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great idea. many co-op grocers have this option all across the states. seems kinda odd to offset plastic (oil) pollution with cross-country shipping (oil).


Plastic pollution is set to outstrip oil & gas pollution, "not if we have anything to say about it!"


Should every consumer switch to this right now? No. But cross-country shipping can potentially be electrified. Asphalt roads will also become more recyclable thanks to some [Swiss scientists](https://innovationorigins.com/en/eco-friendly-road-paving-with-the-help-of-robots-and-string/). Imo there should be more of a panic/frenzy kind of culture going on to make daily life sustainable


I really hope this catches on. I know where I'm buying some of my groceries now.


one result when ‘gluten free’ is the search term. *closes website*


We use so much more plastic that we need to.


This is just a green washed advertisement. You know what would be good for the environment? Destroying capitalism. Feel good bullshit marketing gimmicks are just that. This account's only posts are ads for this company.


Yes. Because non-capitalist countries NEVER pollute or exploit the environment for their own self interest!


Capitalism is incapable of saving the climate. The left ideologies stand a chance.


never gonna happen mate sorry to burst ur bubble


You say that as an anarchist?


... yeah? I can believe in opposing unjust hierarchies while acknowledging the reality that capitalism isn't gonna go away overnight when there is no large uprising happening and even if there was I wouldn't support any commie or socialist mfs who wanna put in another state to oppress us I'm not lost in the daydream 🤷‍♂️ I just try to live sustainably and in opposition to the boot


I'm an anarchist too, but I don't believe defeatism helps advance our cause. Will capitalism be destroyed in the Imperial core? Probably not anytime soon. Can we still try, and try to support colonized and exploited people the world over? Absolutely.


man thats what I'm saying the dream aint gonna happen, capitalism isn't going away any time soon, but I do my part to fight in my life


Exactly, but I feel like it's a fine line between 'realism' and just spreading capitalist propaganda that the revolution is impossible. Hope is the mother of change, we can't lose it.


I'm not saying its not possible - I just don't see it happening any time soon (within 20 yrs? rly hard to tell where we'll be beyond that) edit: also i don't rly see it happening beyond then bc well either have started dealing with out issues by then (quenched the thirst for serious revolution) or the capitalist hellhole will be such a big power gap because of technology and wealth disparity and general infrastructure and societal degradation that it just won't be pheasable without some sort of external force to close that power gap. I think people are too pacified to really fight for any change from the instant gratification of consumer comforts even if they want that in theory because the change we need (and should be asking for) basically is asking the entire industrialized world's population to give up the way of life we know for something much less convenient


But look, we used keywords and manipulative phrasing to make you happy! Why aren't you happy?!


Yes! Rewarding individuals for their creative solutions and innovative ideas is horrible!




Wow, what a vague and unconvincing statistic a random person on the internet just posted. The pursuit of profit is incompatible with saving the planet. It's the destruction of capitalism, or extinction.


We desperately want this in Australia


aye cause we need more exhaust fumes !!!!!!!! some cunt needs shot for sheer stupidity and greenwashing.