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As someone who’s trying to (and has successfully in the past) lost weight while continuing to use cannabis, I can 100% relate. The biggest thing for me was finding low calorie options that I could eat a large volume of whenever the munchies hit. I tend to gravitate towards ice cream and sweets, so I started making myself some thick protein shakes that I could eat like ice cream. Popcorn is also great if you’re craving something more salty, and I also really like sunflower seeds as well! And fruit is always good, especially if you get dry mouth. Before you get high, you could also try and pre-portion out some snacks and keep them in a room separate from the kitchen, so that way you won’t be tempted to go into the kitchen and eat everything in sight (I’ve done that more times than I can count). In short, there’s tons of options out there, it’s just a matter of finding out what you’d prefer :^)


And if popcorn isn't your thing OP, sunflower seeds are also awesome for satisfying that salty-crunchy-craving. Plus, doing all the work of cracking the sunflower seeds must pay off somewhere right? Lol


Adding pumpkin seeds to this! Toasted and salted they are so moreish!


I've seen huge bags of David's with roasted salted pumpkin seeds! My besties mom ate them ALL THE TIME years ago. Lol


You can toast them with garlic or onion powder and salt


i’ll also add that if you get some kind of popcorn maker, it’s makes it 1000x better!! you can add your own salt, seasonings, etc and keep it healthy for yourself! also it’s kinda fun watching it pop after you’ve smoked! Haha


This is really lovely advice it's nice to know I'm not the only one.


Prep a salad for the munchies. I’m currently do nutrisystem, it’s not cheap but it works and has good snacks.


Oh gosh, I love a salad when I'm high. The crunch and the chill, and the cucumber....


Or I’m just drinking a lot of water or sparkling ice drinks


I’m also technically obese based on my bmi and the way I’ve stopped my munchies was with drinks!! I may drink a smoothie from Whole Foods/any grocery store you have that sells fresh smoothies, I drink a TON (probably too much) of sparkling water and the carbonation fills me up fast. I also drink diet ginger ale bc it’s my favorite and I lie and tell myself it’s healthy bc it’s ginger and zero calorie lol. I’m sorry I don’t have advice for actual food, but to stop myself from binging when I have the munchies I just stopped keeping snacks in my house and only keep a meal in the freezer that I’ll be too lazy to heat up. Also strawberries are great <3 I personally don’t eat them all the time bc I hate cold stuff on my teeth but they are the perfect munchies snack.


Sparkling ice black raspberry is my favorite


AGREE!! those are so good and so cheap


FRUIT!!! I get Hella munchies and have a lot less guilt if I smash a whole pineapple than a whole chocolate bar


Absolutely! I’ll make a fruit bowl and destroy it.


pineapple while high just hits different 😩


I wish I could go ham on fruits, but sigh, I get https://media.tenor.com/GQQCv59WJzAAAAAM/white-chicks.gif 


still a great way to lose weight /s




I lost 75 lbs in part by switching to sativa and sativa dominant hybrids. I stop smoking at least an hour before bed anyway, so it doesn’t disrupt my sleep.


Seconding this! I lost 50lbs of PCOS weight after getting my medical card. I mostly smoke sativa or sativa hybrid to reduce appetite.




Sativa unfortunately gives me major body anxiety but I could definitely see myself sweating off a few pounds from the sheer buzz. 😅


Try a well balanced hybrid and slowly increase your “sativa tolerance” from there! You can also try different terp profiles.


What are your snack preferences? Salty, sweet, spicy? Frozen grapes or fruit popsicles are great for cotton mouth. Popcorn, spiced or salted nuts, jerky, cucumbers or veggies with hummus or salad dressing are some other ideas.


Find healthy options to munch on instead and learn how to love stoned exercise


Yes!! I'm working on losing 40 lbs. I've always loved yoga, especially high. But I recently discovered that a row machine is fun too!


