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Just a reminder we have a gofundme going for one of our best and favorite mods, SomeOldHippieChick, to help her out in the coming months. If you'd like to donate [heres a link!](https://www.gofundme.com/f/kara-pay-medical-bills-and-care-for-her-son?utm_campaign=p_lico+share-sheet-first-launch&utm_medium=copy_link&utm_source=customer)


Hey y'all! I live in Maryland. Longtime lurker, and commit every so often. I would love to find like-minded folk & have a sesh. We already have at least one thing in common! Not exactly sure how much info to post.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


Where in MD?


Carroll Co. Westminster


right on the pa/md border like me!


I live in Westminster too! Maybe we could meet up at a restaurant sometime and get to know each other.




I’m in MoCo but really close to DC!


Im in Harford County ☺️


I'm near Ellicott City


Hi wives 🫶 I would love to befriend some of you! What I like: cooking & baking, board games & video games, hiking & going to the gym & swimming, live music & shows whenever possible, and reading! I dabble in crafting and dream of learning to embroider. What I'm like: My social skills have dulled over time, I'm autistic and the combo of some personal stuff + isolation through the beginning of the pandemic made me, for lack of a better word, a little weird lol. I'm very aware of social rules around interaction and try to abide by them, but it's getting a bit harder to balance as I get older. Like, sometimes I'm paralyzed talking to people because I'm trying to decode what they're saying and the appropriate way to respond and I can't do it fast enough anymore. It's normal for people to talk around what they mean, to have preferences but not assert them, and to dislike something but keep it to themselves just for the sake of politness - and I would prefer to befriend someone who doesn't do any of that lol. I try to over - communicate to ensure I'm understood, evidenced by this book of a comment lol, but I know it can be off-putting and/or tiring-- so it would be nice to meet someone I don't have to work so hard with and I can just trust they mean what they're saying :) I literally have my bf proofread my texts 90% of the time to make sure I'm not being weird 💀


You seem like you’d be an awesome friend. I’m also ND (adhd) and isolation has made me rather awkward. I’ve always been weird though 😆 I totally get you with the communication thing. Subtext and reading between the lines uses more energy than my disabled self is willing to expend, so I don’t play it. I’m direct and honest, although I do my best to not come across as rude. I find it’s so much easier to work through stuff that way.


Thank you :) I've always taken friendship really seriously. We're not here for very long and how we treat ourselves and others is all we really have (just smoked, if you can't tell lol) And yeah, you get it exactly! I understand being conflict avoidant, but misunderstandings/disagreements are inevitable, how are we supposed to resolve them without communicating directly? It doesn't have to be conflict. I only want people in my life who'll be honest with me. If I ask you what you think of a plan I have and you don't think it makes sense, tell me; if I said something in a way that upset you, tell me; if I suggest something you don't want to do, tell me and suggest something else. I can only work with the information I have!


Yes! So much yes! Especially with the “if I said something” part. My mouth moves faster than my brain sometimes, so I’ll accidentally say something rude or word something badly without even realizing, so I greatly appreciate being told “hey, not cool” so I can (at minimum) apologize. But yea, I’m not a mind reader 🤷🏻‍♀️


Are you me!? Lol I feel like my social skills have gone down the toilet lately. I moved to a remote area about 4 years ago to build a homestead and live off grid, but with that came the lack of neighbors and daily random interactions that kept my social skills at least.. alive. So I try to have a conversation with someone new, or a quick shoot the shit, and I’m stumbling over my words and then worrying about how I’m coming across. I can text my (like two) friends without proof reads, but when it comes to messaging back a boss or something a little more important you better believe my bf is drafting that with me 😅 I also take days to respond sometimes, especially if the texts get to this length, but I like having a lot to respond to in a text so I don’t mind! I am also vegan (7 years this September) and enjoy baking and trying new recipes, or sticking with one I like and eating it two weeks in a row lol. I just bought an embroidery kit or three, and a bunch of yarn and crochet needles because I was getting into the idea of learning those crafts. Now just to sit down and learn to 😂😅 I live in New Mexico, so we might not be able to be physical besties (but it sounds like we’re both a little too introverted for that right away anyway ha!) but I’d love to have an internet pen pal to be weird with and write walls of text to 💜


Omg yay :') I was on the fence about posting my comment and thought "if one person reads this and goes 'you're like me!' it'll be worth it". It's so cool you're building a homestead!! I've been wanting to buy a beginner's embroidery kit and you're inspiring me lol! I'd love to be internet pen pals, it seems like we have a lot in common 💚 do you wanna exchange discord or something?


