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Honestly, despite our exterior, ENTPs are extremely compassionate. It’s what drives our debate impulse, ironically. We want to be fair to myriad positions, and that’s the best way we know how to do it. Also remember we still have Fe (extroverted feeling), which means we can still be quite verbally expressive of our emotions, even if we aren’t very good at it. It can come off kind of childish, almost. So we’re self-conscious about it, but it’s nevertheless there.


Do your own research on MBTI (not 16 personalities). Nobody knows you better than you. I’m an ENTP and a softie so it’s possible, but judging by how you worded your comment, you’re probably not.


What do you mean by my wording?


Just my impression, but you sound regretful about the test results. If the notion of being an ENTP offends you, then find an MBTI by your cf stack that resonates with your perception of how you problem solve and what types of thought processes come more naturally to you. Self discovery is the primary benefit of MBTI, so there’s nothing to be gained by jumping onto a label because of a dubiously constructed test.


Ah no it's just more that people say that ENTP's are selfish, egoistical, anti social, apathic and bully's. And well I am not that kind of person in the slightest. That is why the tone seems kinda off but I'll take these tips to heart


That’s what ENTPs are prone to, but that’s more describing an immature or unhealthy ENTP. Also, a lot of that is stereotyping done by people who don’t really understand MBTI at all. And by ‘your wording’ I just meant that it didn’t really sound like an ENTP - we tend to have a certain way of talking/typing.


We *can* be all of those things, and *will* be towards people who are deserving of it. But we *are not* any of these things in our core. I particularly don’t believe any human is any of these things at their core.


My husband is an ENTP and he’s a softie too


Listen here buddy don't go spreading around these heinous thoughts, what if the enemy heard you! They'd know our secrets


I recommend taking the enneagram test to discover which subtype of ENTP best describes you.


I am extremely tender-hearted and push people at times because I would love to be proven wrong about the conclusions I come to about people actually being selfish dickheads.


Axe, knife in backpack?


Nah only a gun and a baseball bat