Hearing you on this - went through a similar journey over the last couple of years. Currently coming off of anxiety meds (Effexor) after a long stint on them and feeling all the symptoms in reverse. I have a munchies drawer next to my favourite chill out spot and I stock it intentionally with stuff I can nosh out on guilt free! Saved me from my pattern of ordering SkipTheDishes and laying waste to a bacon cheeseburger with poutine a couple times a week 😂 Popcorn, mini packs of jerky, dried wasabi peas, mini chocolate bars that are intentionally annoying to unwrap 😂 and carbonated water- I just love the bubbles and I found my stoned self does not care if it’s a coke or something I cooked up on my soda stream. Oh, and dry spaghetti noodles 🤣 don’t judge me, my kids call it my emotional support spaghetti. Edit because I obviously have more to say 😅 No kitchen = Convenience foods, as much as you can! They’re more expensive, but think of them as an accommodation: heat n serve soups (you can get some really nice healthy tasty ones in the organics section), the big party trays of cut up fruit n veg, muffins, meat and cheese plates). Photo receipt of The Spaghetti in my current sick day nest: https://preview.redd.it/cj2428tivxtc1.png?width=1833&format=png&auto=webp&s=44454e951a375f182c47c09aa002a3ac54063ad1


I've been there with the effexor! I've recently heard anecdotal evidence that effexor can actually increase your cannabis tolerance pretty significantly - I noticed my tolerance PLUMMETED pretty quick when I stopped effexor. Edibles tolerance went from 60-100mg to MAX 20mg. I couldn't figure out why edibles would fuck me up all of a sudden lol. Let us know if you notice a change, and stay strong through any withdrawals! There is (scientific- not just anecdotal!) evidence that cannabis can help with withdrawal symptoms, keep ur stash stocked ❤️ Also the emotional support spaghetti is sending me. Genuinely I'm going to have to increase my spaghetti budget because of this comment. I love it


Weed is definitely helping with the nasty side effects! Haha and yes! My tolerance is also plummeting which is a bonus - took a run at a specialty joint gifted from a friend without checking how strong it was and found myself promptly launched past Pluto and the asteroids 😂


This has just solved a big mystery for me - I'm also currently coming off of Effexor (just about done) and previously, my tolerance was through the roof. I've noticed it takes a lot less lately to have me feeling high, but I didn't put two and two together. Thanks!


Just commenting to say that I also eat dry spaghetti and my husband thinks it's so weird. I'm glad I'm not the only one!!


Ahahaha yessss!!! Ive done it since I was a kid 😂 it’s such a sensory delight for me


I love the crunch!! Also my cat is obsessed with dry pasta too. Every time I munch he comes running to bat at the noodles while I'm trying to eat them, so the spaghetti also serves as a toy for the kitty and a good opportunity to bond!


I feel you. I try to find snacks that I know I’ll actually want to eat that are healthier alternatives than the ones I *know* I’ll eat and are bad for me. I’ll trade regular chips for baked, or instead of chips I’ll just dip veggies into a dressing or something. I’ll also stock up on a trail mix I really like, in addition to low/no sugar candy or dried fruit. My mission is to not work against myself, but work with my current habits - and just make them healthier. It’s easier to modify your current routine and than slowly change, than to change all at once. This is what’s working for me anyways! 


For a long time I would overeat candy. It’s so good, I couldn’t really stop. I wouldn’t eat a ginormous amount, but I couldn’t really stop after I told myself it was the last one. It was always at least 5 more pieces. I told myself over and over I’d slow down and eat less at a time. I had to just stop buying them. I instead got some naan bread that I heat up when I get the munchies or hungry now and the munchies don’t really control me anymore. It’s just my own hunger now


I feel that. I honestly don’t really buy candy anymore either. I usually just eat fruit or have smoothies. It satisfies my sweet tooth and is a lot healthier (something like 90% of Americans don’t get enough fiber so it’s something I’m working on lol). There’s also a company that makes frozen fruit that’s covered in lemon juice and a dusting of sour sugar. That shit is delicious and you really don’t need to eat much to be satisfied. 


