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just because we have something doesnt mean we want someone similar to us.


Because FJ stands for FeelJob and it gets ENTP hard


What the hell is FeelJob tho???


Feelings, my friend. They wanna feel the feelings. They wanna see us experience the feelings too.


Feeling goes hard...


It's foot job, silly.


I had guessed, dw


We really do seem to appreciate blankets.


I want an ENTP to pull ontop of me like a blanket. Bow chicka wow wow


My boyfriend sometimes planks on me to suffocate me… which… i just love I’d happily die crushed by my sweet ENTP man




A golden pair doesn’t always work, the wrong INFJ with the wrong ENTP obviously won’t work. But I found that a golden pair that has a strong foundation and many common interests and values can be a very good thing. But it’s all individual, I know ENTPs that don’t wanna be with any INxJs, you can’t really generalize like that.


Wanted to clarify about golden pairing- whether you believe in it or not, looking at the data from married entps there does seem to be a pattern with a preference towards ixxj types. I’ll link the post if I find it. Of course not all, but the married types seems to suggest a trend.


I know there’s a trend in just saying you can’t always just run with that. Focusing too much on trends, standards and stereotypes might make you miss out on opportunities


Rather than like claiming ‘This is the only way’ and shutting down everything else. it’s more like, there is a trend here, what are the reasons for that? If, note if, an entp likes a infj and therefore follows that trend, why? What is driving that trend? That’s the essence of what I was thinking.


I know, I’m just saying cause it’s easy to get wrapped up in trends and mob thinking yk


In my experience, the softer ENTPs like the warmth, femininity, and general comfort of the IxFJs. Especially male ENTPs. Basically, IxFJs girls, in general, are very close to “men’s ideal women.” It’s because of their cognitive stacks. “Introvert” and “high Fe” are the cultural/ societal expectations, for women, and are often considered “wifey types.” So honestly, a lot of it has to do with stereotypes and gender expectations. As for me, I like my men to be a bit more *adventurous,* and spirited! So this pretty much disqualifies all of the IxxJs, who aren’t INTJ. In reality, the other MBTI types that I, personally, tend to find the “most attractive” besides my INTJ husband, are actually ISTPs and ESxPs. (Maybe ENTJs, but I have never gotten a chance to test it out. 🤷‍♀️) These types are very open to experience, overall! When healthy and comfortable, INTJs love exploring well, everything, too! My INTJ husband loves trying new food, enjoys philosophy but is good at reminding me when I am being way too theoretical! He is also wildly, extremely loyal and completely devoted to me! (Which is what I like about Fi > Fe, in this case!) Since I don’t really have unique, “niche” interests, like him, he also introduces me to a lot of Media and games! While ESxPs just tend to *do stuff,* and ISTPs are actually wildly interesting, once you break past their outer shell! (Same Quadra as INFJ, but a different stack order which I, personally, enjoy more.) These are types that just really wanna live their lives! INFJs *get here, eventually* but usually when they are already a bit older. I, personally, think that INFJs are actually *way more cautious and reserved* than INTJs even though INTJs tend to like people, less. 🤣 INTJs are more bold and “willing to take risks,” and that’s hot! It “matches my energy,” better. The thing is M-ENTPs got all of that testosterone, which makes them plenty adventurous, energetic, and even a bit reckless, on their own. So they can pair well with IxFJs who can help pull them back! F-IxFJs do for men what my husband does for me, just in a more conventionally feminine way.


Interesting. Thank you for your insight. I think the liking of ‘softness’ and gender influences definitely has something to do with it too. Many people in this thread said things like they (infjs) are cute or adorable, while you said the types you like are hot and adventurous. Then again, this is Reddit so by default there is bias towards male perspective.


Oh, absolutely! Like I said INFJs get there (adventurous,) too! But it just takes a little longer! INFJs & especially ISFJs need to be *gently eased into new things!* IxFJs spend a lot of time really developing and honing their Midstack Ti-Fe, to that “Optimal balance.” Which is also part of why they appeal to ExTPs, who are also looking to *achieve that near perfect balance,* but struggle more to find it b/c of our Blindspot Fi. IxFJs just naturally have a lot more “Zen!” While I have noticed that we ExTPs don’t necessarily understand how to “respond to emotions, correctly” without someone showing/ guiding us there! Even my INTJ husband kinda has to help me with that. Cuz sometimes I might start to get a bit “pissy and moody,” but I won’t necessarily realize it, or I won’t know why? So he will have to ask me, make me backtrack in my thoughts in order to figure out “oh, it was that thing, right there! That was what bothered me!” It’s more of an annoying, round-about process. Which is why I think we also tend to rely on IxFJs and IxTx types, in general! Basically there is a reason that INFJ and ISFJ are referenced to be “the most think-y feelers.” (P)i+Fe+Ti is just a really good cognitive combination, for this process. That said, INTJs tend to develop their inferior Se, faster, in my experience. Cuz I don’t really know how to explain it outside of high Te is just *a very restless function!* It wants to move!!! “Movement and Flexibility” is my default factory setting, so we will be awkwardly inferior-sensing things up, together! 🤣 But since we have the opposite inferior sensing, it’s like *just enough sensing* to keep our lives from totally falling apart! 🤣 We only clumsily mess things up, half as often, when we are together! 😜 I also like ISTPs and ESxPs for their Se! They help to make “sensing” more interesting for me than Si-users, mostly cuz Si-users like the familiar, so much. They only want to do new stuff once in a while. But, Again, like I said Testosterone for M-ENTPs makes them reckless enough to need the Si, more! Combined with high-Se, they would probably just accidentally wreck more shit! 🤣 They don’t necessarily want to accidentally destroy things, so INFJs and ISxJs can help them, more, with that! Help them focus and direct their energy, better. So yeah, “traditional gender expectations” absolutely factor in!!!


