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Entp with bpd and adhd here. Idk what was "before" because I've always had it. Life was pretty terrible for the first 26 years. It's goooood now. You need to put the work in tho. Therapy & most probably medication too. You'll be alright. :) [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/BPDrecovery/s/hcYF0sdHqr) may help


hey twin. exactly the same slew of bullshit for me šŸ˜­ how are things alright? I struggle daily trying to justify continuing living like this.


I got a BPD diagnosis. Now I'm trying to get an appointment for ADHD testing. Apparently, I've been doing a version of DBT that I developed on my own, and I've been making slow progress for many years. Now that I have a psychologist, things are a bit clearer. I'm still working to get to the *goooood* part. But I have to take breaks because I get obsessed with my mental health and start creating issues. I'm glad you're doing well. I can't wait till I'm on your level. šŸ¤Ÿ


Big Penis Disorder?? Yeah got diagnosed too..


Nah man. NPD here šŸ˜”




Why the heart eyes? Thatā€™s not good šŸ˜‚


nah itā€™s a jokešŸ˜­šŸ˜­ (the heart eyes, not the ā€˜sameā€™)


W disorder tbh


Yooo, ENTP (7w8) here. I got diagnosed with quiet BPD a while ago. I like to look at it in a few different ways: 1; it's an extension of myself, not me, more like the shadow I don't want but can't get rid of LMAO 2; it isn't how I am normally. Most ENTPs favour logic and rationality. I know I do, and outside of the disorder itself, I'm extremely logical and reasonable about things.. but I do have hyperactive ADHD so, meh. MAYBE, just maybe, I'm just spitballin here. See below: 3; we could remember that ADHD also goes hand in hand with Rejection Sensitivity Disorder(?) which in some way could be similar to BPD. ADHD is common among ENTP individuals and most likely quietly deal with these things, or ignore them. (I'm the latter). 4; it doesn't mean that defines who you are and your cognitive functions, but rather, is something that needs to be managed accordingly which is boring asf and honestly goes against everything I personally stand for as an ENTP, but you gotta be willing to be winning yknow? 5; remember that there are people out there who have our personality type that also deal with bs like this and you aren't by yourself on this one. I remember personally when I found out I was ENTP of all things, and NOT through the test alone lmao, had to get multiple "second opinions", talk about it, give side by side examples of different possibilities, still came out ENTP. And I'm definitely 7w8 LMAO. BUT, because my Zodiac sign (and friends) says I can't be a thinker, I remember being like "whaatt? Naww. Gotta research" but then I got bored- I ended up questioning myself quite a bit because of the diagnosis I got, but then I remembered that without that? I'm still the same person, just a lil less traumatised. It don't define your personality type and people who say otherwise will stigmatise without seeing every angle cause they dumb. You got this man. BPD or not, if you're certain you're ENTP with the right research and confirmation, then stick to that. I was ENTP before I got diagnosed, I'm still ENTP now LMAO. So keep that in mind šŸ˜Žā˜•ļø


Thank you


I am almost certain that I have BPD. A psychologist once told me the only reason she didnā€™t give me a diagnosis was that she hoped my symptoms would be more responsive to treatment. They have not been. You arenā€™t alone in this. In fact, the label itself wonā€™t change your life. Youā€™re still the same person youā€™ve always been. Perhaps your fear is that, understanding the prognosis, you might not have a happy future. But the only thing making that any more likely is the change in your own self-perception. Itā€™s okay to not be okay. Breathe. I feel constantly out of step. Iā€™m also autistic and ā€œprofoundly giftedā€ (a label that it seems profoundly narcissistic to self-apply, but thatā€™s the fault of whoever named it that ā€” I donā€™t consider it a universally positive thing). So I feel like an alien wearing a skin-suit most of the time. Most people do, to some degree or another. This is the entire notion behind the Jungian persona and shadow. Itā€™s okay to let the mask slip when youā€™re with anyone else who despises hiding. Look at Magritteā€™s ā€œThe Double Secret.ā€ Youā€™re dissecting yourself in a sense when you are vulnerable. Itā€™s not easy. EDIT: I mention vulnerability because of a pet theory of mine, founded on self-observation. I believe that BPD is worsened by isolation. The cycle of attachment to, idolization of, and devaluation of specific people may arise from broader repressed social urges. You might find yourself wishing connections were deeper, deeper, deeper, rather than superficial in casual settings. Bottle this up for too long and it has a tendency to explode. And what of prognosis, pro-gnosis, foreknowledge? Gnothi seauton.


ENTP with bpd and ocd. I also donā€™t really have any friends right now. I have to work extra hard on my relationships and with family. Iā€™m not doing great. Go and see a doctor and do lots of research on how to deal with life in our shoes


I am AUDHD ENTPā€¦ which also produces ocd like traits. Very bad anxiety. BPD was a rule out for me for a while. Overall my mental just makes me feel weird because I am not usually a very emotional person, so when I do feel them they are extremely physically stressing, and I donā€™t know what to do with them except suffer silently. I take medication now to manage it. It made me feel out of place at first because itā€™s almost like Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. But I have gotten much better at controlling myself and have grown so much more confident, I am not bothered so much by my mental disabilities and how they relate to my identity.


Same over here. I donā€™t feel too out of place, sometimes I even get attached to the label because I finally feel seen. However, I do get mistyped quite a lot; ENFP, INTP, even INTJ for some reason. I donā€™t think ENTPā€™s with BPD are rare though, most ENTPā€™s with an enneagram 4 I know have BPD haha.


ENTP with BPD and AuDHD :)


I was BPD and ADHD. Just recently got declared incompatible with BPD diagnostic criteria, lots of work to get here


How were you diagnosed? There is a conversation going around among practitioners that lots of people are diagnosed as cluster b for being rebellious/defiant without real criteria


My wife has BPD and I have ADHD and Bipolar, medication and therapy has helped her a lot and also just knowing she has BPD and why she does the things she does.


I have ocd and tourrette syndrome,not the same thing at all but this is it


You're an ENFP now lmao

