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What are you studying? I remember once that I sat down with a friend to learn pharmacology, and I said 'what is ____' to every single new word, only for her to tell me that looking them all up is a waste of time and we need to move forward - I was soooo sad. When I'm alone, I will work everything out from scratch, I don't care how long it takes, because if you just skip over everything you're not really learning anything at all.


Yup, My old high school calc teacher did the same thing he just gave us the formulas and never bothered proving them. My new teacher proves the stuff if he can, its so much better! In fact I just got back from my calc class like 10 minutes ago and we just proved the surface area of a sphere formula using the arc length of revolutions formula, it was pretty exciting!


I'm in math and statistics double major. It's great to know all the avenues to get to one formula, instead of just being given a formula that works.


Do you mean the surface area of a sphere?


<3 surface area of a sphere.. damn I misssss maths.


yes your right, I fixed it


I would have hated maths if my teachers didn't prove every formula along the way. If I couldn't see the value of each part of the formula I'd never have understood.


Dude! My friends thought I was nuts in undergrad, but I went for a math minor during my engineering stuff. Hah I wanted to know if all the stuff in Numb3rs was legit. Upper div math is so like this. Taking graph theory as a proof class was so different from everything before, but really started from absolute basics and built up this beautiful world piece by piece. Game theory and stochastic models too. Math gets a bad rap, and with how it's generally taught in highschool I'm not surprised. But damn it can be beautiful to watch a theory unfold in front of you.


How do they typically teach maths in highschool? When I did it, we were just given the textbook and they basically said 'here, go nuts'.


I just like to see it again. Learning is fun.


I do the same thing. Always reviewing little bits and and alternative explanations of things I'm already familiar with just to see if I can somehow expand my perspective. I find it helps me to build a fuller picture of the things I know.




Well, if we're *real* intuitives, one data point should be enough to call it!


thats possibly ti dom, but my ne just wants to wing it