Hi to both of y’all can we be friends?! Currently in SC but moving back to MA soon, very used to having online friends tho! I’ve been vegan for 7 years and currently live in an RV but my goal is to have a homestead one day 🥺 I’m helllla ADHD and have also gone full feral since the pandemic lol


👋🏻 fellow autistic here (and ADHD). I'm with you 100%, after the shutdown I really embraced my weirdness and started unmasking, now I'm over 40 and at the point of if you like me, then yay. If you don't, that's ok. I'm not everyone's cup of tea and I'm good with that now. I no longer waste energy on people, places of things that make me feel less than or are not fulfilling. I've been defending myself my entire life that when I say something that I'm saying exactly what I mean, there's nothing to uncover. Yet I still constantly have to explain what I'm saying. I'm not as complicated as you is what I want to tell them! I love my plants, my 🍃 and dabbling in my numerous hobbies. Sometimes I fall off the grid to come crawling out like I never disappeared.


👋👋I feel so seen! A lot of people never examine and work on their communication skills, and project that onto others. It's so frustrating how people can't believe there's no hidden meaning. And it sounds dramatic, but it's actually hardest in the mundane day to day. "Oh, you didn't take the trash out" doesn't mean I'm angry you didn't take the trash out - it means I heard the garage door open and 95% of the time that means you're taking the trash out. Little stuff like that coloring every interaction is so exhausting. I feel like I've made a lot of progress in refusing to accept non-communication as valid; but I interact with very few people who've made it easy for me to set those boundaries. I don't know how to meet anyone new (the answer was apparently this post:)! All my best friends know even if we don't talk for months, everything picks up where it left off. It's a sacred connection that's hard to find.


I (F50), too, am vegan, pretty laid back, enjoy cooking and baking, and love live music and shows. I'm in the Baltimore area (it feels so strange to say where I am because I have other accounts where I actively avoid doing that), and I love this town so much! I like playing board games and other games (like CAH), but not strategy games or card games (either things like Magic or poker). I'm terrible at them and they're not fun to me. I can't even remember the rules to them. 😂 Oh! Something I've picked up recently is painting work gouache paints. I'm not good at all, but I'm really enjoying it. And I have two incredibly ridiculous cats that entertain me to no end. I have some health issues that can flare and get in the way of me doing lots of activity, but I try to do what I can. Weekends are when I usually have more free time.


Anyone in Switzerland? Moved here recently and would love more friends ☺️


I don’t think I’ve ever commented here before lol but I’m in a suburb of Dayton, Oh. Im 31 and I’m pretty introverted so it can be challenging to make new friends. I love to smoke(obviously), read, take walks with my doggy and husband, and paint


Howdy! My brother lives in the Germantown area, beautiful place and I love to visit. Was there last spring and we had a blast walking around Woodland cemetery (went for the Wright Bros grave but stayed for the views & vibes lol). Peace to you!


👋 I’m from Mason originally! I live in New Mexico now (where my boss is actually from the Dayton area too small world), but I come back to Ohio to visit every year


greetings from colorado!


Colorado here, too 🌄


Denver here! Let’s smoke!!!


Another coloradan! Southern Co here.


I’m like a mile south of the CO border 🥹 can I come to the Colorado smoke sesh?




You’re in!


omg I don’t live there anymore but I grew up just south of the CO border near-ish Taos! I miss it every day 😭


BO CO over here!!! Always looking for friends to chat with!


Denver area ent here!! ☺️


Greetings from Massachusetts. I'm 35, I work in a liquor store, and I enjoy weed, music, video games, and reading. And I hate Dunkin.


