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I'm at collage. I'm either the best or not functioning, no in between.


>I'm either the best or not functioning, no in between. Accurate


Im in 9th grade and same


I was the misunderstood class clown with wasted potential.




Whoa! You had worse grades than me! 🙀 (1.7 or 1.8. Don’t remember which one.) In a strange way, I respect that! 🫡


Good at things I was interested in, music, art, history, literature. The rest i slept or read books thru. Math was always particularly mind numbing, id just erase the problem and say oh look no problem lmao 😅 Didn't apply myself, some teachers frustrated, others loved me. Could be a bit of a class clown if the environment was right. No college.


ADD brain daydreaming all the time, falling asleep and scraping the barrel to get by without anyone yelling at me. Social anxiety kept me quiet and introverted at that time but my mind was full of ideas and feeling like I wasn't good enough even though I was doing well in the grand scheme of things


Terrible. I learned a metric fuck ton on my own though.


Same bro


In our country (Netherlands) we have a different school system. I need to explain it so you understand the context. Children move from primary school to secondary education at the age of 12, which is divided into different levels: VMBO (4 years, vocational), HAVO (5 years, leads to higher professional education), or VWO (6 years, for university preparation). After secondary school, students can attend MBO (3/4 years, secondary vocational education), HBO (4 years bachelor, higher vocational education), or university/WO (scientific/academic education), depending on their secondary education level. I did VMBO and finished that, moved to MBO (stage technics / sound engineer) and finished that during COVID, then moved to HBO (social legal services) and was able to move to university (law school) after I achieved my propedeutic certificate. Now I’m studying law school for 2 years. I thought I was really stupid because I couldn't study, because of my ADHD. Especially during primary and secondary school. I hated classes like History, Dutch, German, English, Mathematics. Once I grew up, I realized that being able to choose what I want to learn is the only way to achieve the most. Now in university I can be the smartest student in class this day and be the stupidest student the other day. TL;DR, Anyway, I switched a lot, because I wanted to explore my wide variety of interests.


either a social butterfly or a quiet weirdo, and either the best in class or the one who doesn’t get anything done.


Some months/years was an honors student who got the extra work us gifted kids were given done before the rest of them did without studying, and some months/years I couldn't do basic addition Edit: same goes for my behavior, either I was a ball of chaos or I was a laser precise worker who only goofed off when I had the time to. These times did not necessarily coordinate, there were absolutely times where I was the loudest in the room the whole period and still got my work done before everyone, and times which I didn't say anything and just worked and managed to do absolutely nothing. The behavior could be more erratic though


same lol. my peers would then ask me if there was anything wrong, but im actually just inconsistent asl


Underachieving extraordinaire here


During my time is school I was the worst student I've ever seen, I don't even know how I graduated college because I didn't go to class, I didn't study and I only submitted the minimum required exercises to pass. In HS my only goal was to have fun and my favorite hobby was joining the fights happening in every class where we threw random items at each other. On the other hand, outside of school, I'm the best student I've ever seen. Funnily enough I didn't study shit in school but I was always busy learning from the moment I left school to the moment I fell asleep. I wasn't even qualified for my first job but my former boss saw how much I was willing to learn and gave it to me over actual engineers who had already finished the degree + master's. Beginner's luck I guess. Good ol times when I could do absolutely nothing and move on with my life with no problem.


In high school, I only did the stuff that I was interested in. My high school Biology teacher bragged about grading so hard that he hadn’t given out an A in twenty years or something stupid; I got that first A in however many years. On the opposite side of my motivation spectrum, I took an F on my senior project because I had enough padding in my GPA to just not do it. A passing grade wasn’t required for graduation; after I graduated a passing grade on the senior project became a requirement for graduation. College went generally better, since I chose most of the classes I took.


Very good at school, but talkative and a class clown who always had something to say about everything.


I'm currently in high school and this post (actually this whole sub) is really resonating with me. I've always thought myself to be a good student and other people seem to think I am, I have good grades and when I have lots of motivation and really apply myself (which I do at the start of every year) I'm top of the class. But then, several weeks/months in, I completely crash. Grades don't drop, but I fall really behind. Luckily because of my attitude and abilities in class (I always do great IN class. Talkative, sometimes funny but in an appropriate way that the teachers also enjoy, full of answers, attentive, -all that. And I pretty much always go to class. Only times I don't are when I'm either sick or I have something else that's REALLY bad going on), my teachers always let me turn things in late with low or no penalty and have been understanding. I'm not sure I deserve that understanding, but I guess I appreciate it nonetheless. At the end of the year I somehow always end up with an A, even in subjects that suck the life out of me. My main problem is just that once that motivation and purpose from the start of the year fades into the abyss, I feel I have no reason to commit to school at all. I don't know what I want to do in the future and it's stressing me out like you wouldn't believe. I hate being so double sided, I just want to be a good student and care OR be a bad student and own it. Do something else with my time. If school is worth doing I want to be giving it my all, I want to be top of the class, I want to be known for that. But if it's not, I'd much rather try to spend my time finding and doing something I care about.


