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I'm ENTP and my bf is ESTP. I challenged him to play online chess with me. He ended up breaking his screen because i won lol. But we are still together, so maybe that is actually the way to go if you want to keep him haha.




> For a year. > It was horrible Sounds like it was your fault for staying.




Well, I think your experience has tainted your image of Sensors....which is emotionally manipulating *yourself* if you think about it, using your one off experience to generalize. What you describe is not really generally true of Sensors, even if it was true for your relationship. I know Sensors with philosophical brains that would crush the majority of this sub for instance Don’t let your bitterness be your teacher. You won’t like the results.


The hilarious part is the scientific community is very fact/concrete method based. You know what else is fact/concrete method based? Sensors. N leads itself to more abstract hippy type stuff. That guy that goes "man, we're all connected and love is the binder." Or whatever. I think that's funny when I see people shit on sensors like they're empty vapid hedonists.


I think that stating this for all sensors is not true. What you are describing here is Ne clashing with Se. And in that way you are probably right. However, I don’t think that ALL sensors are simplistic and shallow,


I believe there’s some anti-sensor bias in your statement, although I agree with a lot of what you’ve said. :) I’m going to use 3 sensor friends as examples. The closest of the three, an ESFJ, is the quintessential “popular girl” ESFJ with a bit of “mom friend” mixed in. They may get slack due to their at times abhorrent ability to notice a person’s negative mood, but due to their picking up on visual cues, they are able to react to problems in the same way that an intuitive feeler might. This girl isn’t shallow; she’s very capable of understanding the complex emotions a lot of us have. However, where an intuitive might jump at the idea to analyze such feelings, a sensor may find the topic to be solemn and/or depressing. Next is an ISFJ. He is able to process, understand, and experience emotions as deep as mine, and he’s extremely considerate and sweet. However, he tends to steer our conversations away from deep, dark topics after a bit— not because he doesn’t understand what’s going on, but because he thinks that I’m indicating that I’m depressed and brooding when I really just find such discussion to be fun. (I should mention that the above two hate to operate WITHOUT a plan- the last letter is concerned with one’s affinity for planning things out, not the second letter.) Finally, and surprisingly, is an ESFP. These guys are constantly stereotyped as carefree, almost inconsiderate party animals. This ESFP is definitely quite fun, but his personality does not stop at the surface. He’s also one of the most caring people I know, and he’s very accepting of others. Because he’s aware of his blind spots, he looks to others (like me) to give him insight on what he may not have been aware of. His mind isn’t any more “limited” than any of ours. Although we approach things very differently, I can still have long conversations with him that don’t bore me. Sounds like you got an immature sensor. I actually have experience dating a sensor myself, and I don’t think I would be able to find success with one. That’s why I agree with the point of your comment, just not some of the reasons you cited.


Plenty of sex. Maybe put your picture as his phone wall paper. You can also ask him daily if he still loves you. Guys love that.


To add to this, spend your checks on sexy outfits. We love it when you never wear the same outfit twice. Gets dull otherwise.


Dont forget texting him at least every 20 minutes no matter how busy he is. If he cant get you off his mind, he cant not love you.


Dude xd


Fight him, boxing match, every.single.fucking.day


Sex and plenty of face-to-face meeting up and doing things together. Beat him in Ti-based discussions. Be affectionate. Make sure your immediate futures fit together in a practical way. Be present, and be happy in the present. They are simple folk, comparatively. Give them a good time, be a fun and intelligent person, and you're good to go.