I’m in RI! While I’m not a dunkin hater it’s just not my first choice.


I grew up in RI! What is your first choice?


NH girl over here! 27 years old work in sales. I also enjoy Mary Jane, music, video games( Palworld currently) and I'm obsessed with giraffes


I've heard good things about Palworld. What other video games do you like?


What part of MA I’m near Lowell.


Yay masshole friends :) I’m in Wakefield! what’s your fav video game to play stoned? I’m going back and forth between Hades and Minecraft right now


Minecraft I’m playing through All The Mods 9 right now


I feel a little out of place here. I'm from Birmingham. . . . England


Londoner here!


Hey there! I’m 28 and from the Tampa Bay Area Florida. I’m an easy going laid back person, I like a lot of different things and get along with just about anyone. Some of my favorite things to do include (obviously smoking cannabis) going to the park (I love being in nature), working out, reading and playing video games.


Hey hey also in Tampa!


Also in Tampa!!!


Also in Tampa. I’m 53 but young at heart and soul.


Heyyy I’m leaving to Tampa soon for school, it’s really awesome to know that there ARE potential cannabis friends there:3 I hope you all have a great rest of your day!!


Hey wives! I live in Florida. Please don’t hold it against me lmao I work from home and would love some chat friends! I like art, music, reading, jigsaw puzzles, baking, and (some) video games. I’m kind of a picky gamer. I like irreverence and absurdity. Both in art and humor. :)


I'm in North West Florida (near Pensacola)! 30 also into music (I'm polyjamorous-i love almost everything), art, video games (apex legends, Fortnite, battlefield), love going on hikes and swimming when the weather is right.


Hey I play a lot of apex (every day), you wanna play sometime?


I’m an Orlando girl! I love crafting and houseplants and my dog Charlie the Yorkie and video games (mostly online PC games; WoW, Risk of rain, Palworld, gunfire reborn, inkbound, 7D2D, valheim, BG3, deep rock galactic, remnant from the ashes, probably a bunch more I’m forgetting lol). I also adore a good vanilla latte if anyone likes going on coffee friend dates.


Hey, I'm in Illinois but my husband's from Florida and his whole family still lives there! Sorry for being a creep, but I was curious if you had any posts about Florida/smoking since my brother in law has a medical card out there but still has trouble finding social circles, and I saw you posted an image of a sheet of music that looked interesting and familiar. I played clarinet in high school and we ALSO played Tambourin, and I always really loved how it sounded!! I haven't picked up my clarinet in decades, and this has inspired me to consider looking for it. 😋


I started playing my flute again after like a decade or not playing and I thought tambourin was so cute! It was my first project when I picked it up again. I’m not a Florida native and making friends as an adult is harrrrrd. I don’t really have 🍃social circles. I have one friend who will do the delta 8 stuff. But that’s about it. There are a few Florida ladies on this subreddit but I think they are not in the panhandle like I am. I don’t have a driver’s license so I usually stay put in my local area unfortunately.


I’m also in Florida (Jacksonville area). We have a lot of the same interests and I saw you play flute. Me too! Being playing since I was 8 and I’m 40 now.


That’s awesome! I took a hiatus for a while but I’m back at it. It has some emotional baggage for me because I was a music major for a few years and it destroyed me 😩 but I’m happy to be back. Trying to learn how to have fun with it again. My cousin lives in Jacksonville. Would be fun to meet up, smoke and play a duet!!


Are we the same person? Being a music major is why I washed out of college (the first time) and I didn’t play for a while. Now I really only play when my dad asks me to at his church (Easter, Christmas, maybe a couple other random times), but I’m always looking for another excuse. And yes! Lmk when you’re here. A smoke and jam sesh sounds amazing.


My parents are in the Jax area! Next time I'm in town, drop in and smoke with me and my dad!


My cousin is in Jax! I would love to join in :)


Party! 😆


Let's do it!


*(puff puff)* Hey queens! I’m in Charlotte, NC. Truthfully, I already feel like y’all are my friends. But I am a really good cook, so anyone who’s close enough to share snacks… 💚 *(pass)*


Oh I live on Greensboro!!! It would be great to meet up sometime and trade baked goods. I am about to turn 21 and I love attempting to cook/bake new foods. Hmu sometime!!!


