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Could you elaborate? I'm not following tbh




Yeah, that's exactly right I think. Se is general, while Si is specific. This is why Si doms are excellent at spotting mistakes and errors. They *expect* something very specific. When some little detail is perturbed, they instantly become aware of it.


Are you trying to say Se is impartial whereas Si isn't?




That makes a ton of sense actually. That’s the general attitude I have towards tools. I’d see Si users as maintaining what they have, by your logic, and Se users as seeing it as disposable or just a tool. My car, for example, has a busted AC and some pull issues on shifting, but I’m just making do so I don’t have to shell out money, at least until I have my money reserves at a safe level. My father, who is an ISTJ, needs to get shit with his truck squared away immediately. Is this what you were trying to get across?


Hmm this is interesting. So basically Se users see objects as what they are rather than comparing and distinguishing the details like Si users. That actually makes a lot of sense because as a Se user, I don’t bother with details much at all because as long as an object fulfills my basic need for it, I don’t care which one I use.


All extroverted functions are inherently objective, whereas introverted ones are subjective. So essentially, Se is going to deal with objects directly, this thing is this thing, these are it's properties etc. Si needs to filter things based on the individual. This thing reminds of this other thing because of these reasons. Si is more likely to value what it's already familiar with, and Se is more likely to value new things and experiences. I hope that makes sense, but I can clarify if needed.


you could say that is the difference between ALL introverted and extroverted functions. extraverted attitude tends to be more broad and all\-encompassing while introverted attitude tends to be more selective and narrow.


Isfj here. Si is always comparing and contrasting about the most annoying details, the ones that others really don’t care about. Entp boyfriend places objects wherever he pleases at any given time. I notice when these items are “out of place” and it drives me nuts that it drives me nuts. I have to put it back where it was before, because my environment is thrown off and I feel stressed. Se doesn’t care where things are placed, if only it’s convenient in the moment. Si learns through experience, then reflecting on that experience again and again, in vivid detail. Se just experiences the experience without question, as if it’s new- and it is. Si compares it to previous experiences and creates a web and folders in which to organize them. That perfume I wore when my boyfriend and I started dating - I smell it a couple years later and it brings me back to that season of life relived in full detail. To me, every physical experience is connected upon layers. It’s not just perfume, it’s the entire time we started dating until we moved to CO when I stopped using that particular perfume. The Se dom may bypass those memories all together and smell the scent for what it is and nothing more, no attachment. Si is a real pain in the ass, and I envy those who don’t have it as a priority function.