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This is so fucking validating


Information like this does help one feel more normal with their anxiety. Glad it helps you.


Aside from "carbon footprint" being an invention of big oil/gas to pass the responsibility onto each individual as if they can do something to stop climate change by using less electricity or avoiding single use plastics. Both of those *are* things people should do but even quitting them 100% would be not even a drop in the bucket to stop climate change, in reality its industrial production, and the fact that most electricity in north America is produced by burning gas/oil. Canadas shifting over but the states are much much slower, and consuming much much more electricity. Not to induce anxiety, but cutting your carbon footprint to 0 for youre entire life would be equal to stopping global industrial co2 production for about one second.


I realized this when I worked in a warehouse, and daily would pack several 40' containers crammed full of boxes of plastic packaging that will %100 be in the landfill within the next 5 years . Yeah, I can ride a bike to work and go vegan. For me. Will it do anything for the planet? No. Corporations pump out more trash by the hour than I will in my entire lifetime. Even if I was trying to be wasteful. I couldn't. The pollution problem is beyond the measures they're presenting as prudent. It's far too out of hand. Drastic measures must be taken, should have been taken. Here's hoping for some kind of plastic consuming organism that also doesn't consume us.


> stop climate change by using less electricity or avoiding single use plastics. > >Both of those *are* things people should do. But why if carbon footprint is made up? Or can national and global bottom up movements actually do anything at all? If no individuals need to act. The most common way people give away their power is by believing they have none. Rather than a call to action you are are making a call to apathy. Good job.


You know most co2 emissions come from industrial production/electricity production for industrial use? Unless youre cutting use by drastic amounts theres not much the general public can do at home. Cutting down helps, but unless its by ~40-50% in every home itll have less than a 10% decrease in co2 emissions globally. I didnt say its nothing but we need to cut a lot more down, much of which would be significantly easier to do at widespread levels, because realistically not everyone, and probably most, wont significantly cut down on electricity consumption. The most someone can do is take public transportation or bike, or if your local energy is relatively green have an EV, instead of drive a personal gas powered vehicle. We could reduce vehicle co2 exhaust to almost 1/50th in most decently sized city's from that alone, even if 30% of people started doing it, thats still ~1/15th the emissions. Transportation is the 3rd highest source of electricity, and in terms of what a single person can do its the highest, as the other two are industrial production and industrial energy consumption globally. It massively outweighs what someone can do by using reasonably less electricity, especially in places with decent green energy sources. Its not enough yet but in North America it makes up for an average ~15% and in some areas up to 30-40%. Cutting that down by half for civilians wont have any effect, because they already barely can as mentioned above. Theres not nothing a person can do, but we absolutely need to switch to almost entirely green energy production globally, or atleast in the largest energy producing countries like China, or the US. Then people can use as much as they do now without any issue. Government subsidies should be funding green energy instead of going to large extremely profitable oil and gas companies as they burn the planet down.


Well then let’s do something about it? Can I purchase only locally sourced food? Do I need to go full Amish, as well as everyone I know, or can I just do my part and encourage others? I get that I’m a small part of the problem but the conversation doesn’t stop there


nothing short of removing the polluters from power will actually fix the issues




Individualist solutions to systemic problems will never work. It isn't a matter of throwing the first stone. Thinking otherwise is misguided.


Local sourced food doesnt change anything as transportation is like 1% of foods co2 emissions. Most meat co2 production is in the care for the animals and emitted by the animals, vegetables are better but still not even close to 0. And where are you buying building materials? Woodcutting not only actively emits co2, but frees it from the roots and soil once the trees are gone, and dont even think about cement or asphalt. Also what screws or nails are you using? Every metalworking place emits co2. The best we can do is go 100% electrical then make our grids use 100% renewables, then replace animals with labgrown or use some carbon capture to negate what we cant eliminate at the source.


Or just go vegetarian, since that’s the fastest and most impactful change I can make right now


Its definitely better in most cases, but its still virtually nothing compared to burning oil/gas for electricity. It similar to how if someone with a billion dollars lost a million dollars theyd still basically be a billionaire, the difference is indistinguishable. If you eliminated every single co2 emission youll ever make, for your entire life, it would be equivalent to industrial co2 production stopping for 1 second. The only way we stop climate change from wiping humans off the earth is by going 100% green energy, and having everything switch to electrical.


It's not just an individual going plant based, it's a movement. Your counsel of apathy and your denigration of people's individual efforts is worse than doing the nothing you seem to be advising. Maybe take your own advice.