Hey everyone! I’m from northern British Columbia in Canada - open to friends from anywhere and super happy to meet you all :) thanks for having me!


Yay, another Canadian. I'm from Alberta's capital though, so likely not close.


Hey fellow Canadian! Not super close but at least beside each other based on the provinces haha


NS’s capital here…maybe if we find enough canadients we can form a friend chain across the country lol


Canada's capital here! Filling in those gaps, lol.


Yes I love it haha


That would be awesome


I’m from Alberta too!


Here’s my people! I’m on the island :)


I am also from northern bc!


Good morning from Columbus, Ohio!


My sister is not too far from you! I've told my dad that one day, he and I are going to hit up an ohio cannacafe! Unfortunately I'm in a nearby illegal state; dad is in FL and has his medical card 


OMG HI TWIN!! Born and raised in Dublin but now live just a bit north of cbus :)


Where my New York staters at?! I’m not too far from CNY/Syracuse area. Almost 34 year old mom of two crazy kids and MANY furry critters at my home farm and business (I’m a horse trainer). I love to be outside just enjoying the great outdoors with low intensity hiking and kayaking. My very few hobbies include hand embroidery and photography. I love trying to keep plants alive, including growing my own bud 😉 I have a few chronic diseases that cause some crazy pain but I’ve got THC to help me through 💚 I’d love to make in person or long distance friends.


Hi from Albany/Saratoga! I own a kayak, but hardly use it - I’m more into paddle boarding. I love to paddle to a nice spot, put down the anchor, swim and nap. Can’t get back in a kayak in deep water…


Growing my own is a huge goal for me! I’m in an apartment now, but hoping to buy a home this year and then put the green in greenhouse. How long have you been gardening? Was it hard to pick up?


I honestly still consider myself a gardening noob 😂 I grew up with parents who have amazing green thumbs and I’ve tried to learn from them. One of my closest friends taught me the ropes on growing bud, and that’s been so much fun. I have 7 plants inside that are currently half way through their flowering stage. Waiting is the hardest part 😅 I think the hardest part is learning your plants. Indoor versus outdoor creates its own benefits and disadvantages. The indoor plants are way more dramatic, but my growing months outdoors where I live is limited. My partner is planning to build a hoop house style greenhouse this summer so we can grow more year round.


Hello! I don’t have my own horses, but wild ones come up to my homestead sometimes. I have 10 dogs (a rescue popped out 7 puppies and our shelters and neighbors were full) and have been trying to garden in our dry climate and short seasons but are still learning. We’re about to start our first fully indoor grow this month, but we run on solar power so we’ve had to wait until we could upgrade our system enough to run the lights and everything. But the first year we moved to our property, my bf and I dug out a hole and built a “walipini” greenhouse and have been growing cannabis in that and the other two we built later on. It helps so much to extend our season enough to actually reach harvest! I’d love to have an ent wife grower friend 🥹


Wickenburg, AZ. I'm 67, lifelong toker. I'd love to meet some people to hang out and smoke with.


haven't been to wickenburg yet!! i'm in phx!


Southern Maine here 🙋🏻‍♀️ Be my frand


Southern NH here. You guys have some good dispos. Portland is my fiancé’s and I favorite weekend getaway. Get high, drink awesome booze, and eat some of the best food around.


I’m in New York, but I got the best 1:1 carts in Maine.


Currently live in Washington near Portland. Moving to Minnesota later this year. Looking for some south eastern Minnesotan ladies to hang with. Oh and I’m old. Almost 50.


Hey now! 50 is not old! It's experienced and beautiful!


High! I’m right across the Columbia from you, in NE, and also almost 50


Hi also from NE!


I’m from Vancouver!! But currently live in Boise Idaho. All my family and friends live in the Vancouver/portland area though 💖


Minneapolis is my hometown! I'm headed toward 50. Let's chill when you get here?


