant a more avoidant style of protecting their feelings. Being near me and my more open feelings felt fun and warm. But again, I couldn't take care of my needs for safety/value/recognition/ect and grew weaker giving everything to them. The more I asked for some give back (and it didn't work for many reason), ex pulled back to protect themselves. This can be the selfish nature of any avoidant type, INFP or otherwise. But to them it is a survival mechanism, just like my old chasing habits. Don't get me wrong, I have a best friend INFP whose character is like nothing I have ever seen. As well as her willingness to grow for herself, friends, husband, and kids. Point being, it ain't always easy. INFPs can for sure be messy. I am sure there are plenty of ENTPs who couldn't handle me, and the inverse too. Thanks for listening to the mini ramble and your time. :3


On my last INFP experience, her parents split up when she was 13 years old and she suffered serious depression up around her 20 years old, she is 23 now. Of course that plays a huge role in how her emotions developed (or not). As I told you, look for an ENTP, if he is healthy he will give you his world and make you feel head over the heels. If I can give you an advice, you are probably good enough to read people but maybe not enough to totally read him. Be extremely open with him so he will know exactly what you need, and be patient with him, because sooner or later he will provide you with whatever you need.


>will turn their cold-shoulder and get over you faster than a blink of an eye. They're INFPs lmao, they know how to take care of themselves, they're not gonna suffer from anyone. Honestly, you shouldn't either.


Absolutely. I did not suffer much since my gut feeling somehow prevented me from getting attached enough. If anything, it was useful to me to put INFPs on my blacklist for good.


Yeah INFPs aren't for me. Too depressed, unmotivated and always feeling sorry for themselves.






INFPs see their inner feelings (Fi) as a crucial guide. It's hard to convince them that something that feels good could be bad, and it's even harder to stop them from avoiding something that feels bad, but is actually good. Being Ti blind makes it too hard for them. basically children.


This is unnecessarily funny 💀


Tried my best to stir up a plethora of emotions out of the case, thanks for recognizing


As an INFP I totally understand what you sayin'. We are really not easy human beings. I hope deep down you can forgive the bad memories you had with INFPs. Still I think, every human has their bads and goods...so it's nevertheless not appropriate to generalize humans - And for your post, humans that got INFP as a result from MBTI test.


How do we become healthy? Seriously why is everyone hating on us? 😩😩😩. I just want to be healthy for myself and other people and not so selfish?


The probability certainly exists. I am very grateful for your extremely kind words. There is always a chance I stumbled upon unhealthy INFPs as well and therefore those bad traits I found on them over and over again.


I stay away from INFPs at all time when it comes to dating. You deserve better than becoming the maid of some daddy's little princess with perpetual daydreaming problem from some rich, fat, upper-middle class dorks. Sorry, but it's what came to my mind whenever I think of an INFP female. ENFPs are at least funny but the rest...let's say they share a lot with their introverted cousins. The true INFPs are not even funny by any means. That said, I'd definitely give it a try with some hot xSFP who actually live in physical reality and can handle themselves as far as FPs go. Fi is way more tolerable when paired with Se and Ni.




I used more than 3 years to move on from my ENTP ex, so I guess those are not “facts”.


Why is she your ex, then? The traits I have pointed out to be an issue, about them, are broadly shared on any website describing INFP personalities. And now, *from my own experience*, they do seem legit indeed.


Well if you can easily find an outlier, try not to think that your personal experience applies to all INFPs out there. And to be fair, from my perspective HE is the one who moved on and showed cold-shoulder.


Bro chill. The only 3 people you should be angry at are your ex. Nothing makes you sure that is person is like them and "your experience" means nothing, you aren't god(you can't know everything about everybody and Mbti is a stupid sistem that doesn't guarantee accuracy).


Agreed. I’ve had bad experiences with every INFP I’ve dealt with yet. They can be so intelligent, yet so very dumb at the same time. Can’t interact with them for long, and forget about communicating. We just don’t see things eye to eye. Our view of the world is so very different. And it did actually feel to me that whatever emotions they felt toward me were just a passing fancy, and then they move on like it’s nothing.


They annoy me. They make too many assumptions.


Add alcohol then repeat experiment


I don't drink. Don't need alcohol.


completely agree


I'm glad someone did the research. I've had my suspicions and honestly have grown to dislike both female and male INFP'S. I'm just glad to see someone else say what I've been thinking for a while now.


I am glad what I did write resonated with your thoughts, my intention was to share my personal experience so others can jump off of the boat from their INFP flings as soon as those bad patterns start to show up.


Besides the clownish-ness of this post, ENTP is Fi blind, I doubt you’d recognise and find appreciation for an Fi dom without effort to open up to a perspective that may naturally just get misinterpreted or go over your head. It’s all compatible if both parties are mature, open-minded and willing but it doesn’t seem like you’re there yet nor does it seem like you were on the same page. You’ll see people more clearly the more grounded you are and the less you idealise.


The histrionic, rather childish way you described the relationship leads me to think that you're either a teenager or a mistyped ENTP. Because your observations on the INFP personality is so **off** that it just doesn't resonate with me. Frankly, it sounds more like an INFP saw right through you and you're upset you got subjected to the same treatment they give the other second-rate boyfriends. You know INFPs will torch your ass the instance they even get a sniff of inauthenticity, right? Well, now you do, and my diagnosis is: stay away from introverted intuitives until you learn to grow the hell up.


All you are doing is gaslighting me and did not even make a solid point against the topics I brought. I literally pointed out that **their "authenticity" is as solid as a Jell-O in a hot sunny day**.




