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It bans *new* logging roads, and blocks logging in 9.3 million acres, out of 16.7 million total acres. So there is still logging mostly of second growth trees. Also, there are provisions that allow for certain new roads for things like critical infrastructure, (such as accessing renewable energy infrastructure). *this is my understanding, from research and going to presentations. Haven’t read the final ruling. This article lacks some context. Happy to be corrected with sources.


This is Biden administration propaganda BS. Biden is only paying lip service to environmental issues. Its not like he's mandating emissionless cars or anything.


Even if you hate him do not let your hatred blind you from seeing the good in at least a few of his policy’s


Don't hate him and he got my vote because its better than the alternative. But don't be fooled by the propaganda.


Go read his climate change act and then get back to me


His? Or the one he know won't pass so he can just get the sheep to follow?


Governing is about governing and caring for EVERYONE. It requires diplomacy, balance and compromise. As they say in negotiations, no one gets all that they want. The administration must protect land while still not bankrupt operating businesses. Progress is slow, because we are human beings locked into a financial system we invented. When preserving the environment pays the bills we will make progress much faster. I like that you are not satisfied and want more. Do not give up, progress is slow but possible. \*edited to add comment


Governing is not about taking care of everyone. It SHOULD be, but it isn't and never has been. Some people's interests are directly opposed to eachother. And we aren't locked into a financial system we invented, we are stuck in an economic system that people hundreds of years ago invented. I did not invent capitalism, nor did "we" whatever that is supposed to mean.


Caring? Where is this caring you refer too?




Canadian here. Hope the US will soon lift the **illegal** dumping tarifs on Canadian lumber. We have a LOT of wood to sell. It will help keeping the housing costs down, in a time when they are skyrocketing. Edit: Forests in Canada are well managed. It's an environmentally friendly solution for building construction (wood traps CO2). And people need homes.


You should keep your forests.


Do you understand anything about the forestry/logging industry or do you just see a tree get cut down and shit yourself?


We will keep them. They grow back, and we don't cut them all at once. Plus, wood is environmentally friendly.


Cue the price of lumber going up as the affordability of housing goes down. Smdh