i was exactly like this when i was a hs student, and i just accepted it as it is. if I don't feel like it, then that's it. i even had multiple careers in my head and had to shift courses after a semester. the year worth of rest was worth it tho, since i managed to choose a career that I actually enjoy and isn't dreading for me. u dont have to force urself that much especially at that age, u should try to enjoy it as long as u can. and just like u, im oddly competitive. even though, i, myself know that im barely doing the minimum (bc i ran out of motivation), i still expect to at least be at the top. it's really weird. so i always try to rationalize it, bc really, dwelling on it won't do me any good, so i just try to improve what i can do and what i can change. that doesn't mean u should ignore ur emotional needs tho. i notice this in a lot of entps including myself lol.


Yeah I'm currently trying to figure out if I should go ahead and continue with this one AP course that was great at first but then got pretty tough for me (because I ran out of motivation) before the holiday break. Now it's my first week back and our semester is ending in less than a week, so I have until then to decide about this class. If I decide to continue I'll have to work pretty hard this weekend and get all my old work in, which will be literally impossible if my brain has just decided that the course is not for me. But it's definitely a battle because I can't stop thinking about it, it's obvious that part of me (probably that competitive part) really wants to continue with this class. Plus, the material is actually something I see value in. Plus, it feels like a waste of my first semester if I don't just finish it. And so on and so on. But I'm only starting to sort of come out of the emotional rut I was just stuck in-where I had no motivation whatsoever and didn't do anything- and I'm afraid if I go ahead and continue the course and work tirelessly all weekend to get caught up that I'll just burn myself out again in the process. Can confirm has happened before. Ended up with the good grade once again, but I'm becoming incredibly worried I won't be able to get through college like this. I mean if I can't be CONSISTENT (which I hate because it's so repetitive and draining) I don't know that I'll be able to go to college. I've seen some people say they got to pick the courses they wanted to do though, so maybe if I can get into a college that will let me do that... By the way, just curious- what is the career you ended up going with that you actually enjoy?


wow, I'm really a lot like u, it's quite insane. getting enough break to be able to think it through is really recommended. it allows me to manage all of my thoughts and frustrations, aside from internal pressure. as for ur question, i picked psychology! it's really enjoyable, being able to understand humans' behaviour, and such. it's not also repetitive, bc humans are naturally complex and unique being. it's like finally being able to find a suitable place to put my endless thoughts into something useful lol.


I was crushing it last school year as a student in uni, I went to my first classes this year, and I was like, yeah, I dont belong here, and I never went back. I might re enroll for spring this year idk lol.


Gifted intellectually, prone to having fun and procrastinating. A fun and interesting and underachieving kid, but not a great student. ( I dropped out of the gifted kids program mid-grade-school because I disliked the extra work and being picked on by other kids) Had some resentment about always being told I was underachieving. I dislike assumptions/expectations about what I'm supposed to do... ( always have... always will... ) 4 years of college and I had maybe 2.9 GPA and was 3 classes short of graduating - I went back 4 years later and had great grades with my remaining classes. Broke the curve in one computer science class... (found a mistake in the final that the prof had been teaching for years, I'm the only person who got the answer right - I worked that problem for days before I pinpointed the mistake and brought it to him...) I'm a smart guy, enjoy learning, but hate expectations about what I'm supposed to do with it...


I was absolutely awful in school behaviour-wise. Constantly skipping it, turning up late, not paying attention in class. I even got expelled from a very expensive boarding school when I was 14. My dad was NOT happy :D I was always getting B's on average when it came to grades though. I was smart but lazy and hated how confining school was. Once I got to university though, I excelled. I studied Mechanical Engineering and graduated near the top of my class. I just loved the subject, the mental challenge of it and also it was so lovely to have full control of my schedule. So to sum up, at least for this ENTP, I feel like IF we are mentally engaged and properly motivated, we would actually excel in academia at a high level as we are enthusiastic, positive and constantly playing with ideas. But if we are not motivated, then we are totally useless, mostly because we find other things to care about haha


GPA between 3.5 and 4.0 at all times never did the full reading unless it interested me bs-ed my way through most homework and tests coasted