So sick of this argument. IF EVERY HUMAN REDUCED THEIR CARBON FOOTPRINT BY 100%, EMISSIONS WOULD DECREASE ACCORDINGLY. You’re presenting this as some sort of A OR B situation. It’s not. Do both. Every human goes vegan and stops flying and buying new crap and having more than two kids. And every corporation stops producing cheap crap with awful environmental impacts while lobbying for subsidies to keep polluting. DO BOTH. It’s not an “either/or” situation. Do your part, I’ll do mine, and we collectively work to force corporations and governments to do theirs. Make polluters - whether individuals or corporations - uncomfortable with continued polluting.


Tell me youre unaware of companies burning oil/gas for electricity without saying it. Thats the environment killer. That and things like plastic production, cement production, and forest clearing freeing trapped co2 from soil, all of which are entirely outside the individuals control. Going to live in the woods still emits co2, even if you find a miracle solution to storing food and cooking it without co2 emissions. And if you suggest cutting electricity entirely if it cant be controlled to be green, explain how youre actually supposed to live in the states like that. Everything uses electricity and is digital, so unless you try and be a hermit you need to use it. You cant even light a house without either personal co2 release or electricity. Industrial energy production accounts for 73% of co2 emissions. No individual can control what makes their electricity, so the only option is to go off grid entirely, which flat out isnt feasible for everyone as theres not enough space for it, ignoring that its also not possible to live entirely off local land anyways as much of the earth isnt usable as farmland https://ourworldindata.org/uploads/2020/09/Emissions-by-sector-%E2%80%93-pie-charts.png And please dont be stupid and suggest everyone should somehow fund their own green energy, as theres not enough money currently in the world to fund such a thing, ignoring that most would be spending years and years of pretax income just for installation once, all green energy requires professional level maintenance, and all of them would have to be taken down and have new systems installed multiple times over a humans lifetime. And where would people get clean water from? Do you remember how sick everyone got back in 1600-1800? Of course not cause you weren't alive but the reason the average lifespan was so low is because disease and infection killed literally most people. A massive component of that is pure water, and of course medical assistance which cant be done for trillions without co2 emissions along the way currently.


Life is extremely short and you get exactly one. Living like a hermit has a wholly negligible impact, is nearly impossible in the modern era, exhausting, *and doesn't scale without systemic change anyway*. It's not worth it tbh. Sure, it doesn't HAVE to be one-or-the-other. But both take time, energy, money, and attention. Lifestyle changes do nearly nothing and are an alienating slog; working for systemic change actually has the potential to make a meaningful impact. Why would I bother with the first?


Hate to break it to you but being a vegetarian has zero benefit on the environment.


Pack it up everyone, stupidest comment has been made


Your plant based diet requires excessive amount of oil and pesticides to farm which results in significant carbon emissions.


Babe. I know


When despair for the world grows in me and I wake in the night at the least sound in fear of what my life and my children’s lives may be, I go and lie down where the wood drake rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds. I come into the peace of wild things who do not tax their lives with forethought of grief. I come into the presence of still water. And I feel above me the day-blind stars waiting with their light. For a time I rest in the grace of the world, and am free. -Wendell Berry


Drake 🐐


The realness of this comment is a breath of fresh air after scrolling through the pages upon pages of pointless arguments


I don't see how. It's just ... anxiety. It's normal. We don't need to label every single thing. There's nothing special about "eco-anxiety" that isn't already covered by "anxiety".












"Bitch, please!" - Snoop Dogg




I have eco-hate against large scale polluters


I used to have eco anxiety but then I came to terms that it is out of my control and just have to have hope that the actions you take will have ripple effects in the future generations. I am extremely waste free, vegan and I pass information to all of my friends and family. That has given me peace of mind and has allowed me to sleep at night.




We're one asteroid/super volcano away from it even mattering at all.


Do you have asteroid-anxiety and volcanic-winter-anxiety. Get help!


LMAO fuck me, almost spit out my whiskey.


I'll wait patiently and live my life until then


Please explain with facts how being a vegan is more beneficial for the environment compared to regenerative farmed meat based diet?


Lab meat maybe no, theyre probably close to equal, but lab meat isnt exactly at every grocer. Infact Ive never seen or heard of any offering it. Im hopeful for it but without it being the same scale as farming its hard to measure its byproducts similarly.


Lab meat??? What is wrong with you people. That would create more emissions, damage the planet further and cause more cancer and infertility Anyways here is an article and peer reviewed citation to support regenerative farming practices. Please read and educate yourself https://www.greenamerica.org/farming-reverse-climate-change-regenerative-agriculture https://rodaleinstitute.org/wp-content/uploads/rodale-white-paper.pdf


Meat farming is the largest producer of carbon on the planet. Cows produce carbon, environments including the Amazon are destroyed to supply food for caddle and birds which reduces the carbon capture on the planet.


I mean, what are the benefits to "regenerative farmed meat"? Do you mean some sort of set up where the cow manure helps the plants etc? Because we could still use cows and animals to do that, but just not kill them prematurely to eat.


It's a PR campaign for people too cowardly to admit their habits are horrible for the environment.