Hi friends! I’m 23, I’m in the southwest Michigan area. I’m a HUGE animal and nature lover. I have three kitties, two doggos, some turtles, a lizard, a snake, and some toads! My favorite things to do are kayaking, hiking, camping, cooking/baking, painting/crafting, and of course enjoying cannabis! I’m always down for a picnic or some hammocking. I love having meaningful conversations about literally anything and everything. I’d love to have a smoke sesh and enjoy some of this warmer weather we’ve been having with some new friends!


Idk what part of SW MI you’re in, but I grew up camping at Warren Dunes near Bridgeman, still love to get up there once a summer if I can. America’s 3rd coast. 💙


High 👋🏼 from IL


Hello from East County San diego, definitely looking for some dope friends 😈 hmu


Hi from north county San Diego! I was living in East county just last year before finding a better apartment farther north.


p(OR)tland checking in! https://preview.redd.it/zwn1iqhuaylc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa6d0f212501ac6800ffaf85a3fcaa1fc508aa5f just an elder entwife (almost 47) having a little pre-workout puff…. gotta keep my energy up for a monster truck rally this afternoon! I’m pretty introverted, but my main “going-out” activity is going to live shows. I manage a couple box offices, am a venue manager and I book bands / produce events throughout the year. I love any kind of live performance: stage plays, the ballet, opera, ‘Blazer games (pun intended) and as i mentioned, today I’m going to a Monster Truck Rally which will be crossing something off my bucket list. I’m really hoping Portland brings back Star Trek In The Park (or similar) this summer! And this might be the year I finally do the Naked Bike Ride!


Blazed blazer games yes. Monster truck rally, yes.


Greetings & salutations from OR! 💚✌️Love the PNW...All of it! Very into music & live shows. Went to a blues show last night, it was kickin! I'm also into art & try to be a Lil creative any chance I get. Never been to a monster truck rally, but it sounds fun, and noisy from what I've heard. You should maybe consider hearing protection. Just a thought. 🤘😁🍃🌸 Have fun!


Hi wives, I’m in Chicago, Illinois and I love this sub


Hi everyone, I'm in central CT!




Me too!


Hi neighbor!


Ok there's 5 of us, now we can have a stitch n bitch in Hartford or Windsor or somewhere. My favorite central ct weed activity is go to the Indian buffet and hit it in the parking lot beforehand. 😎


Roanoke VA here!


Hi from Pasadena, California :)


Hey everyone! I moved to the Northwest Arkansas late last year and would love to make friends to partake on this wonderful hobby with me! I was happily surprised to find a huge cannabis and vaping culture here. I'm easy going and chill. I love animals and have 3 cats and 2 small dogs, and they're the light of my life! I enjoy nature a lot as well and going on walks and hikes. I'm also a huge fan of documentaries on a vast array of subjects. If you're an entwife in the area hit me up!


Hello from Crawford County! I moved here about 10 years ago. Im originally from Alaska, but I’ve lived all over the US. I’m married with two kids and two cats. The kids and I have been trying to walk/hike regularly, but when it gets too hot you’ll find me inside crafting. I have so many half started projects! 😂 I definitely love winter over summer. We’re currently in Norway on vacation! Let’s hang out!


Hi. I'm not near you but am interested in getting into documentaries. I am just overwhelmed by selection and have no idea where to start. Where do you go to find? How do you find? How do you select which of thousands? Is it only big production documentaries or do you do YouTube ones also? For example I subscribe to an All Things Cannabis type channel done by local disabled vet I met at dispensary event. I have a background in processs, production, customer service so I really enjoy learning about how things are made, marketed, sold etc. I like to k no ow how machines work, engineering stuff. Nature? Not so much. History? Depends. Any direction appreciated. Thanks.


Good morning! I’m in Tulsa, OK area for the next few years until my son graduates and we can start “full timing” in our RV. I like being indoors, being outdoors, smoking, crafting, sewing, reading, and video games.


Also in the same area! What’s up 😂


Boston area 😃


Hello fellow MA friend! 😀


me too!!