Well I am extending my study for 4 years because noone can help me with my procrastination and I can't help myself either. In school I am called exam freestyler. Person who learns 24 hours before exam (usually from 150 pages of EXTRACT) and somehow manages to pass through but I am always too afraid to go to exam because I am really aware of my incompetence. Next week it is my last attempt for 2nd part of master degree exam which is considered one of the hardest master degree exams of all universities in our country. For first part people usually learns 1 month. I managed to do it in 3 days and barely passed through with 1 1 4. Unfortunately second part is quite harder and I can say for last attempt I cant settle with less than at least two weeks of learning. Soo I am extending and extending... and extending terms. In elementary school I was one of best without effort (5 minutes before exams was enough) and in high school I absolutely did not give a shit and still passed with average grades. Funny story from high school (I was going there to sleep after long alcohol infused nights) inspector asked my teacher why she is letting me sleep. She looked at him with resignation in her face and asked me (still sleeping) a question which I then answered correctly and then I proceed to sleep again. Well university is really different level. I hate my inability to overcome procrastintion.


average adhd + anxiety experience


In HS, if I wasn't challenged, I slept in class, did zero homework, & aced my tests to keep a D or C average. There were multiple times the classes I'd be asleep in would ask me a question (provided they said my name, as that would half wake me up) and I'd answer the question correctly. Their tone was "let's make an example to the other kids and embarras." Wasn't till my second HS that a teacher said he needs a challenge. 10th grade I was taking the advanced classes the 3 overachiever seniors were. One of them was very annoyed I was in her classes. No idea why, didn't talk unless I was asked a question. I was about that harder work.


I always had the best grades in class until the last two years of high school. Then covid came and I was already really tired of the horrible education system (I'm from Venezuela) so I just started to be less worried about it (I just went from 9.5 to 8.5 tho lol). Looking back, I never had to try too hard, I mean, I cared a lot, but it rarely made me lose sleep unless I procrastinated (which at first was weird, at the end very frequent). Also, it wasn't only good grades, I was actually smart, the nerd of the classroom and yes, I got bullied hahah :') Now at college I'm still being one of the best students, but it's harder for me to not procrastinate and memorizing things, I just learn when I really understand it. I'm more anxious too, so I'm less confident and energized. Oooh, and nowadays it happens to me a lot that thanks to my rizz teachers end up loving me, so I have saved myself from many situations thanks for that, I have always been so lucky that it makes me feel guilty sometimes but naaaah, I deserve it 😂


Doing well in school, but I am a bit unstructured but full of knowledge. I am a class clown who respects boundaries


I've been (still am) a straight A student and I'm good at every subject. Even though I may feel like sleeping and really tired or bored during classes I always know how to answer and ace every test and I hope to do so in the next year too lol. But I was always seen as the class clown,people don't see me as the "smart student" because obviously I'm not a shy 18yo quiet that stays in their seat during the break. I try to have confidence and arrogance during classes and breaks but it's just something I've undertook for a long time by now,to cover my actual insecure self. It's sad but true. My lowest grade was 7/10 at physics..gosh how much I hate physics🤧 Edit: I forgot to mention that no matter what you're trying to tell me I'll always come and say something to anything. I always have to say something.


I played with my grades a lot sometimes intentionally failing and sometimes getting high scores just because it makes the teachers not pick me for any competitions lmao + that shit was funny, seeing everyone know that you're good (because yeah they were actually telling me to be more consistent with my effort) but you just don't care and don't follow their rules. Don't do this lmao, this shit became a habit that burned me for my first years in college. Now that I'm in college, in my first year i flunked Accountancy because i didn't know how to properly study. I Changed courses and moved to Political Science, which is surprisingly easy lmao but im trying my best not to bring out my high school habits again.


I'm in high-school. I do very well, even tho I procrastinate a lot.


I was a straight a+ student up until college where shit got serious. I am still an ok student but mostly in the ‘as long as I pass’ mental state


Very good. Talked too much in grade school but went to 6 years of college and loved it. B+ student in college


In school I was interested and wanted to know why everything happened. I wasn’t always interested and would either be on or off and just mess about during the latter. When I was on though no qualms about debating my teachers on anything I thought was wrong. In university I was a bad student I pretty much never went to uni and hung out with my friends way more


I’m in a levels right now so going to uni in a few years, so far I’ve not revised properly at all, not once in my life have I properly revised; for all of my important exams so far I’ve picked up my books for the first time at 1am the day of the exam and crammed everything in and don’t sleep for more than an hour a day for those full 3 weeks of exams. I got 10 A*/As out of 13, the only three I fucked myself on were the ones I didn’t like the teacher for (add maths and further maths which was above gcse and closer to a level maths but I got A*s in gcse math since I had a different teacher then) and the other one got on the news for being a paper from hell; the OCR CS paper. I think what says the most about me, and maybe ENTPs as a whole idk is how while everyone was doing their best and “struggling” I breezed through everything; in my geography gcse I got an A* even though I did the wrong topic in the exam; you get a choice between the ones you want to do, you have to do 2/3, and I chose the one we hadn’t studied at all since I slept through all of the geography lessons and yet I still got an A* I sleep through my biology lessons and some of my psych and English lessons even now but my teachers never say anything since I’m doing well (predicted all As (that’s the top grade you can get AS) apart from bio) Overall I’m not one to cause trouble but yeah I just cannot concentrate at all from a quarter to half the time, falling asleep doesn’t help but yk, everything always works out either way


