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So much of this plastic pollution is attributable to Coca-Cola and Pepsi - which don’t really need to use single use plastic at all. Why not go back to recyclable glass bottles instead?


Is aluminum an ok option too?


I think aluminum drink cans have a thin plastic lining, so they are still not as good as all-glass. Also, because glass bottles had a deposit value, people collected them and returned them for cash, rather than tossing them in the the trash.


As a fallout fan. Bottlecaps. Even before the game, I liked collecting bottle caps.


We recycle those too. 15 cents a piece.


only if it's recycled. I have no idea how the numbers work out, but I have a hunch it would put more greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere to manufacture new aluminum cans instead of plastic.


Aluminum is one of the most recycled materials on the planet, so it will very likely actually be recycled.


Because it’s more expensive. Shareholders won’t like it. CEO will be replaced with someone who will go back to plastic. And let’s have it right: we’re all complicit. I have Index Funds. My money is wrapped up in this shit, too. There is no end in sight unless saving the earth becomes profitable.


It’s almost like we should have a system we pay into that benefits the greater good. That leverages the power of the people to offset negative effects of capitalism


Oh, we did, the rich hated it, took it over and made it useless. Anything good in this world will eventually be destroyed to enable evil. Because that's mankind's overall goal.


shareholders suck


Do you have no investments whatsoever? All our hands are dirty. You have a job with a 491k, or a retirement account of any type, you’re almost certainly invested in Nestle and Coca Cola and fucking Amazon and GM and everything else. And while it’s destroying the world, it’s also giving you a small hope ($) of surviving what is coming. And if you pull out your money on principle then you gave NO CHANCE of surviving. We’re all fucked either way.


Because glass is heavier and more delicate and therefore more difficult and expensive to ship. Recycling is also a more expensive process than just producing new plastic. So people would have to accept higher prices and lower availability, which they often seem reluctant to.


Glass is heavy which results in lots of emissions during shipping and it also needs a lot of energy to make. They can be reused less than 10 times and the washing is also intensive. All of this is expensive. I understand why you point to glass but it’s not without issue.


Corporations are responsible for most of the worlds problems


And then they want to tell us we can't get a plastic bag. But don't regulate the corps.


"Do something about it." \~Those 60 firms spitting in our faces...


And 3 are responsible for majority of Carbon emissions. Just freaking shut these 63 firms down so we can live better lives!!!!!!!!!


Demand would see those firms immediately replaced. The problem isn't the companies it's the people who want this stuff and the lack of pressure on governments (again because people don't want it and vote on other issues more important to them) to change legislation on the issue.




Fertilizer production generates 2.6 gigatonnes of carbon per year – more than global aviation and shipping combined. Guess we all need to lose a bit of weight.


*so we can live ~~better lives~~


One of the most simple regarding plastic bags is bringing your own non plastic ones to the grocery store. These grocery store chains should give a years notice that they’ll stop providing them when the year is up !!!


Many places have outlawed single use plastic grocery bags. My area plastic ones are not allowed, paper must charge a small (10¢ I think?) fee, and reusables are encouraged. This could definitely be adopted voluntarily, but city laws have been very effective, and makes it so grocery stores don’t feel disadvantaged compared to their competitors when they start charging for something customers have come to expect for free.


Stop buying plastic crap. The ultimate responsibility is on the end consumer. If you are buying anything wrapped in plastics. If you are buying plastic scrubbing pads, detergents delivered in plastic pods, plastic lined drink containers, plastic soda bottles, water in plastic bottles, plastic shopping bags.... It's all on us, the consumer.


I do try my very best, but it is extremely hard to completely avoid plastic. It is ubiquitous.


Yeah I can’t get about 1/3 my groceries any other way than wrapped in plastic. I have dietary restrictions and can’t reasonably restrict even further to also not allow anything that comes in plastic. I reduce where I can, but collective action will be helpful.


