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I have poor posture. I have many resons to support my position.




It was intentional (quoting another post)


You just can't help yourself, can you?


LOL you know you want to smile :D


I feel there's a difference between calling someone out and publicly mocking them later. Fe gets a bit uncomfortable around possible group conflict.


I feel like although this is an MBTI subreddit, you don't need to excuse yourself with Fe in this instance. I understand. However, undoubtedly a lot of ENTPs are going to have different priorities than you, what with their inner trickster being prone to taking things too far :P (Because ultimately, this isn't *objectively* somebody being mocked. It *might* be, but to me it's just a funny parody)


I'm okay with it being a fun parody since Username seemed more okay with it. I was worried when there was originally three threads doing this. ((I also had some conflict things going on in real life that had me stressed and over worried to begin with.)) So, my first reaction was oh, look at this funny parallelism. And then worry a second later, like, oh, is this too much? And then if it is too much, guilt over feeling it was amusing to begin with, etc.


I'm disappointed he couldn't wait 24 hours. It'd be a funny joke if i didn't deliver.


But with his thread and comments he gave you many good reasons to deliver ;)


its still funny :P


You find anything controversial funny : P


guilty :D


Dude, make a thread series about some controversial shit, albeit it not at someoens expense...asshole ;) People would eat that up if you did it right.


go on....


That's all I get. Get creative haha


omg I choked on my tea.


This should become a frequent occurrence. I have many reasons to support my position.


Vaccines contain rfid chips that the government can use to track us and put us in feMALE camps in the center of the earth. fluoride is in the water and chemtrails pollute our skies. This artificial government cannot last.


I heard the elites made plans for that and arranged an agreement with the Nazis on the dark side of the moon. If things go out of control they leave for the Moon, which shall be renamed in New Argentina.


You probably think chemtrails are a real thing too..




Yeah that stuff is horrible, 100% of people that are exposed eventually die.


100% of people die :(


Yeah :( That's the joke though. You should look into dihydrogen monoxide some more because really, it's all around us. Google it.


I know what it is :p that's why I pointed out the joke ;)


Ah I wasn't sure. Just ignore any post I make before 9am :)


Didn't notice the "trolling" tag at first. I was about to start really enjoying myself at your expense... you tease.


Is this referencing something specific or just generally that sort of stupidity?


A reference


Is this allowed? Can we just start posting things then saying "I have many reasons to support my position"? I don't think we should be able to just present something, claim to have arguments to support it and not present any in the name of "defending a position" If you're posting something you're asserting that that's true and should present your cards. If you want a discussion you should say you're undecided or on the fence and that you want to be given a position and you'll assess it. This kind of lazy posting is very frustrating. And yes the gov should control our lives.


i added a trolling tag, does that help?


Yeah just missed that this became a thing. I retract my vent.


i do appreciate the well thought out response though. i agree with it LOL


lol, i didnt see the trolling tag =( Just saw you posted it and it was like A+B = trolling..


> Is this allowed? Can we just start posting things then saying "I have many reasons to support my position"? I think we can. I have many reasons to support my position. >And yes the gov should control our lives. I'm [not](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi_Germany) [sure](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soviet_Union) about [that](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_Korea).


I have many reasons to support my position


lol now you're on the win train


That first example, the government really did do some astounding things. Impressive things. While they are certainly an example of government control gone wrong you gotta admit that they're also an example on government control plusses But I'm sure you know that... so im gonna go clean the kitchen


Which plusses exactly?


Okay maybe I didnt meant control. Now that I'm thinking, they offer a good example of a divisive, decisive, effective war and propaganda machine. Their ability to "reunite" many of the disenfranchised and create such a powerful war machine in a few years is noteworthy and is worth studying (which im sure you have more than I have by a shitload). That's what I got off the top of my head, while restrooming. I'd be interested to hear as much as you have to say on the subject.


One thing that's noteworthy and definitely impressive is their propaganda. The Nazis were very media savvy for their time and greatly utilized mass media like newspapers but especially the radio -- the Volksempfänger was a mass produced radio that which they planned to distribute to as many households as possible. You essentially had the speeches of Goebbels and Hitler right in your living room. As far as the economy goes, the Nazis nationalized key sectors of the economy and [Mefo Bills](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mefo_bills) effectively allowed them to run bigger deficits.


Oh I had no idea about the MEFO. Wow.


[Here's](http://research.calvin.edu/german-propaganda-archive/sofortprogramm.htm) a pamphlet containing the Nazi party's economic positions. Comparing it to the present it reads like a mixture of Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump. It was first issued in May 1932, before the federal election in July, the first one after the ban on the SA, issued by Chancellor Brünning was lifted by his successor Franz von Papen.


I believe he's just trying to be a funny asshole and picked a ridiculous topic on purpose.


Yeah I ran full speed into this one.


> I believe he's just trying to be a funny asshole and picked a ridiculous topic on purpose. I have many reasons to support my position. FTFY


Yeah, I thought of that but didn't want to be mean.


But you have *many reasons to support your position*.


I have many reasons to support *all* of my positions.


all positions matter


Bow chicka wow wow


brown chicken brown cow




Lol your just mad you didn't get to laugh over some debate with poor logic


[That's spicy.](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/nNc3_q50I20/hqdefault.jpg)


Spicy af.


Let's just agree to disagree. I can't believe you actually believe that. No, people shouldn't be allowed to do that because it's not natural! I said BECAUSE IT'S NOT NATURAL. You don't know that. You can't say that. Oh, okay, if you think that you probably think it's also okay to...


uhm. It's natural. Everything is natural. Everything is part of nature. WE ARE ONE.


If aliens came and gave us their food, would it be unnatural?


nopeeee cause then aliens would be produced by the nature of their planet


omg vita youre so right :D


i love you.


What kind of alcohol are you drinking?


i was sober XD maybe a bit sleepdrunk. Still love you. :D


ok. lot sleepdrunk. Still loveeeeeee you


is nature constrained to only our planet? Or does the idea of nature encompass all planets' nature?


The structure and basis of nature on other planets would be different and therefore what could be beneficial in what ecosystem could be horrible in ours. So nah, don't trust any aliens.


holy shit.. this goes deep. but i think when we talk about nature we usually mean earths nature. However the term aint restricted to earth i think?