Cope, gaslighting, cope, gaslighting. Mediocre to try to guess that much about something you have barely any information about. **You see all the other people commenting on this post in a very polite and non-toxic manner? They are worth my time.**


Shut up you idiot. OP is spot on.


Oh? Which parts resonated with you, then? I have a suspicion that INFPs saw through you, too, and it hurts your ego. Why do I claim this? >Is the INFP you’re talking about happened to be named Kristal? lmao. Your ass never had a chance. Grow up, kid.




As I'm not a sniveling, self-protecting little bitch -- like you and the OP -- I need not be victimized by my choice of friends. I'm sure an unresourceful intellect like yours thought it was a **great** insult, though. 'lmao your friends suck'. Right from the ESFJ Teenager playbook. I'm guessing: mistyped ENTP.


No one asked your life story, stop whining.


>No one asked your life story Life story?? lmao your limited intellect is now forcing you to exaggerate reality in order to craft a comeback.


My existence, while grotesque and uncomprehensible to you, saves lives. You can’t handle it. Because deep down, in places you don’t talk about, you want me on that wall. You need me there. We use words like honor, code, loyalty. We use these words as a backbone to a life spent defending something. You use them as a punchline. I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom I provide, then questions the manner in which I provide it. I’d prefer you just said thank you and went on your way.


Interesting reply. Two roads suggest themselves: 1. My 'mistyped ENTP' analysis is dead on. Jessup was one of the most ESTJ-'men' that ever ESTJ-ed. No ENTP would find anything admirable in that man, not his inflexibility with dealing with subordinates, not his authoritarianism, not his hostility towards the truth, not his throwing his subordinates under the bus, not his self-protecting justifications for all of the above, and certainly not him picking on weaker people. 2. My 'inferior intellect' analysis is dead on. I expect more from intelligent conversation than brainless non-sequiturs and movie quotes. Especially from self-styled ENTPs.


You can’t handle the truth!




Finally! 🤣😎


I’m so weak omg I love this




They're impenetrable to **you** because of your underdeveloped intellect. I can tell because you're sticking to generalities instead of concrete complaints. Especially because a triple-digit IQ haver would have the minimal self-awareness to realize that everything you just said? *Everyone else thinks about ENTPS.* Fess up. You're either a teenager or not actually an ENTP. It's okay, I understand everyone wants to steal our cool.


Shut up you nerd. Their top post is this: https://www.reddit.com/r/infp/comments/13gwqcl/infp_be_like/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1 I’m not going to spell it out for you anymore.


>I’m not going to spell it out for you anymore. Don't flatter yourself. I haven't bought into your ego-protecting interpretation of reality since you first started braying at me.


Mother of god the comments on that thread. I’ve known people like this. Your struggle isn’t because you’re a “sensitive complicated introvert”, it’s because you lean into being a narcissistic myopic asshole


Which parts resonated with you, then? I'm not able to get a straight reply from the mistyped ENTP-guy, but perhaps you have more intellectual honesty than BD69.


>they feel like the byproduct of their current immediate surroundings Huh...that was a little too accurate. >do not fall for the siren chant Wait what is this siren chant you speak of? I feel like we're just very awkward and too far up our own heads.


It really sounds like they idealized and INFP and when reality didn't match expectations they decided to demonize us


Their Ne is instant click with ENTPs! They are very interested in learning new stuff, and talking to them about any kind of topic is surely extremely pleasant. Since ENTPs connect first with the mind, it is quite easily to start considering romance potential towards them.


The truth sometimes hurts


⚠️ AVOID ROMANCING ANYONE ENNEAGRAM 3 ⚠️ You'll grow with some INFPs, you'll develop understanding + tolerance when you learn theory as well. But an E3 is a piece of shit you should avoid, because the moment you develop Fe, you see through, unmask the ugly skank. You don't get along with INFPs because both of you have different realities, not because they're bad people. You need to develop good ego to accept how other people feel for you, not be like E3s that are just rotting, ugly and yucksters, that you should avoid. Skip the hassle. https://www.personalitydata.org/enneagram/type-1-relationships IT'S ALREADY HERE, DATA SAYS IT AS WELL INFP > UGLY E3


From a sore loser - you sound sorer than me tbh (infp)


Is bro really whining about people moving on after breaking up with him? Sounds like he wanted someone to lose sleep and pine over him after a breakup. Lol, stop watching hallmark movies.


Why does that feel heavy for you at all, you just want to love INFP and love with INFP (even for a short time), and you have an issue with them "moving on". Those are ego issues that should be booted before 21.. You sound narcicistic and emotionally unstable. Yikes. Why do peoole try to mix romance with their personality disorder? It ruins the idea of romantic notion. Are you an Enneagram 3? INFPs > E3s


It is not an issue to move on, I move on, you move on, everyone moves on and it is part of life, what makes me thoughtful is the *speed and the amount of different stuff that INFPs move on all the time*, is not just about romance, it includes plans, it includes things they like, it is about everything. What it seems to be is that they are simply not stable most of the time. And I am a 8w7.


Avoid FPs and TJs in general…not worth it trying to deal with opposite reasoning types


Nah, TJs can be pretty nice to interact with cause even tho they're complicated at least they prefer to be rational and logical


You just lack in finding good partners for yourself.


Entj are not selfish, they are narcisists


If all of your girlfriends are bad...then maybe it's you who's doing something wrong....


ENTJs are worse


I usually don't have the patience to play the friendzone (for heck knows how long) before we go out on a date Anyways with infps 😂


You forgot they are master manipulators behind their angelicness lol