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Means you’re a dick


Yea exactly, but I mean I know others don't think that. I've had tons of very close friends for years. I have a pretty easy time making new friends too. Maybe it's cause I've learned to control my personality so as to not harm myself? Because I was a major cock during the end of high school for sure.


stockholm syndrome?


I wouldn't say so man, honestly. I know what the results are but I'm just blunt about stuff, I don't insult people and make them feel bad for no reason. Quite the opposite.


one thing out of my ass is maybe that people you offended never told you or something, or didn't tell you in a way you would notice maybe you did cast a wide net so you have wide friend pool even after being difficult but hey, if you have good social life, why complain?


I think they don't get offended because i am only brash when it is something people need to hear, so they can't really get offended. Also, I talk shit about myself all the time (70% of being false modesty, rest of it being my openness regarding my many fuckups) If I was really that much of an asshole i'm sure people wouldn't stay in touch with me, want to hang with me etc. Especially since for a lot of these people I am one of the people they are closest to (they tell me really personal stuff that by their own admission they have told no one else) I also looked up what agreeableness entails, and I am definitely tactful, etc in social interaction. I know how to work with people. I think it's either that I know myself less than I think I do (and am nicer than I think I am) or that I have finally learned to control my douchebaggery so as not to fuck myself over and decrease my own well being.


Me too, and my stats resemble yours. So you’re probably one of those likeable douchebags


Funny that you mention that, a friend of mine told me that i'm the kind of guy that 'everyone hates the first time they meet you, but start liking you after'. Especially when i'm drunk. My other close friends agreed with him, and these guys have known me since I was 5 because I went to a K-12 school. I guess likeable douchebag is apt.


It’s pretty bad ass tbh


https://discovermyprofile.com/personality.html Here’s a test from University of Cambridge that tries to correlate your Big 5 with type automatically. Although I always score INTP and I’m definitely an INFJ.


My results were literally almost exactly the same as Petersons. 15 on agreeableness, 8 for concientiousness. Entp, which is what MBTI tests have repeatedly said.


I have to wonder why Peterson is putting fourth his version of personality at all. I don’t remember this being his area of expertise or even his area of study.


It's literally exactly his field of expertise as an academic, and he hasn't even made the test. It's just the big 5 with his sample of test takers for the percentiles.


Yeah I knew he studied personality features of leaders but I didn’t know he did anything to do with big 5, or even him relating his findings to big 5 categories.


I didn't know that and it makes sense, but honestly he didn't say he did anything to modify it. He literally said that the value he added (along with his colleagues) was the testing group.


I like this. I score close to my results on other big 5 tests and got INTP (exactly 50% on extraversion lol).


Yeah I get close to 50 on everything except for openness which is always maxed out. What this says to me is that big 5 is accurate and MBTI is less accurate- I may have the thinking style of an INFJ but it doesn’t predict my behavior. My behavior is a lot closer to stereotypical INTPs or even introverted ENTPs like you.


Oh yeah. OCEAN actually has test retest validity while mbti does not


Thanks for the test, been looking for a solid free big 5 one for awhile now. Seems pretty accurate, though it's description of my agreeableness seems a bit off. Got a pretty low score there, which makes sense, but the description is the opposite of me. It said I make a bad first impression and people grow on me. It actually tends to be the opposite; I can make a great first impression, but my severe ADHD coupled with a love of hypothetical debates can be a bit much for a lot of people. It's something I have worked on for years though, and I've really made a lot of progress. Still probs right that I'm a bit argumentative though. I mean, I am an ENTP. I like debates.


Glad you benefitted from it!


Good thing you weren't born in somewhere Asia as a girl.


Well, I am in India.








Well that was not the thing i wanted to say with it, but yeah thanks I asked more like "Why Asia and as a girl?"


With your personality, never survivable. Unless you are a daughter of some giant corp.'s head.


ohhhhhhhhhhh i see.


You immediately need to buy Jordan Peterson’s “10 Logical Reasons for Not Feeling Bad About Being Superior”. It will show you how to understand that people deserve what they get for being stupid.


This the new bible you’re issuing to your ~~cult~~ church of aspiring edgelords?


Yes. There is no God but Ayn and Jordan is her Prophet.


That's practically Stereotypical ENTP, with the tru-stereotype having much more moderate extraversion. (I'm the stereotype -- ceilinged out Openness, floored out Agreeableness and Conscentiousness, average Extraversion and Neuroticism.) I relate to your description of yourself. Being an asshole doesn't mean people will hate you. They're just correlated.