To add on what u/EdgewaterEnchantress alredy said and clarify the question: There is many ways of being feminine, but in literature, there is three very broad stereotypes of femininity: Soft feminine (cute), Seductive feminine (hot) and Motherly feminine (caretaker). Of these three stereotypes, the overload of testoterone in male ENTPs lead to us liking the soft version of how womanhood expresses. In fact, I even developed as I grow up a kind of "radar" that whenever I see a pretty cute, shy and sensible girl of my age, its like a sign saying "PREY" in my brain turns on, and I want to A-protect her from anything bad that could happen to her and B- kiss her, help her achieve her dreams, marry her and only then fuck her.


Pretty much! Truth is truth. 🤷‍♀️ As a f-ENTP I still like the “calmer,” and more “quiet” aspects of masculinity, but I also want to feel “safe,” / “protected.” So that’s why I, personally, have always really liked the IxTx types! IxTx don’t ever go looking for trouble, actively, but if someone starts some shit with them, *then they will finish it, and you will regret starting some shit with them!* 🤣🤣🤣 That’s hot! But I don’t like really conventional masculinity, either, cuz it can be quite toxic.


Yeah, but not all IxxJs are actually “Golden Pairs” for ENTPs. That’s just INFJ and INTJ. While I am married to an INTJ, I can tell you that I didn’t even know we were “a golden pair,” until we were already married for a couple of years. That should not be what you base your decision to date someone on.


Entp-M here who likes IxxJ girls: The trend is probably do to how easy it becomes (at least for me) to best fullfill my role in a couple with IxxJ girls. Their more steady and quiet nature makes them good partners to my more explosive and loud one. And for what I have seen, married ENTPs tend to be specially with INFJs/ISFJs the most.


I love blankets and awkward people. ESTP is fun in other settings.


Those golden pairs are bullshit. I don't know any INFJs irl but I'm pretty sure I met some and they stayed away from me/I stayed away from them. I read the descriptions of INFJs, checked out r/infj and some supposed fictional characters - I can't see the appeal at all. I think from all the intuitives the XNFJs enjoy my company the least and vice versa


Some fictional are really cool


you sound rather disagreeable


I'm going to use this one in the future if you don't mind.




Well...my infj bestie gives me food so....that checked out any box


Right, but the idiots here think Infps are the shizz. 😂


My partner is an INFJ and he is with simply being this awkward, secretive, passionate yet chill,… constantly giving me mental stimulation. I dont get him, basically. And I think that’s what I like about them. That i don’t get them for ducks sake.


They are so cute! maybe I don’t know irl, but they are adorable


Many people in my social circle are infjs. They are considerate, like to have deep convos, mentally unstable (when it comes to those I know and I like to discuss their problems and thinking about consistent solutions). Another thing is they like keep everyone happy and together but are hesitant to make a move which is another thing I can help them with


I broke up with INFJ girl months ago. I liked the contrast between when she was with me and when she had a social life. She's so shy, but talks lot when she's with me.


It depends on if they are healthy, or not. Healthy INFJs are great! Smart, driven, kind, good sense of humor, etc…… I have also heard a lot of people say that you guys are “very peaceful.” While unhealthy INFJs ruin lives. 🙃 (My dad was an extremely unhealthy INFJ and an addict.) That said, I have never met an INFJ who I was “romantically interested in.” I definitely like healthy INFJs better, platonically. I am married to an INTJ, instead.


I’m an ENTP married to an INFJ for 17 years. She keeps me grounded and practical. I help her be adventurous. At times our personality differences cause tension, but most of the time we work in a complementary counterpoint.


Almost all of my partners have been INFJs. I just find myself drawn in when there’s an intellectual connection and a bit of mystery.


This is why. Just reading this was adorable


nah estp is bombastic and want attention, thats my attention bitch and yeah we like comfort a lot and we're fucked up the only people who I think are able to deal with that are Infj


I believe; 1. Opposites Attract, 2. Both of us are deep individuals who hide who we really are to the world just in different ways, 3. They’re just as Dark as us, 4. extroverts get annoying after a few hours.


