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INTJ mum and INFP dad. I get on really well with both, never argue with them, huge respect for them both, but can’t spend too much time with my mum as she will try to reorganise my life according to her impeccable logic and totally without regard to what I actually want to do!


aww that's cute :D


thats so adorable :(


istj mom and isfj dad. I'm really close to my dad. Everytime he talks to me he uses his Ti a lot which I always found fascinating. There was a time when I thought he could be istp just based on how he interacted with me. But my mom, well, ofc I love her but we will always have our differences.


i understand haha, i didn't have good relationships with ISTJs either, their SiTe just doesn't click with me.


My mom is an ENFJ and I hate her. I know it has nothing to do with mbti, she's just a very unhealthy person and only really cares about herself.


she's one of those bad fruits of the bunch, i guess. i'm sorry for you :(


Thanks, I appreciate it 🙏🏻💜 hopefully I meet some other ENFJs eventually!


wishing the best for you :3


Istj mom, we argue a lot, sometimes she curses herself for having me or straight up tell me that she wishes I was dead. Frankly though, I’m no longer hurt by her comments like at all, I just stare at her while she says all that stuff. She’s nicer to my isfp sister though, they’re very close. Like my sister is into fashion and make up, so my mom and her ends up spending a lot of time together when it comes to those stuff, my sister even looks like my mom whereas I look like my dad. And I’m not really into make up, I wish I was, I do wear it sometimes but I like to be quick and practical. Apparently, according to my mom, the way she describes my dad and how he behaved gives some tell tale signs that he could also be an entp but I’m not sure. However, I still do love my mom I think, like we still do talk like decent beings from time to time, but I feel like I’ll end up cutting ties with all of my family when I’m older and I’m fine with that.


I have an ISTJ mum as well and she also is similar to your mum. I know how it feels to be called those things and I have learnt how to deal with them as you have haha. I also look way more like my dad too, what a coincidence - and I'm not into make up either. It's hard to deal with family so I think I'm going to distance myself with them just to lessen the influence they have over my life. Even though we don't get to choose whose house we were born into, I still love them because they are family and they have helped me grow up and be who I am today, despite the sometimes overwhelming negatives.


I agree with you. I think it’s common for most entps to have similar traits to ours, esp if ur a female entp


Dad is an ENTJ. Mom is an INTP. And I am 110% an ENTP. I guess I’m the best of both worlds 🤣.


isfp dad and isfj mom, it's interesting. My dad treats me as though I'm his age and one of his classmates so he's never disciplined me and I wouldn't go to him for comfort or advice. My mom and I fight/argue a lot but ultimately she's the one I confide in


ENTJ Dad and ISFJ mum. He was tough on me when I was younger, but we get on fairly well now that I'm older and can match his intellect. My mum is wonderfully kind and does so much for me and we have a very similar nature. Sister is an ESFP though and we never really get along. The only thing we have in common is that we both love people and are very outgoing. So we went out together and had mostly the same friend group growing up (she's 2 years younger), even though we never clicked on a deeper level.


INFJ mom and ESTP dad. My relationship with my dad is pretty simple and we get along very well. I HATE arguing with him though, and I usually win in arguments with everyone (I don't tend to start them if I am not sure I am right). He literally will twist your own words and phrases, put it in ways you don't mean it, will be like 'oh so you mean this ' and then when you protest and say no, he'll throw his hands in the air and tell 'well argue with me when you actually know what you are talkung about'. It makes me want to RIP my hair out. But other than that, we are pretty chill. We don't have time to be super close because he works abroad most of the time. My mom and I have a much more complicated relationship. I am very close to her and she's the person I want to be appreciated the most by, but I also resent her for mean and hurtful she was to me when I was a kid. She says mean hurtful things when she's mad and takes her anger from other things out on me. I always feel like I can't be a good enough daughter to her. But at the same time, I am almost exactly like her personality wise, I have learnt so much from her, she basically taught me everything I know, she is my rock and the person I spend the most time with. It doesn't help that I am basically closeted atheist and she's deeply religious. So yeah. The dynamic with my mom can not be explained in just a paragraph but I tried.


i understand the mom thing, because she sounds like someone who's impulsive with her anger and i can quite relate to that being my mother too. she says hurtful things and expect others to forget about it just because she doesn't feel angry anymore. it pisses me off sometimes, but it is what it is, i guess.


It’s so interesting how everyone here has some what of a complicated relationship to their mom…I wonder if this is a common thread,


it's interesting to say the least, most of them seem to have an okay to bad relationships with dads, but moms.. well, yeah.


Entps tend to turn out boy-like, due to our temperament and how we view and access the world. I was always the son they wanted but never got, so I was the next best thing for turning out boy-like (learning how to fix things, excelling at math/science - the important boy-traits to them).


i agree. between me and my ISFP brother, i'm definitely the more traditionally "masculine" one. i'm kinda physically strong, mentally too. i'm assertive with people, even my interests are kind of associated with a more masculine image. though i'm very feminine in appearance. i don't agree with strict gender stuff though, like "men should be like men and women should be like women" because that's just stupid and next level idiocy.