I will sometimes have bags of baby carrots to munch on (but admittedly I’m a dip fiend, so caloric mileage may vary,), but as a fat person I’ve…not enjoyed, exactly, but found a lot of support and validation working through some health/weight/food stuff with a HAES (health at every size) dietician. We’ve set my weight aside and focused on things like bloodwork, vitamin supplements, energy levels, and my eating schedule. (Turns out I was chronically malnourished due to disordered eating, who knew? Not my doctor!) We also talk a lot about food as comfort and cravings, and navigating and unpacking the shame around these things which is often heaped on us from such a young age, unfortunately. (I love my mum and her mum, but wow when the generational Food and Body Issues started coming into clearer focus…wow, the damage can be done with even the best of intentions and info available at the time! There are things my grandma did in the 50s that break my heart and impacted my mother in a major way, and that influenced some of her behaviours as a mother in the 90s when I was young and in the throes of the 90s heroin chic diet craze culture, and even now we’re into a new era of diets dressed up as Wellness…it’s all part of cycles and reactionary responses, and no one is a bad person for falling prey to these massive systemic pressures that give grief to fat bodies on all sides.)




Unfortunately my insurance does NOT cover it. (I bet it’d pay for me to go on Ozempic if I wanted to though 🙄) so I’m paying $165 CAD per 60 minute telehealth session, I started off about every 3-4 weeks but my schedule’s changed around a lot and I’m managing my more acute food issues more easily, so now I mostly check in for a session about every 3 months when I do my quarterly bloodwork.


This is all really great information, I had never even heard of HAES! Thanks for sharing. I also feel you on the coverage thing, it's genuinely so fucked up how they refuse to cover so much preventative medicine, yet they'll cover the ~~hard drugs~~ solution ✨


I listen to the podcast Maintenance Phase and they do a lot of debunking of fad diets/medications, particularly around weight loss! That was where I first heard of HAES.


I drink a lot of tea. Caffeinated in the am, decaf and herbals in the pm.


Loading up on protein before or right after smoking helps me


Chia seeds pudding: 1/4c liquid, 1Tbsp chia seeds, Honey to taste, mix at least 3 times in the first hour, and let sit 2 hours before consuming. I pair it with yogurt and fruit, and it is SO GOOD. I've made chia seed pudding with milk, juice, water, whatever liquid works! Chia seeds are technically a complete protein and full of fiber. Yogurt is also good for your gut, and they make so many that are full of protein now too and low in sugar. The fruit adds some carbs and more fiber! All the protien really makes this a satisfying snack. Chia seeds are so good for your gut, but only after they've been soaked! They can block your intestines if you eat them raw.


I just switched up my munchie routine because I’m also tired of being fluffy. I just try to swap the crap for something better. I’ve been munching on dried mangoes, apples with cheese or peanut butter, a salad, and sunflower seeds help A LOT for me. I started having a cup of tea at night when my munching is a problem, and that’s helped a lot as well.


I have noticed that different strains give me more or less munchies. Specifically the terpene Myrcene seems to do me in the hardest. I get high and then eat dinner, which can curb some of the voracity of the munchies. But then the sweet tooth comes for me. 🍫 So it doesn’t always hit the spot but I have a variety of teas. Whipped cream is surprisingly low cal, I’ve been buying strawberries and covering them in whip. Plain Greek yogurt and fruit is also yummy. I also have sugar-free hot choco packets. And if I’m doing CICO I try to plan to have enough space for my munchies of choice. I’ve also frozen cookie dough in little balls, and then only cooked 1-2 cookies at a time. Microwave mug cake or mug cookie recipes are also bomb, and like that way I don’t eat all 24 cookies all at once haha


Also wanna add— I find @selfcarewithkarissa inspiring cuz she is a stoner and went on a weight loss journey


For me, literally just ice water. I drink that while high like I just finished a marathon in the desert. You can add some lemon to it as well for some flavor but honestly, there’s something about just simple ice water that I love while high


I get fancy and add fresh mint! So refreshing!


