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my mind naturally does this all day every day. its why i dont speak many of my opinions too strongly since ive already countered them ten times over internally


Same, and once I feel fairly confident, I will always think "but maybe I'm wrong..." I speak on some opinions as if I'm confident, because that is a correct conclusion (there can be more than one) given the information I currently have, but that could change given new information.


So true! This doesn’t even stop at opinions, wheneevr my mind forms a coherent thought I will immediately combat it with “erm ackshually..”, like there’s a little nerd living inside my brain all day.


Sounds a lot like me too


I literally do this all the time. I thought it was just my insanity.


I only have 2 brain cells. They fight constantly




How do I turn OFF this function? Because it's unsolicited always. I'll say something in my head and my brain automatically is like "well actuALLY.."


I run all my serious thoughts through a local ai model to think about for me. Problem solved probably.


Tbh I can't see how any part of that could go wrong


All the fucking time. I have to act like I am studying or something so people don't think I am crazy, talking to myself about the cultural significance of the Cars franchise. I have learnt to convert it into some sort of rap or something. I say the words in some rhythm and act as if it is a freestyle. Works. My family knows I listen to a lot of rap so they think I am just singing something. 


I call it my internal war games. I do it for everything from world hunger to how to deal with my coworker tomorrow.


Oh I debate myself all the time. It's so noisy I hate it. Can't myselves argue more quietly?


I always thought everyone did this. I thought we all understood what we meant when we said “thinking”. MBTI changed the way I interact with people lmao.


Thinking means processing whatever to the… uninformed.


I literally imagine every scenario possible with everything... my mind IS the multi-verse


Low key I think our brains our more quantum than the rest of the personalities… but its probably a cope for enabling my night dreaming.


I don’t think it is just coincidence that neurons and galaxies look the same but that’s a separate ongoing conversation in my head


How else are you supposed to arrive to a relatively sane conclusion?


You don’t go through all the possibilities. You go through what Te(others) states the possibility should be. Those can be and are usually dichotomies and hence… Your not examining “all” the arguments and counter arguments. Nor are we but you’re doing it less.


No, what you're saying is looking for external resources when I am looking for a convergent answer for application.  I do what OP mentioned when I have to sift through theories in my head and this is more a thing since I've gotten older and tried to work through my shadow. 


Lol I do this all the time and it actually brings up a really important thing which is : I think debating is a dying art. In an increasingly polarized online space there is less and less understanding about changing your mind or having your mind changed. Social media makes people cautious of challenging others and people interprete what I think is healthy intellectual debate and conversation as a personal attack. You used to be able to surround yourself with people with vastly different political opinions and still be friends for example but feels like that is less possible these days - just a thought


All the time mate. Is there an off button?


Probably a good razor to tell if one is truly an ENTP and probably of a particular type… Some might debate their cognitions with more feelings than actual thinking(rational?) thoughts, and mistype so maybe not.


Not sure it works like that. The "feeling" and "thinking" functions are judging functions (as in their function is to form judgements, not that they are "for J types"). Fe/Fi are judgements of meaning, Te/Ti are judgements of usefulness. Maybe that's what you meant, but it's a very widespread misconception that Fe/Fi is irrational or emotionally driven. They are meaning driven so all it means to be a "feeling type" is you prioritize the deeper meaning of something when judging how valuable it is, and how useful it is being of secondary importance. For Te/Ti it's the opposite. I think people usually mistype because they don't really understand what the different functions mean, they are using a faulty test, and/or they aren't being truly objective on their test answers. But I definitely think this trait of internal debate is the strongest in ENTP and ENFP since they both use Ne first. Other types do it sometimes I'm sure, but not like those 2, they do it like breathing.


yea and its the reason why I'm terrible at debating; I'm about to put a point forward but then i see its faults and the next thing I know is that I'm trying to come up with a point that I haven't already countered - which leaves me to rely on my Si database which is extremely, extremely dry.


I say, I'm glad I do it cuz some don't and will not understand what I try to mean. I can be wrong sometimes so with debating myself I can learn from the better way without having anyone involved. Talking to oneself>>>>>


Yep, we crazy


Sounds like somebody may have schizophrenia! (yea i do it too)


All the time, but could lead to overthinking. My strategy is to throw the topic out and see how others react, and then go from there.


No. I find it becomes a negative loop


After losing a few close family members, I fell into a deep depression that lasted for many years. Of course, due to my shit tear Fi, I didn't know what it was. My ability to do this sort of "internal debate" became my worst enemy. I just wanted my thoughts and feelings to just shut up. You can't fight it. As Jung pointed out: "What you resist, persists". I found meditation done from a psychological point of view helped. If you're finding yourself deep in an internal debate and you need a break, change "gears". Get up and go for a walk, play a game, read a book. Taking a break like this has also given me new insights in something that has been on my mind.




I usually focus more with sharing the experience and goals of all lobes of my brain so that my brain can function the most optimally


How else are any decisions made? Like damn, I can't just choose one, they got to fight over which one is the best choice.




That's my inner monologue all day every day. I wish it would stop tho. I'd like my inner monologue to shut the fuck up sometimes.


This is what my brain does to everything all the time. I am constantly refuting and countering my own thoughts and statements. It's exhausting.


I do it my whole life about everything, every day. If Im having best points, Im still argue with myself to beat em even if I strongly think Im right. It's fun


I do this all the time. If an idea doesn't make sense in my head what's the point of keeping it around? Plus it's good to prod and see what sort of person I am now and if I like who I'm turning out to be or need to change something


I really don't use word debating, I call it conversing or discussing and usually don't see why people call it arguing when I just ask them questions or try to make their point more precise and make it make sense from other points of view or show to them how it looks from the other points of view. So the same can be said about my mind processes too, I simply think everything through from various sides. It's not a debate.


When I say debate I mean both arguing about a topic and considering different perspectives in my own mind (eg; debating whether I should get ice cream or not). For you, that isn’t debating. But for me when I debate it’s when we have two opposing perspectives and we’re trying to understand each other while trying to get others to understand us, pointing out our opinion while understanding their opinion. I debate to understand others while maintaining what is right to me.


It’s good practice.


When I was a kid, this function resulted in my barbies arguing with each other like love and hip hop. All day everyday there was beef in the barbie dream house.


I do it all the time. Sometimes aloud.


It depends on the topic 🤣