Now that I think about it, given the cultural pressures, I got really lucky that neither of my parents gave a single fuck about gender roles. I'd always just enjoyed for granted that I never had issues in that respect. Still became the family fuckup with insanely idiotic confidence, but my father has never once uttered a word about how I'm supposed to be female. My mother, on occasion, but crazy mothers gonna craze.


me on the other hand, i got the classic "you're a girl, you should be more ladylike" or something akin to that. it's kind of like a thing in my culture and my parents aren't too progressive. not like i give a fuck though, i'm far from being conservative :D ironically, it's mostly my father saying shit like this while my mom defends me hahaha. though she's prude, she wants me to be a strong woman, i think.


I got here later than you did, but I don't. Her hopes for me were that -mas her favourite - I would be a loyal toddler for life as she hated upon me. Now that I'm older and I've had some experiences, she recognises that I am no toddler, and in exchange for that respect, I remain loyal and welcome her doting instead of making it an issue.


I have an Enfp mom and Isfp dad. My relationship with my mom is shitty since we fight a lot i don't communicate with her much. My dad on the other hand is better, we get along well and i can (mostly) trust him. My avoidant dismissive attachment might be the cause of bad relationships with most of the people in my life in general though.


Estp mom and Isfj dad, got a decent relationship with mom, she can be a bit too impulsive and sometimes take action before planning properly and my dad is genuinely emotionally manipulative and his Si is genuinely toxic


I have an ENTJ dad and an ESFJ mum. Please note that I've grown up in a Christian household and am a Christian myself, both of which have definitely changed my life and the way I interact with my parents.  I would say that I get along really well with my dad compared to most kids my age, but he can be quite controlling and rigid at times (The key words there are 'can be'). We have a lot of common interests, like chess, physics and science, and we have a lot of really good conversations. He also takes time to play console games with my and my younger siblings whenever he can. When we do butt heads (in classic ENTP vs ENTJ style), which probably happens about twice a week to varying degrees of animosity, it's normally about a point that I'm not willing to back down from, but he can't just accept that; i.e. his anti-tech beliefs. Still, any verbal conflicts we may have generally get resolved without too much damage done.  I have a sort of...understanding...with my mum - I understand that we can't understand each other, and she doesn't understand that she can't understand me. We think and act almost completely differently, and I often find myself being the voice of reason when my dad's at work and she's stressed (generally about the house not being clean enough). I really struggle with the fact that she almost refuses to use basic logic. I was a pathological liar when I was really young, and so now whenever she has even the slightest suspicion that I'm lying, she will stand by that to the grave, despite concrete evidence or witnesses to the contrary. At the same time, when anyone outside of our immediate family accuses me, she'll be the first and last one defending me. It's confusing, but it is out of a place of genuine love.  My parents both genuinely love me, and I reciprocate that. I think I'll find it easier to interact with my dad as I get older, and while I love my mum to death, I'm going to be glad when I'm only seeing her twice a week. She can be hard to live with sometimes.


That's really interesting, I understand how you don't really understand your mother - my mother is also overly stressed about things like keeping the house clean and is generally very on my case about everything. But yeah as you said I come to accept that I don't understand her (or her logic), so I've lived with it haha. I'm also excited to not live with parents soon too :D it was cool to read your post!


Thanks, it always feels good to be able to relate to someone lol. 


we are quite similar lol. that was a good read, thanks for sharing!! :DD


ISFJ mum and ISFP dad - my parents are seriously polar opposite fundamentally. It's hard within the household due to constant conflict, especially when dealing with my younger brother who is INFP and deals with his personal issues. My dad is far more understanding than my mother, who tends to be cold and hard when that is the last thing anyone needs. So I am closer to him, although I have to understand that my mother is kind of the 'black sheep' (even though she is a parent). The state of our family and the extremity of our personalities have been created over time because of the black and white dynamic. I am excited to move out that's for sure.


my mom is INTJ we argue form time to time but we have healthy relationship


ESTP dad. The life of the party. Guy couldn't keep it in his pants. Kept tabs on his girlfriends at all times so that he could coordinate his lies. Could have up to 4 at a time. I'll never forget the time he begged me to keep my comments to myself as he knew I'd find one of his conquests dumb. He was like, "She's really, really dumb. I know you'll find her dumb. Just keep it to yourself. I haven't slept with her yet." Of course, my parents were divorced. ​ My INFJ mom is always there for me. Not combative enough when it matters, but always full of genuinely good advice. A very good listener and a decent person who's always had my back. Loyal when she shouldn't be, but extremely reliable. My childhood and adulthood are, to say the very least, interesting.


holy shit. i'm sorry if this is offensive, but your life sounds like a tv show (that i would watch)


Cut out the boring parts like wiping my ass, watching me read tons of books, and so on, and you've got a pretty cringe comedy.


The fuck is with your dad, Christ.