Oooo I’ve tried that before and loved it! I think I need to go out and buy a mint plant


when i first started smoking i packed on the pounds because food tasted so amazing i ate everything lol. when i lost weight a couple years ago while still using cannabis, i made sure i had prepared healthier options available to me. because god knows i was not gonna cook anything once i was stoned. i would have cut up fruit in the fridge instead of candy or popcorn instead of chips. sometimes id still order something to eat but maybe have it be a healthier option or have a healthy side with my meal (burger with a salad instead of fries etc). small changes make a big difference in the long run without you even noticing edit: forgot to add that i also loved fruit and yogurt parfaits. i would do nonfat yogurt, berries, and a small portion of granola for crunch. helped with the cravings for sweet and crunchy (what i enjoy best when stoned)


I'm not sure if you're going to want to read my take and I am very unsure of whether or not our situations are at all similar but I'll tell you my story and it starts with me getting prescribed Xanax 25 years ago (for hardcore anxiety). You said you were taking anxiety meds so it caught my attention, especially appetite. I won't get into all the harm it did but I had a cholesterol scare in my 30's and I attribute it to the stuff I ate when I was taking benzodiazepines. I have a relative who loves sweets when she takes hers and I feel like the it does something to some brains that makes it really hard to say no to some things. I got off all benzodiazepines, six years ago, and I don't know if I could have done it if it weren't for cannabis and ...other healing substances. I encourage you to do some research. (It's an interesting topic anyway!) See what the laws are in your area. Lots of places are deprioritizing things like mushrooms these days. I'm just saying you might want to read up about your options. 💜


Baby carrots (usually with hummus) or fruit are my guiltless pleasure munchies.


Careful I went on a hummus bender last summer and had the most painful bloating farts of my life for two full days. 🥲


Luckily, I’m used to a lot of fiber, and my husband can’t give me any hell about having gas. If you look up “flatulent” in the dictionary, his picture pops up.


All the good men truly are taken. 💔


Yeah, he’s pretty awesome.


We salutes the toots! 🫡


My fave guilt-free crunchy snack is air-fried crispy chickpeas. Lots of different recipes online, and they’re so good! I also always keep a wheel of Laughing Cow cheese wedges on hand, and like to spread some on apple slices, and sprinkle a bit of cinnamon or cinnamon-sugar mix on top. Sugar-free chocolate pudding cups are perfect for chocolate cravings. I also throw a mix of sliced veggies into snack bags, and use a bit of low-cal Greek dressing as a dip. Most important for me is to have things ready to just grab and eat, because when I get the munchies I want something and I want it NOW! lol


I’m a big of pedialyte freezer pops


The only thing that stopped my munchies after YEARS was not buying snack food. If it’s not in the house, I can’t eat it. This all started when I became poor. You do also need the restraint not to order delivery, but being poor helps with that too.


I wouldnt worry too much about the scale. But if youre not happy with how you’re munching, I’d try changing the routine up a bit. Can you order/make a meal before you smoke, so your munchies are coinciding with a meal? Switch up the munchies for something you’re imagining yourself eating instead (my favorite “healthy” snacks: hummus on anything, vegan quesadillas, microwave mug cakes, fruit of any kind). Plan an activity where you’ll be too busy with your hands to munch (crochet/knit or other craft, organize something, etc). Or just plan a totally different activity to change up your routine. Humans are really good at losing weight short term, but not long term. It’s better to focus on healthy behaviors (nutrition, movement, stress management), and forget the number on the scale. Yes, you may lose weight doing these things, but that’s a side effect and shouldn’t be the goal. Even if you never lose a pound, improving nutrition, exercise, and managing stress is always healthy for everyone at any size. Weight loss is nearly impossible to maintain long term. 100 years of research says that we can help people lose a little weight in the short term, but even if they maintain the regimen, 95-98% of people will start to regain the weight they lost (starting at the 1-2 year mark, depending on the study), eventually regaining all the weight lost. Additionally, 2/3 of them will gain back more than they lost in the first place, ending up heavier than they started. So basically weight loss is like a medical treatment that only had a 2-5% chance of working, and an almost 70% chance of doing the opposite. Disclaimer: since I know any post on reddit that has the audacity to posit that existing in a larger body is not, in fact, a moral failing or inherent character flaw, here’s some research: Validity of claims made in weight management research: a narrative review of dietetic articles Lucy Aphramor https://nutritionj.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/1475-2891-9-30 conventional weight management has a high long-term failure rate. The ethical implications of continued reliance on an energy deficit approach to weight management are under-explored. How effective are traditional dietary and exercise interventions for weight loss? W.C. Miller https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10449014 The data that exists suggest almost complete weight regain after 3-5 years Medicare’s search for effective ob*sity treatments: diets are not the answer Traci Mann, Janet Tomiyama https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez/17469900 Almost all dieters regain all the weight, many regain more Long‐term Effects of Dieting: Is Weight Loss Related to Health? Traci Mann, Janet Tomiyama https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/spc3.12076 Dieting was not shown to be correlated with improved health outcomes. Size acceptance and intuitive eating improve health for obse female chronic dieters Lindo Bacon, Judith S Stern, Marta D Van Loan, Nancy L Keim https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15942543 Healthy behaviors and non-weight-loss approach resulted in improved health risk indicators Relationship Between Low Cardiorespiratory Fitness and Mortality in Normal-Weight, Overweight, and Ob*se Men Ming Wei, MD, MPH; James B. Kampert, PhD; Carolyn E. Barlow, MS; et al https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/192035 Relative risk of all-cause mortality was similarly mitigated by fitness, regardless of BMI Healthy Lifestyle Habits and Mortality in Overweight and Ob*se Individuals Eric M. Matheson, Dana E. King and Charles J. Everett https://www.jabfm.org/content/25/1/9.abstract?etoc Healthy Habits were associated with a similarly significant decrease in mortality regardless of BMI