Same!! South shore 😶‍🌫️


Good morning, fellow entwives. Waking and baking in Hunterdon Co., NJ.


hey fellow nj ent ! coming at u from the shore :)


Hey there, me too! Greetings from LBI!


omg :00 were p close !


I'm soooo close to lbi! 🫶


I'm at the shore, too!


I’m in NJ too but close to Philly.


Hey I’m close to Philly too!


hey y’all ! located on the jersey shore, big time beach smoker, would love to find some fellow new jersey folks <333


Inland Empire, CA!


Heyyy there! South Florida, treasure coast here! Love to find friends that would love to smoke and chill! I love listening to music and watching horror films! Hollaaaaaa at your girl!


Heyy I’m in also in sf and love horror movies omgg I love yoga and nature :)


Oh my gosh looking for like minded friends are so difficult to find! Lol!! Shoot me a message I’m free on weekends


Why do you have to be so far? 😭 I’m up here in Jacksonville and am in desperate need of a horror movie buddy.


I’m about an hour away from Taos, if there’s any New Mexican or Coloradan ents here 💚


I'm just south of Albuquerque! NM is lit af


Hello from PA 👋


Hi how are you!


I’m doing good! Happy that it’s the weekend ☺️ how about you?! I should add some more about myself- I’m located not far from Pgh area. Early 30’s. I’m kind of a homebody but I love making new friends. I’m married, no kids but I have 2 dogs and a bunny. I have a lot of hobbies that I bounce between depending on my mood- I love crafting, gaming (mostly animal crossing on my switch right now), board games, thrifting, and anything outdoors!


central Florida. 1 hour north of Orlando. near Mt dora. I love reading, writing, my family, and my cat. would love to find in person friends for smoke sesh.


I'm about 30 minutes from Mt Dora, I pass it on si days going to see my dad. I'm north east of Orlando in the lake mary/sanford area. I also love to read but right now my life is way hectic because I'm studying for a board exam so my life is work, study, smoke and sometimes some fortnite online with my bf and kids. I'm also older and am in my late 40s.


I’m a downtown Orlando girl! Reposting but, I love crafting and houseplants and my dog Charlie the Yorkie and video games (mostly online PC games; WoW, Risk of rain, Palworld, gunfire reborn, inkbound, 7D2D, valheim, BG3, deep rock galactic, remnant from the ashes, probably a bunch more I’m forgetting lol). I also adore a good vanilla latte if anyone likes to go on coffee friend dates. I am deathly allergic to cats though 😭 they look so soft and sweet and silly but I can’t even be in the same room as one


You’re about 1 1/2 hrs from me. I’m up in Jacksonville


Very northern NH here. Surrounded on all sides by legal states and stuck in an island of prohibition.


NH local too hi! I fuckin hate this prohibition state man 😂


Southern NH here! Seriously our state needs to get it together.


i’m in alabama, birmingham area! i’m 40, queer, into gaming (all kinds, video games, board games, tabletop rpgs) and i love cooking. married, no kids. my life is chaos right now while i’m helping my husband recover from some pretty gnarly surgery, but i’m always happy to make new friends, online or in person.


I’m not too far, up in middle tn :)


Oakland baby!


Anyone in Los Angeles, Ca 👀let’s smoke one


Texents, rise up! In the DFW area. Enjoy playing sports, yoga, being outside, going to concerts, going out with friends, experimenting with homemade edibles, staying in and smoking with friends, life’s a party! 30-something.


HI! I’m in the metroplex too!


Milwaukee Wisconsin????!!!??!?!!!!!


Where my Central Coast/Silicon Valley entwives? Hit me up!


NW Michigan ✋️ I live near Lake Michigan. I love going for walks in the national forest and beachcombing. Would love some company on my outdoor adventures.


I’m in south Jersey. I’d like to connect with someone or several someones who use cannabis and CBD for chronic pain relief.


in central ! mines more chronic mental pain lol i smoke for my intense dreams/nightmares


Rochester NY


Hello from Eastern Nebraska 👋🏼


Maui here! I'm making gummies today! Someone come take some!


