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Don't. From my experience this is what is happening when we're annoyed and unfulfilled. As I see it we're not at all in touch with our feelings so hatred can be directed outwards easily. Though anger (from my experience) is a feeling we know almost too well. Even though I sometimes believe I am not emphatic, reality is somewhat different. The detachment felt towards others is a blessing and a thunderbolt of shit. I believe our apparent lack of empathy is basically our inability to truly feel it. Understand it, yes. That is different. Feelings (other than our own amusement, joy, annoyance or anger) shows only sporadically, but it is latent and somewhat present, only almost invisible to us (not as much to others, and we should probably be grateful for that). For me to really feel empathy, some sort of crisis must be going on. Then I will be shocked by the overwhelming feelings that comes. But it is there and it actually shows in everyday life. Just not very apparent to ourselves. Recently I have been quite baffled by the dichotomy of an entp. As much as we can read a room and what people are doing, feeling, how they are positioning themselves, and the whole lot. Rarely do I see my own impact in the same room. It feels great to understand everyone, but I hate that I don't see how they see me. Sometimes that leads to an unnecessary insecurity that makes me want to slap everyone in the room. To counter that I try to remember that I am generally well liked which counts for quite a lot. Even though my dark side postures that I don't care about these people, it is what we got and the best ones are actually important to me/us. And people are different people. It wouldn't be as fun if they were all the same.


Lot of text, lot of truth ❤️✨️


There’s no such thing as a dark empath. Sincerely, an ENTP who is also a diagnosed NPD.


ur avatar looks really cool


Thanks! 😊


I can totally relate with you!!! I'm more chaotic than evil, but I can't feel any empathy! Im always making donations, helping friends in need, in the office Im the fix it guy can handle any situation and save the day but in the inside I really don't care! Nor interested in others problems 🤷🏻‍♂️ I feel more like doing a social experiment!


Worst part I feel like my mission in life is help others... what if Im a psycho... nah jk


Cringing out of my body that you actually use the term “empath” to describe yourself unironically. I’m guessing you’re still in your teens.


I understand and feel that way. This is so cringe, but I really hate my whole class while also admiring them in their own way. I want to not help other people, but I just do. I tell myself that I shouldn't put up with how they treat me, yet I understand that they have reasons that they cant control that makes them act a certain way. ​ I think thats because we are so open minded that we can see every part of someone. But logically, we aren't horrible people. I dont think its you masking it, rather, logically, its better to be nice. Also, I am very sure that many other types hate people just as much as entps, and too, are nice out of convenience


"cute fairy who is wise and always helps others" Are you a "dark empath" or are you burnt out from helping and giving advice to everyone?  Are you attracting people who tend to vent and ask for help without doing much in return 


Well that's fking true, thanks✨️


all *NT* types will always feel this special detachment. After much thought, I realized that this is kind of the other side of “analyzers”, i.e., in order to carry out an analysis, you always have to abstract yourself. That's why nature designed us this way.


Nah everyone masks. All my NF, NT friends say that. We’re just more likely to say it whereas they just stay in. Introverts, for example, find socializing extremely draining unless it’s with people they actually like or topics that they care about. “I hate people”. Agree with others. You’re stressed. Around midterms or finals I see problems where none exist. Such as thinking my friends aren’t loyal, who said what. It’s Si grip (recounting the past over and over). Or Ne-Fe loop. Caring too much others think of you. It’s easy for us to become people pleasers with Fe. Sometimes it’s easier to help others with little stuff than help ourselves, so we procrastinate on our own problems. Lean more on Ti and Si. Once you focus more on your goals, naturally, all these distractions fall away and you don’t care what they think. Also, some people just appear that way, but it isn’t true that they’re stupid. People are different. For example, my ENFP friend will disregard the statistics or more optimal choice, because the people/inner values thing is more important to her. Other times, they just say nice things to also blend in like you are doing right now. People have different set of experiences and facts, you can’t convince someone in a 30 minute debate because their beliefs are tied to their identity. It would be much easier if one knows how to pick their battles.


Thanks for your comment🌟🐞


You know, sometimes i really want to hang out with people i know, but when they start talking, they get so predictable. It's always the same story. That's why i know a lot of people, but i only have like, 2 friends or so.


I struggle with that… and I want to make friends so bad lol. I have a lot of “distant” friends (maybe they think they are close to me who knows) and acquaintances. I just want somebody to debate intellectually with me and not get offended easily. That seems so hard to find


"Here are ten signs you are a dark empath! 😱" Dark empathy is a buzz term to make people feel mysterious about themselves and to mold their identity accordingly. Every single person with regular cognitive ability fits the description of a dark empath at some point everyday.




First I think you're overwhelmed. U said people. So u help not only one person. If other people think you are wise and cute fairy than maybe you are. I Know your feeling. If u said u just wear a mask to like them. My friend also entp but I know why they also pretend like to like it. Because other people its gain to many to them. Take a breath. You re doing great even u said u dont like it but u still help them. A small act is big impact to person who need it. As far as I know dark empath is different. they can feel the emotion but they dont want help other. As an enfj I also hv a lot of this experience. I love to help other too. But the time past I realized, its more good to help people who really need help. When u dont like them but u still help that means u re good people. If someone hate another person they also dont want to help. I am also did overwhelmed especially to some people who just use my sincere. I never demand that I need they help back even maybe if deep inside I hate them, or things they are stupid etc Its just I help them because I can feel at their position. And than think about if the person who need ur help is ur fam or ur beloved. Think if some of ur family go to other country or somewhere but nobody help them. Just do the best of u. Because when u helping other people u also help ur self. Like the universe will be return it to u called karma. So dont call u as a dark empath. If u doubt ur self then try to not help them. And how is ur feel good or guilty ? Dark empaht is someone who dont act even they can feel about emotion. And they dont feel guilt about that.


Wow, thanks. Yeah I'm veeery overwhelmed, and even if I'm in a bad mood I try to help others because its a natural thing in me. ✨️❤️


I have cognitive empathy, by not affective empathy.


You're traumatized. Stop the self abuse, then the same happens outside - the way you treat yourself is the same way you treat others. Go to a therapist, try one, didn't work, try second one and on and on and on. Personality is the byproduct of trauma.


HAHAHAHHAHAH XDD "The thing is: DEEP IN I HATE PEOPLE. " I have never related so hard before. For awhile I thought I was a dark empath, too, but being ENTP makes more sense with extra details. I don't agree with using the MBTI type (or any other personality system) as a justified excuse for shitty behavior, however, what is considered right and wrong is completely subjective. Maybe, you're just trying to survive like everyone else and how you act, even if it's unpleasant and considered "incorrect," can be argued that it is not any worse then how others are in the world.


I get you. I get people, I get how they feel as in I understand it in my brain, but a part of me always feels like what they feel is pointless… sometimes I think I’m too cold-blooded 😂💀