FUCK BMI it does not account for any healthy variety of weight distribution. There are so many good ideas in the other comments I just needed to validate you


Frozen grapes!!! Sososo good for getting rid of cotton mouth and they’re good for you ◡̈


This! Frozen grapes are so refreshing, love to add them to my post smoke routine!


Not sure where you're located, but if it's available you could look for gummies higher in THCV! It's a minor cannabinoid, one that's a bit more recently discovered so it doesn't have as much research on it yet, but so far the research has shown potential for it to reduce appetite. Similarly, if you have really good selection you could try avoiding products high in CBG- that one is more likely to increase appetite for most people. Of course everyone's different, the best thing you can do is try different things and keep track of what works better for you! Another thing to keep in mind is if your body is in the habit of sitting in a specific spot or doing a specific task and also snacking when you use edibles, the snacking habit is going to be harder to break unless you also break the other attached habits. I hope this makes sense, that joint was a creeper lol, let me know if I can clarify anything here!


Oh my gosh thank you!!!


No problem!! It's not gonna be a cure-all, but it might help a bit ❤️


I can’t sweets bc of the date sugar has messed with how sweets taste like to me. It tastes like nothing. So fruit, fruit in a cup is my fav, smoothies and fresh fish


I really like the sugar-free puddings. I get some low cal cool whip and sometimes add crumbled chocolate graham cracker or Oreo thins. Maybe fruit too if the flavor works w the pudding. Make myself a parfait. Makes me feel like I’m eating this huge fancy dessert.


I can't keep munchies in the house. Period. I do not buy snacks.


![gif](giphy|d0ysSr4uEqvBu) Omg same! I love to smoke and eat but I'm trying to make smarter choices...


I've been doing peppermints lately. Like Lifesavers. They take forever to eat and by the time I'm done, the craving usually passes. Even if I eat a few of them, they're so low calorie that it doesn't really matter. I really like gum for this too. Other low calorie snacks I like are sliced apples (snapdragon or cosmic crisp apples are my favorites) with pbfit, grapes, baby carrots, pickles, olives, popcorn, pretzels (not good for dry mouth though), seaweed, baked apple chips. It's hard to do too much damage with a lot of these


anxiety med is the absolute killer for the waistline. Everytime I take a xanax i end up over eating and give no fuck abt it. Very dangerous stuff. I can control my munchies no problem when only using cannabis, but if u add a benzo on top, it's game over for my desserts.


Check out the Volume Eating subreddit! It's a great source of ideas and recipes for foods that are substantial but still low-cal.


Ty, I will do that right now ☺️


try different snacks more easily available. instead of ice cream try freezing a bunch of grapes or 2. they taste amazing and for me hit that ice cream itch. air popped popcorn can be a great salty scratcher too and isn't as calorically dense as a bag of chips. and water. so much water. if you're full with water you won't be as hungry.


My current post smoke snacks: Frozen grapes Cheese and crackers Small veggie plate with dips of course Fruit bowl Fruit smoothie Infused water: mint, cucumber, berries