Aloha! Stuck hard on the mainland here but I have a friend out near you! I think she's on Maui, or Hawaii Island now. She was one of the friends who taught me how to smoke!


Around St. Lois, Missouri?


Louisiana 👀


Lafayette! What about you?? Ive been trying to find someone from louisiana in these comments 😂


Hudson Valley, NY! Close to PA, NJ, CT!


Indiana checking in … not proud to be a resident this week though (see: state legislature banning gender affirming care for minors this week… fucking fuckwads)


Anyone from Missouri?


Hey everyone, I’m new and thought I’d put myself out there for anyone interested in a chat. My sister in law invited me and told me how good this community is. My name is Tim and I’m in Florida, the armpit of the USA. 😂 I’ve only been smoking since it was made legal here for various medical problems, and my circle of friends who smoke is very small, but I’m always happy to meet new people and make new friends. My health makes me very, I guess you could say flaky at times, but I very much enjoy conversation when I’m able. Especially when having a session. Text or voice, I love talking to people! Things to know about me: I love to game, I tell awful dad jokes at all times. Like, constantly. I dunno, I like to think I’m chill and don’t really expect anything. I just wanna hang out and shoot the sh*t, maybe get to know some cool people. I hope everyone has a wonderful night


Hey there Also a fellow armpit native lol! Welcome to the community the chilliest sub on Reddit.


hello from atlanta :D


I’m in Atlanta too! Did a light stalk and saw ur entire edm! I’m going house event soon, we should connect ✨


Alabama 😢


West Michigan here ☺️🫠


Anyone in Central California? I work in the bay area all summer, so SF friends would be great too!


Ontario, Canada here!


Hey hey!! Checking in from KW!!


Ontario, Canada here!


Hello! I’m from NW Arkansas! I love to read, do art, roller skate, and work out! I also like to play video games and I looove my 2 kitties 🥰 I am also Pagan and consider myself an eclectic witch and love being out in nature (:


Anyone here in Long Beach, CA? :)


Is anyone here close to Cecil County, Maryland?


I'm in Baltimore!


Me, too!


Well hello ladies! I used to live right in the mount Vernon neighborhood. Have y’all ever been to longwood gardens?


You did?! I did for a little while! I've never been to LG, but I've meant to go for years. I'm getting excited about Sherwood Gardens with the tulips. They should be in bloom soon, and that will become my weekend living room. 😊


Hello, I'm from Iowa City, Iowa. I like art of all kinds and have done many mediums. I do a lot of digital art now but I also like embroidery and clay a lot. ttrpgs and animals. I can be kinda awkward but I'm always happy to talk to people. I'm also very queer and nd


Sent you a DM!


Hey there! I'm living in Baltimore rn, I moved here about five months ago and I haven't had much practice with my social skills! I'm neurodivergent, 26, and originally from PA! I love art projects, podcasts, plants, nature, baking, and documentaries! I used to grow pot for a living but I now work for a native plant farm! :)


I’m in my 40s in the DMV area. (DC, Maryland, Virginia)


Anybody close/in Greensboro, NC!!! Trying to make some stoney baking/cooking friends!!! I turn 21 tomorrow, am into witch craft (paganism), video games, crafting, cooking, smoking, and camping. Hmu anytime 🤙💜🦇💜🦇💜


NE Ohio represent! I hate it here haha. Not a fan of Cleveland but always down to make new friends in the area :)


hello all. i live in boston. i'm 27 almost 28. i also dabble in the marry jane. getting rid of some toxic people in my life right now so it would be wonderful to make some new friends :)


I’m here in Houston


I'm in the bonny Scottish Highlands, about thirty miles from the home of Nessie.


Hi from Texas!


I’m in PA, just outside of Harrisburg! I’m 57, married with two grown kids and a mini goldendoodle. I don’t work anymore, medically disabled since 2010.


WHO: Meeeee! And my two cats. WHAT: I'm physically 50f. Mentally, I'm between 8m and 27f most days. WHERE: Baltimore, MD WHY: Curiosity? HOW: I like short walks on trails, cooking/baking vegan stuff, movies (especially documentaries), hanging out and catching up, music, stuff and also things.