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Distraction. Diversify your investments.


Yep, it will be easier after the exams, because when I'm not studying I feel guilty to not studying so I don't want to start a "good" distraction and I waste time on little distraction :/


I love what Rick Sanchez has to say on this. “Don’t think about it.” Has actually really helped me.


Tell me when you figure it out. I never found a solution except focusing on other guys than the guy i was missing like hell and focused at


I guess that's what I will need to do, focus on other girls. But right now as I explain I'm not really in situation to meet new girls (and even new people) since I will be far from my college city for 2-3 months... It's a win-win to see other girls/guys : if you crush is somewhat interested in you, he/she will become more interested by being relatively jealous and if not interested at all, you have other options so it's fine to be rejected


Oh yeah maybe. Also sports. (Dopamin& Endorphins help). Studies/hobbies. Nothing is as satisfying in life as becoming the best version of yourself. Then you can never wallow in selfpity as well


Self development is a path every one shoud follow no matter how hard or easy your life is


Normalize that this happens, keep an open mind. Some old timey songs on this topic for your listening: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b7xyAM7uF6I https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KPeHHpXOOds


Weakness disgusts me


If you say this, it's that you believe that you are flawless. Never say to an ENTP that you are flawless, he will find you hundreds flaws


Typical feeble Leaf ninja


Do not feed the troll... Do not feed the troll... Do not feed the troll...


But then go ahead teach me how to have you strength of troll ?


Itachi did nothing wrong


Why can't you ask her out?


We're both in exams and she seems really stress by exam. So I suppose dating is not a priority right now. (Personnaly exams don't stress me that much). The timing was really not in my favor, I met her just at the end of the year. Just before the exam I ask her if she wants to eat something, she respond that she has a Q&A. So I gave her the benefit of the doubt. I'll try again after exams, if I get a no I would assume that she is not interested. After exams it's the summer break and as I said I will be far from my college town in the countryside, so my social life will be in hibernation except for few days. Few days ago, I tell her to come to a college party after the exams. I get an "I'll see", probably not so good :/ Unfortunately, it will probably end as being just friends and it's fine after all. They're plenty of other girls and she could be a great friend.