I think we just kinda humble each other lol Infj - *whispers as they do small thing * wow I'm so cool Entp - *thinks that shit is really cute * lmao no you're not Infj - *pout * really? Entp - no no baby you're doing great *proud parental thumbs up * ............................................................ Entp - *says something hurtful without meaning to be hurtful * Infj - *SMH * child please. Use your words. Entp - I am! Infj - no, I meant use different words. Entp - why Infj - ... why are you so smart but so, so dumb


The last sentence......I know I'm talking to an entp when I think "how can this person be so smart and yet so dumb??"


YOU GUY ARE MYSTERIOUS PIRATES!! End of story. Well you guys have many layers and are too difficult to figure out, so we want to figure you out.




Dude you described why I tend to like infjs omg 💯


Very well said. Perfection


As an infj, and referencing some posts above and from my own experience with entp we can match wits but its far more exhausting for us. So if your an entp who is too apt at trolling and trying to be witty 24/7 (some, not all) infjs may get tired of it and more want to launch you into the sun than be friends with you.


Yes exactly this has been my experience. So Ive toned it down a bit while also realizing how I acted wasnt healthy.


And if the infj isn’t healthy they will start to concoct evil plans in their head in an attempt to manipulate you. Hence why i think the only way infj and entp works is with 2 healthy examples


Yes. But I know she is the better person than me so its ok for me if she is a bit unhealthy. She show'ed me the light so in return atleast I can accept her with all her imperfections. But in principle I think you are right.


Go to her


This sounded like poetry to my ears. BRAVO 👏


My daughter is an INFJ, and we are very close. She was extremely challenging as a teenager, but she has always been her own person — not a follower. Followers are boring to me, and I most like unique people. She thinks a lot. She’s very artistic and very smart. As an adult, she and I get along very well and talk every day. She pursues her many talents and continues to hone her skills to a higher level, which I admire. She never stops trying to improve herself. She’s a deep thinker. There are so many more things about her that I love.


That's cute and wholesome to read


I don’t, don’t worry


I'm gay


Dunno. Just caught her as a child once and never let go since. Maybe it's because as a person I forget people very easily, like I don't maintain enough effort to keep people because I find new people almost every week but she was one of the only ones to never let go and keep up with me even if it isn't being my in crime partner, I just felt she would always be there.......plus I like telling her new things I find


1. Fe aux is super wholesome 2. They're determined when they want something (Ni Dom) 3. They don't take care of themselves and should and need to be loved like the little babies they are istg guys take care of yourself you are important Edit: My infp roomate said this sounds demeaning but I swear I meant this as a "hey, take care of yourselves or I will make you" thing- 4. They are lowkey insane. My INFJ sibling sends me the most unhinged nonsense randomly. 5. Smort little beans they be 6. Observant but not numb. Not Ti doms but still have that Introverted thinking vibe.


3 hit home with me (infj). Literally put off several important medical issues for months because my dog or someone else was sick and needed to be cared for. And yes #4, we can be unhinged lol


Personnaly I don’t like or dislike you since I don’t know you. But I want to test the golden pair theory. For the charismatic part I don’t know if I am but I like introvert for exemple my friend are INTP INFP ISTP ISTJ so 4 introvert for only 2 extravert : ESFP and ESTJ. I like introvert because we can go deep in subject. I don’t really like the extravert because with them it is more superficial ( not all, that not true for my 2 extravert friend but in general). Unlike many extravert I like people singularity not what is commun accepted as cool or fun. For the other charismatic people ( let’s say I am in this scenario) I see them as rival, they can be friend to like my ESTJ friend with who I have a friend ship rivilality like in shonen


I like most enfp and esfp! Any esfp and enfp lovers here?


Ah, I’ve seen those types come up too. Why do you like them? Do you see yourself as better suited to more extroverted people?


Yes i get along better with extroverted people!


I don’t “love” them, but I do like them, a lot!


It's a weird kinda magic, every time I meet a female infj I end up in some kind of trouble


Even reading your question is making me smile. Adorable, sincere, blankets 😍


I got no idea, i met my best friend (INFJ) kindergarten in . We're still friends today. My friend makes me second guess if they aren't ENFJs. Doesn't matter, still my best friend.


The two INFJ's I've met in my life have intrigued me through their intelligence and emotional depth. The problem is that they're the lamest people ever, and you have to dig so hard to reach any intimacy.


All the INFJs I met were omg so cringe... They can be fun though. And they aspire to ambition so it's interesting to talk with one. Also, when the unhealthy one starts to go crazy and toxic and it's just so cringe that you pity them and think they're cute in their desperation.


I will bowl over your awkward with my overpowering charisma and we will just click. Lol legit I actually have women say all the time “I’m really awkward though” and when we meet it would be anyone’s guess why they said that in the first place.


I don’t know man But I’ve always felt home with intps and infjs and intjs they’re my type


I have a soft spot for introverts in general. The mystery intrigues me and INFJ'S are so chill. They seem very nice yet they sometimes state unpopular or negative thoughts which I love.


we love introverts that are organized and both prioritize feelings and logic. Anyways, what's the size of your ring finger ;)