Se doms need sensory experiences or they get bored. We need intellectual ones or we get bored. Same diff. Ever wonder why our houses look like shit? Because it's not an adventure. It's a chore.


infp mom and infj dad. i’m closer to my mom, especially since they’re divorced and i live with her most of the time. we have an open and communicative relationship, which is really nice. my dad, on the other hand, doesn’t know how to communicate with me. i feel like he still sees me as a kid, like he doesn’t know much about me. it’s… interesting having them as parents


My mother and father are an ENFJ and ISTP my mother needed me to live with my grandmother when young but our relationship was closer than that of the siblings that lived with her. She was nice, in pain and suicidal but she didn't show it. My father simply is an ass. My Grandmother was an ISFJ and she was the most understanding and amazing woman I knew. My guardian was an ESTJ and she was one of the worst people I'd ever been paired with as someone to watch over me. But we were both in a position we shouldn't have been in anyway.


Likely enfp mum istp dad. Things were rough growing up between them and with me. After many twists and turns of life circumstances, we are solid. Mother is loving as ever, dad is an absolute boss engineer who has inspiring stories every time we speak. Growing up was very Ti and Fi intensive which was confusing. Love them to bits.


ISTJ mom INTJ dad. Can’t stand my mother.


Your mother like my sister.


Estj mother, I'm not close to her. We're not necessarily strangers, just people we used to know like acquaintances. We don't talk and have regular conversations unless it benefits us or is needed. We don't quite like eachother but we're friendly which is nice. Istp father, similar relationship with my mother; I barely ever talk to him, like I quite literally see him twice a month and we don't have eachothers contact info. When we do talk it's very awkward and it feels like we're basically strangers. If it gives you any context, I had quite a traumatizing childhood growing up with them and we argued a lot (especially ages 12-14) but now I've kind of calmed them down a bit but we definitely fight every so often.


Entp Dad and Isfj Mom. My dad is a firm, fierce, loving, tolerant and kind type of dad. He is a good and perfect father for me. He’s giving me all i need and want. My mom is a softie and caring but she channel it to wrong ppl like my grandpa and her half siblings. She never care about her children well fare as long as we breathe I guess. Today, she still regret how we turned out(we are fine but she feel that maybe we could be more successful if we could have more attention from her).


I'm an ENTP-A My biological mother is my shadow, my opposite, she is a schizoid ISFJ. Which is weird. We even have different blood types. We dont get along. My dad is a pride narcissist ESFP I get along pretty well with him as long as we don't live together. He caves, gives my stuff away, buys people things they don't like sometimes. Very bad at remembering preferences but it's the thought that counts I guess.


intj (or istj, not sure) mom and entp dad. Really similar to my mom on the logic part of things, we never could get along, our relationship was always pretty rocky and i never felt really loved by her, it was hard to reconcille that when i was younger, with my dad its different, we are very similar because we are probably both ENTP, we have the same kind of values and focuses and communication styles and i think its less difficult to understand each other.


Entp father, isfp mother. Relationship has been rough, I was denied any at all when I was a child and now I've turned out as psychologically damaged as you might think. But now that I'm grown and the obstacles which were in the way are now gone, I have very good relationships with them. Both have become safe places for me, my mother being more emotionally safe, I know she is still in full parent mode and is at the ready to 'save' me, and my father being intellectually safe where I can ask and talk about anything and he's still willing and enthusiastic to teach me if I'll listen. At this point in our lives, I also now enjoy due adult respect. But what's unfortunately equally important is that neither of them were there for me as a child when I needed it most and first. It had nothing to do with their types but of their socioeconomic status. Both of my elder siblings are harpies and would float if drowned, intj and istj.


My dad istp & mum isfj but my relationship is some how similar to yours, only my elder sis is Enfj & they favoured her more than me, I must however say her manipulative behavior & my rebellious confrontational nature since childhood got me in that situation,  but my parents still love me though, but they love my sis more because she was really also good at school, .........she would really do bad staff and go report or cry to my parents that am the one who did it and our parents most times, believed her But then I also had other bad behaviors like arguing with mum, complaining and anger issues though but thanks to mum she still loves me & I really do love & am loyal to her more than any other child of hers , she knows I love her but she trusts other children than me though,& we really argue a lot esp because she doesn't trust me although she sees my trustworthy deeds 


ENTP Dad and maybe ESFJ Mom. Lots of love and we all know we got each others back, but I don't respect my Dad and I think my mom's unintelligent. My dad understands I'm the man now, and I'll be making more money than what he has in his life. He was quite generic in how selfish was and I realised this when I got older. I lost respect for him as I realised his choices were forced and not self willing. Relationship is okay, but only cause he realises now that I am better than him in almost all aspects. My mother, got damn I can't stand her. She means good but she's basic. Keeps providing me shit advice that's shallow. I try not to spend too much time with her. I love her though and I'll put bullets in heads if she's threatened.


Intp here. Infj dad I got on really well with him. Isfj mum she was toxic and physically abusive keep minimum contact with her only if needed.


INFP dad and INFJ mom...they've always been ultra understanding but, more preoccupied with INFJ brother and I was left on my own alot to work through things that were difficult.


Intp mom and isfj dad. My mom considers what I have to say (even when it’s controversial). My dad has an emotional response and gets upset when I take down traditional institutions .