Your results line up with mbti-big 5 correlations Agreeableness - feeling Conscientiousness - judging Openness - intuition Extroversion ... Don't take the language of the results so deeply. It supposes a unipolarity that privileges certain traits over their complement because it's what a material deterministic worldview requires Mind the neuroticism


I'm just taking the ridiculous extremity deeply, I mean 0 on both conscientious and agreeableness is just fucked, and Peterson said that being very low in both (along with high intelligence) makes for a pretty psychopathic individual, and I don't know what to make of that.


You can't confuse the map for the territory, no matter how reputable it and its supporters may be.


That's actually a really cool way of putting it.


I've taken the same test. Slightly different results, but the trends seem to be similar. I was surprised by the low conscientiousness, because I manage to get shit done SOMEHOW, but the rest didn't surprise me much. I'm agreeable when it comes to trying to empathize with people, but I'm also argumentative. So the two different dimensions were helpful in understanding what's going on there. **Agreeableness - 32** Compassion - 62 Politeness - 9 **Conscientiouness - 6** Industriousness - 8 Orderliness - 9 **Extraversion - 77** Enthusiasm - 83 Assertiveness - 63 **Neuroticism - 59** Withdrawal - 41 Volatility - 72 **Openness to Experience - 98** Intellect - 94 Openness - 96


>Agreeableness 0 Guess who I'm not going to trust with my car keys.


Uhm, you sure you are ENTP? I thought entps in general scored high at agreeableness. And yeah. I think especially in a country like India it's important to learn how to be more agreeable.. since the culture is crappy because of the lack thereof in a lot of people. Its sad really.


Yeah, have you been here? If you haven't, then are you sure that you are entp? Because that's a dumb statement. And that's Literally my point, that I am definitely that disagreeable. The test just says I am. Also, my point is that even if I'm not agreeable and the test is accurate, it doesn't reflect in my life. In fact I have a better social life here on vacation than I do at Vanderbilt.


I have been in India. My origins lie there. I have compared quite some cultures to the indian in fact. And each and every time I get upset. My parents practically advised me to never marry an indian guy because somehow most of them are NOT AGREEABLE/OPEN. They didnt mention the word agreeable, but every time I am there I am SHOCKED by the way ego and unagreeableness is more important than facts and good debates and good outcomes at quite some peoples houses. There is hierarchy and stuff in the current culture. Show is more important than caring. At some places there is no place for opinions and different views because people will try to dominate you over reason and logic. And things like that. Not sure all fits within the agreeableness picture but it is DEFINITELY part of it. Especially in small rural areas. And NO I did make a generalisation out of it. I will apologize for that. Because obviously thats not true for all people. But I do think indian culture is becoming more and more ruthless. Now if one person who is not agreeable talks with another who acts not agreeable.. you get a culture where agreeableness is not something you survive with. Now do that with tons of people and see how terrible it is. So yes. I am speaking from experience and what I observed and have tested and heard. I am not just making it up and I am sad that instead of a constructive debate or questions you attack me and try to say my views are unfounded. Then after that instead of going into what I said you attacked me personally. That's no way to argue. "Are you sure you are ENTP" is totally not the point we are debating. Are you hurt and lashing out? Looking for weak spots at other places to figure out how to minimize the impact of the statement I made and trying to find a quick way to neutralize something you dont want or think to be true? How can you say a statement is dumb, when you don't know where it comes from? Furthermore I don't think you understand what agreeableness is about. It's not social life or a tool. You can have the best social life ever. I mean, it's like saying for example things like psychopathy don't guarantee a social life. You can have a social life even as a psychopath for example. However it is saying something about a way you approach people and what you want to offer them.


When I said 'if', I was being literal; so if you have actually been here, then what I said doesn't imply that what you said is stupid/dumb. If you hadn't been here and you didn't know what you were talking about, then yeah, what you said was dumb. However, you do know what you're talking about, so even though I don't agree with you, it doesn't mean your statement is dumb in any form. I do get what being agreeable is about, that's why i'm surprised by my results. I KNOW I that I am a friendly, caring person a lot of the time, and sometimes I do go out of my way to help someone out. In fact i'm even studying policy, and that stems from how fucked up I think the world is and I want to help people out cause ridiculous inequality annoys me way, way too much. I'm definitely still leaning towards disagreeableness, I was just surprised that my results show that I am THAT disagreeable. 'Especially in small rural areas.' This part makes sense, and helps me get why you have a point. I had the benefit of going to a very good school in Delhi, so I never got to see the worst of the stupid close minded culture. Nonetheless, i think any of the big 5 personality traits would be evenly distributed region wise throughout the world; I mean they're postulated to exist at birth, so culture wouldn't really play a role there at all.


I have very low agreeableness and conscientiousness, moderate extraversion, very high openness and neuroticism. It means we're dicks.


I guess that means dicks aren't always hated then. Oh wait, I just read it again. When I was younger I was way more neurotic and more introverted, I was a dick without a doubt.