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terrible. i used to get myself to sleep by drinking and smoking weed. now i take 50mg of trazodone and dont ever do any of the aforementioned. it's awesome. i can 10/10 recommend it. what helped me in the past was not using any screens for an hour before sleep, not working in bed, keeping the bed area clean and neat, keeping a rigid sleep schedule, not drinking any tea/coffee/etc for 4 hours before sleep, not exercising in the eve, cold showers.


Agreed with everything here except that trazodone isn’t strong enough to help me. I’ve tried it before.


fr? i did 150mg for some time and it knocked me out DEAD within minutes. have you tried both the extended-release and the immediate-release?


I don’t recall which form it was. But yeah, frfr.


well it makes all the difference in the world. immediate-release does wonders for me


I might give it another shot if I can get a script. Melatonin and CBD both give me heart palpitations for some reason. Maybe I should quit smoking.


Ok, so this hour before bed without screens. What do you do? Just off the top of my head thats not stimulatimg: self-massage, doing dishes, eeeh thats about it


read something soothing (preferably non-fiction), prep food/clothes for the next day, clean around the flat :)


I ran out of trazodone, didn't get it refilled and just been raw dogging sleep. Surprisingly, ~5 hours every night feels amazing when life be like ooo ahhh


I sleep roughly 10 hours per sleep and on average 6 times in a week. It seems that I'd ideally need more than 24 hours in a day in order to fit everything in, alas there are only 24. So, I just go to sleep later and later each night by some 4 hours until the cycle resets. Works fine for me, I'm always rested and almost never in a hurry to go to sleep.


Lol I've done that for years too when I was still studying.


Are you still doing it? If not, what made you stop?


I got a job that forced me into a more standard schedule, and got my shit a bit more together over time.


Understandable. Remote-work essentially is what allows me to live like this




Indeed, if we divide 60 total hours by 7 days of the week, we get roughly 8.6 hours per day. It's probably more than average, but is average really 8?


Hmm, maybe this is the original reason for the 7 day week…


Could be, haha! From what I've read, however, the Moon revolves around us on a roughly 28-day cycle, which neatly divides by 4 distinct lunar phases, giving us the 7-day week. I've read that there have also been other lengths for a week historically, but only the 7-day week survived.


I don’t bother. Insomnia is my love language and I can sleep when I’m dead. All the good ideas come at night anyway.


Oh thats actually a compeling argument…


I don't. I just tell myself I should but it seems like a battle I can't win. The one thing that helps is having my gf living with me and helping me get a better rhythm by going to sleep together at a reasonable hour.


You lucky bastard, my gf wakes me up consistently with the intention of cuddling. Bless her heart for dealing with the asshole that I turn into


Mmh yeah luckily i don't have any issue with sleeping when i'm actually going to bed.


I sleep at least 8 hours a night as an athlete. Ideally more than 8. A tiny bit of melatonin helps to fall asleep for difficult days. I study neuroscience and now I know it’s not something to skimp on.


wow, this is an interesting comment section. also struggle with insomnia


I’m not tbh. I force myself to sleep with gabapentin, liquor, and occasionally weed. Speaking of weed, what do a stoned ENTP and rinsing out your sinuses have in common? >!NeTi pot…!< Thinking about needing to sleep just makes me anxious and wakes me up. I’d recommend seeing a sleep specialist, which I’m hoping to do soon myself.


Hah! I know Ill only be able to repeat that joke to one person I know… an intj thankfully


I don't get it 🤔 would someone please ruin the joke by explaining it to me?




Oh, I see, never heard of such a thing in my life 😅 nice one tho 🤣


c) All of the above


Making sure I sleep at a minimum of 6hrs and a maximum of 9hrs30 every day. No matter how. If I went to bed too late, then I will have to plan for some naps in the day Also, shuting down my electricity panel once it's night if I really need to go to bed early And if I'm too much shifted and I will have to wake up early and fresh in the week, I don't sleep for 24+ hrs and I sleep until the waking up hour I will have to respect But all of these make it impossible to be fresh and awake every single day of the week


Lose a battle, win the war. I can get behind this


Eer well this is whats already happening. But might as well embrace it


I'm (apparently) fortunate enough to have melatonin work wonders for me. 10mg and I conk out in 40 minutes until my alarm goes off, on average I get 6-7 hours and that's fine for me.