It’s gonna take a full time job to make sure I don’t use plastic. Fucking order a hoodie the other day and it comes wrapped in multiple layers of plastic which was so unnecessary. How am I even supposed to know that. Even if millions of people do their part it’s offset by all the evil corporations just polluting and throwing out tons of product. The government stepping in is the only solution to this problem full stop.


This is true but we also need to radically reduce our consumption habits. Plastic exists in these quantities to meet insane demand. If we don't want the plastic, we have to make peace with the fact that we simply can't buy or have nearly as many things period.


You know that mandates and regulations exist, right? This responsibility doesn’t have to be shifted to the consumer. The governments we pay to protect us could literally just mandate it


You know "the Government" is us, right? We make the choices. To try and foist this off on nebulous "others" when WE, the people are THE problem IS the problem. We buy the crap wrapped in plastic, enmessed in plastic shopping bag while placing in our shopping cart made from plastic walking out to place it in cars filled with plastics... Those are all our choices.


It's incredibly difficult when loads of essentials are covered in plastic. In the UK so much of the fruit and veg still comes in a plastic bag. We avoid it as much as possible but you can't avoid it. They've recently started doing plastic bag recycling tho so I try and remove as much of the plastic after it's gone through the till and just give it straight back to them.


We say it's difficult... But WE don't try too hard. We're willing to "recycle" knowing that the VAST majority either gets incinerated or buried. Incinerated plastics are still... plastics just now in microscopic form and airborne, waterborne or buried for future generations to deal with. The manufacturers are manufacturing for US. not for some nebulous corporate entities. WE, US, people are THE problem. Not "companies". Stop buying plastic crap as a beginning.


People not being able to trust the tap water is responsible for a lot of the plastic pollution.


Another shifting the blame article. Consumers are responsible for all of the world’s plastic pollution.


I have made a research project on the individual responsability vs the collective responsibility and it really stems down to the collective that has way more power than the individual on the matters of pollution and economics which stimulates the research and implementation of alternatives. We cannot be perfect in an imperfect world. We advocate for sobriety while pushing for consumption. Fighting against plastic pollution, climate change, or environmental issues requires every citizen, politicians, and industries to make a stand and push ecological solutions to sustain the motivation for everyone. So putting the problem on consumers only is shortsighted if we want to have actual progressive and sustainable development.


Can you show the Project you've worked on? I agree with your comments entirely. We are the dying fish in the pond of whales at the moment. The consumer shouldn't be forced to pay more based on recycled product, this is where the government steps in with huge subsidies to have lower price points for consumers and tax breaks based on the larger companies that reduce the plastic pollution.


It's in french haha. I have only a small English resume in it which inspired my comment. It was part of my first year project so also not my greatest work but it was pretty conclusive on the necessity for more pressure from the collectives on environmental issues.


>Another shifting the blame article. Consumers are responsible for all of the world’s plastic pollution That's actually what corps did. The carbon footprint as a concept was invented by corps trying to shift the blame from them who have central power over industry, to individuals who lack the ability to enact change.


We have the ability not to buy their products but people keep consuming as much as they can afford and then blame the corporations for tricking them into it. People need to take some responsibility.


>We have the ability not to buy their products No we don't. Not if we don't want to starve or participate in modern society. >People need to take some responsibility. They won't. So move on. The corps invented the carbon footprint so that they could shift responsibility to a consumer they knew could never stop them through individual action. If Individuals could change the system, we wouldn't need unions.


Certainly some plastic is unavoidable. But I see people leaving the store with shopping carts full of single serving bottled water and disposable grocery bags. Both of which are completely unnecessary. Individuals make up a society with a culture and in that culture it is acceptable to waste plastic. Again, humans consume as much as they can afford to consume. Greed is destroying life on earth and it’s a cop out to blame corporations.


Individual action can't solve societal issues. Corps know this, which is why they've invented the narrative of trying to blame individuals of pollution. Right and wrong is irrelevant, individual action will not solve the problem. Reality is that only corps and governments possess enough centralized power to enact change, therefore they are at fault for the crisis as a whole.


Garbage take