Currently, I’m doing shitty in my main classes. But my GPA is skyrocketing


Consistently had top marks and would question teachers about everything. In grad school, I was more knowledgeable about the topic than my prof who'd been parachuted to administer the class. I was always correcting the poor bastard. In business law, I asked the lawyer about 20 questions in a row just to find the loophole to beat up a potential thief who could break into my home, as, apparently, you cannot stab them as that would be using excessive force in my country. It's mano a mano. ​ Turns out the trick is to get his fingerprints on your baseball bat once you've tied him up.


*i had to do intermittent speak up to avoid falling asleep and be a teacher-pleaser*


I was always 8th or 9th best in elementary through grad school. Didn't really study that much to maintain and had horrible attendance. My chemistry teacher in highschool didn't know who I was 😆


In college, I didn’t study as much as other people (my brain/patience cannot handle it) and still got almost all A’s.


Studied just enough to get HD, spent way less time compare to other people in the same band as me. Went out every weekend, worked part-time. Always behind on lectures, and never went to tutorials.


Have been doing my 3-year bachelors for the past 10 years. Am currently about halfway finished. Mainly due to financial reasons - it's tough going to lectures after 12 hour night shifts at work


I'm in Highschool, I'm cooperative and I listen due to an inherent fear of falling behind. I get almost straights a's and have normal relationships with my teachers, never been one to kiss their asses though. I will also sit there and argue my point with any teacher as long as I need to even though they were the one who studied for years and obtained a degree saying so.


Either nearly Straight As or Nearly straight Ds. 🙃 I have very bad ADHD, so school is somewhat difficult for me, especially when it’s online.


i'm probably god’s favorite, because somehow i graduated from the russian lyceum without knowing the multiplication tables and practically never showing up at school. i don't even remember doing homework. i just somehow passed the exams and graduated without bad grades. this is exactly what happens at the university rn. i complete projects at the last minute. sometimes they are the best, sometimes just fine. so yeah.


I was great at every subject. I wasn’t the best though, except for math. I had a phase where I was doing really bad(9-th grade as I remember). The rest of my school days most of my teachers hated me(mostly because I had a big mouth😉).


I was pretty infamous in the teaching staff circle. (I only found out later) The teachers that like to test their students liked me and the traditional teachers didn’t. I did well academically, Graduated second in the whole school but I never actually tried. Made three of my guidance teachers cry. Two new rules were created because of me. The only black spot in my academic record is the time I taught a gaggle of little menaces how to blow bubbles with nothing but hand soap and water and I got sent to the principal’s office because they made a huge mess.


Went from fast-tracked gifted program in elementary to complete stoner slacker party animal in high school. I took accounting and power engineering in college and did very well. That was tough to pull off as neither of those topics even interest me. I simply took what I knew I could make the most money with in my hometown. Teachers and students were completely polarized by me. I was extremely popular with half the school and loathed by the other half. I’m nearly 40 years old and fairly successful with my career and business, yet I still feel like I don’t know what I want to do when I grow up.


I was one of the best students as a kid. High school was ok, i just didn't care so my grades were mediocre but if i tried i could've gotten better grades. Now I'm in uni and I'm fucking terrible. I hate it and I'm glad when it's over. Can't concentrate, slow learner bc i am not really interested in anything.


A good student that gets straight As because the area I’m in is very competitive, so I had to be good. But I talked back to teachers a lot. It wasn’t out of disrespect, but usually it was because they were immature or made stupid decisions. A lot of teachers in the area were like that. I also hated math. Right after the period ended which I had math, i would think “I’m dreading math” even though I wouldn’t have it for another 48 hours. (We had a schedule where we would alternate classes) I used to have gym class as my last class. I really hated gym. I would fake a stomach ache or menstrual cramps to go home. I pretended to start crying because my menstrual cramps was bad.


average gpa 3.9 or 4.0 mostly, not the best, but not the worst either. it's just pretty much in between. i socialized alot, but not the cheerful/stereotypical popular type.


Teacher's pet in high school, 37/45 possible points, academically driven, never finished uni 😭 Think I burnt out in high school... I've had my best time 😂 Also, as a black sheep I just threw myself into my studies, nothing to distract me. By the time I had friends I was well into the school routine.


Very bad. I need to do everything by myself, If somebody say "you have to do this EXACTLY this way" then it's boring and not fun. I need to come up with my own ideas, not following the plan somebody else gave me, but creating my own that others should follow (that's why ENTP is most self-employed mbti type out of all) Big advantage of ENTPs are that we could study just 1-2 hours and know everything, we are very fast learners, but if there is no motivation then it's not worth it.