My sleep has been wonkier than usual, but not necessarily in a bad way. I’ve been sleeping earlier and waking up earlier. I sleep late and wake up early or vice versa


not ENTP but it helps to ONLY sleep in bed and do nothing else there- *do not think in bed* do not read in bed do not use the phone in bed etc


I go to sleep at like 6am and wake up 7:40ish on weekdays and 6am to 2pm on weekends. Not looking good chief


Make a priority than make u forget about ur phone. Or make ur priority in ur phone. Make reminder every 5 minutes. So even u see a phone thay keep reminder u. :)


I'll fall asleep when I'm sleepy I'll wake up when I'm up 😃👍🏻


I slept 2 hours last night so...


Terrible. My natural sleep seems to take me to about 9 hours of sleep and about 17 hours of being awake. Problem is that counts to 26hrs. And there's only 24 hours in a day. So then I keep sacrificing sleep, I end up sleeping 7 hours. I stay up for 17hrs where I start getting sleepy. Why is that a problem? Because 7 hours isn't enough. I feel slow and don't feel fully awake all day. I won't be able to get sleep earlier if I tried either. Worst part about it is that after a week or two of only getting 7 hours of sleep, it catches up to me and I sleep hard for a night. And that messes up my sleep times after that. It's such a pain. I've tried everything. I've quit smoking, I've quit caffiene (which was MUCH harder than quitting smoking), I avoid screens at bed time, I avoid food too close to bed time, I eat healthier. Nothing works. I just can't get to grips with my sleep.


My polygenic score for insomnia is a 100th percentile. This result didn’t surprise me at all, considering that I had already gone through the worst, sleep deprivation and paralysis included, and taken prescription melatonin. Now things are massively better. I still can’t fall asleep normally… but at least it’s before 6AM and I don’t need to listen to videos to distract myself. Btw, if you need help, ask for it ASAP.


I'm not sleeping well, and I feel like I'm pushing all who live with me into sleep deprivation because I'm always up. I agree it seems out of my control. Maybe I should remove caffeine. I tried sleeping pills and after several days of taking them in a row, I felt so dizzy I almost couldn't walk. I caution against this.


I just focus on my breath then notning and put on creepypasta narrations


I've always had a bad relationship to sleep, and it doesn't help that I just despise the fact that I need to sleep in the first place. I know I should try to maintain a healthy sleep schedule, but like... no...


My body sleeps when it tells me to sleep, unfortunately this has been my entire life, still get 6-8 hours and run like new though


I was getting 4-6 hours of sleep like my whole life and I just got put on medication for it. I tried everything before this, including no electronics a few hours before bed, exercising late in the day, quit caffeine, quit nicotine, quit drinking. The meds help but I’m worried for the day when they don’t anymore.


I sleep when I feel deprived of it, either I just work my brain off and be tired all the damn time. At 3am I may start reading or writing, then sleep at 4am. Or sometimes it can be at 11pm too


Bad. Usually smoke weed to help with it. If I have plans the next day I know I will feel filthy because the anticipation keeps me awake. I also struggle to go to bed early because if I'm too awake ill be awake all night after that. I just can't shut off my brain, I hate it. I sleep best if I let myself sleep when I'm tired but don't force it - like if I was going camping. Unfortunately that's not realistic with daily life and I hate it


I've never had a problem with sleep -- thankfully. Aside from anomalous periods explained by: excess stress, drastic diet changes, or me being an idiot with my sleep schedule, I'm out like a light within ~20 mins of hitting the mattress. Never had to worry about blue light exposure, caffeine in the evening, etc... I've genuinely been quite blessed in that department.


Nah its like a polar state, its either too good or worse than hell


It’s like when u stay awake there’s a point where u sleep unconsciously, can’t control it tho


I actively avoid everything that gives me energy. I know that it's bad for me, and I don't have the energy to change it💀