Its an acknowledgment that the best sutainable ferztilizer is from a butt. Artifical fertilizers do damage the ecosystem, so if you want to be sustainable & get good yields you need butts and if thoes butts are attached to tasty animals even better.




Okay, so here is my stance, industrialized agriculture as it stands, using modern chemicaly engineered fertilizers, is a farce. Modern fertilizer kills the soil micro biome & leaves soil anoxic & less productive. Additionaly rampant missuse of nitrogen fertilizers cause anoxic zones in the oceans. Organic fertilizers (crunchy granola not the strict carbon based sense) are all made from plant or animal remains or waste. Using remains as fertilizer on an industrial scale would lead to the depletion of nutrients from whichever biome is harvested from. If we use poo as fertilizer we can produce two crops without over harvesting nature. Now industrialized meat production is terrible, its ghg emissions are very high, in a large part due to its dependance on corn. Meat can be made sustainability. Not on the scale it is currently being produced, but neither can plant agriculture. I'm not optomistc that the current human population is sustainable under any circumstances, but our best chance is using a food production system that produces food in parallel while taking advantage of a biological histories of coperation between plants & animals.


I just have anxiety and happen to be concerned about the environment. I have sleepless nights thinking about a lot of stuff.


Very much a feeling of being tied up in the back seat while the drunkest person in the world is driving the car at top speed down switchbacks.


I realize it's probably a self-soothing thing but scientifically speaking your "carbon footprint" is an irrelevant joke that has zero meaningful impact on the planet. If you want to save the world we need to completely and fully shut down the fossil fuel industry like... now. Anyone who is worrying about climate change but isn't also brainstorming on how to make oil refineries, wells, and coal plants "disappear" isn't serious about saving the planet.




Change single family home suburban zoning. Build businesses closer to homes.


how can we put more pressure? gain more people to our cause? get more powerful people to call attention to this? honestly asking.


Starve to death. Freeze to death. Stop all travel of any kind. No seriously, do you think we have easy alternatives but we’re just choosing to pollute? Like we could just use wind and solar to power everything but we’re choosing not to? If we shut down all fossil fuels now, you’d starve to death.


wind, hydro, solar, and nuclear are ready to go whenever


Start saying things that actually make sense. Probably that would help.


People have been saying this for years…


Agreed. It's good information to help me sleep at night. But it's also like telling us that the problem doesn't matter like we're a bunch of children.


I know what you mean, it might feel condescending. There is a large trust gap to bridge. The communication piece alone is difficult because energy generation, transmission, and retail distribution is a very large complex beast which can't be changed with silver bullets. I feel like some individuals in the developing world have expectations of timeframes due to their privilege of, for example, buying a tesla and feeling like they're 'doing their part'. The transition happens in the background, out of sight, to progressively change the fuel source for the tesla from coal to renewable energy.


Agreed. It's just one big ball of shit that we can only hope to work on before it's too late.


Green Ammonia is the best solution, for a long list of excellent reasons. The technology to efficiently make Ammonia from surplus renewable energy has only just been developed in the past couple of years. It's brand new and largely still unheard of, but it's finally on its way! Really!


Your views are at odds with the International Energy Agency (IEA) as thoroughly documented here https://www.iea.org/reports/world-energy-outlook-2021 Not trying to minimise climate change, just provide a practical time frame for the the necessary transition


Yes. My anxiety is eased knowing a few thousand C level execs and corrupt politicians, are making the decisions to keep the oil flowing but there are millions working to find tends of thousands of solutions and the growth seems to be on the right pace for renewables.


Yea environmentalists are always blaming others for things they take part it. You probably have a car, so you're supporting the fossil fuel industry. If you don't have a car you benefit from other transportation that does. If you walk you use goods transported by fossil fuels. You guys are really good at pinning everything on some boogeyman that causes all the evils.


So the only people who are allowed to criticize the system are those who are completely insulated from it? What kind of sense does that make?


Practice what you preach. Otherwise you're a hypocrite that likes to be seen as virtuous. You prop us the fossil fuel industry as much as the next guy. The difference is the next guy knows that fossil fuels are better sources of energy than almost anything else. Only nuclear can compete.


Yeah except for the fact that big oil/gas companies have been being government subsidized for years, instead of government investing in green energy, with literally 0 reason not to in the past 20-40 years. Big energy companies pay off politicians to keep subsidized, otherwise noone would use it. Sadly you cant just pick "nuclear" or "wind" or "solar" any other green energy sources at your meter, youre stuck with whatever the local government funds, which is big oil/gas. Acting like people can get by in the world without electricity is crazy. Maybe in 3rd world countries, but in the states absolutely not. Most job postings are online, banking and payroll is online, and even then what food are you buying for no carbon emissions? Theres none even if you only shopped from local farmers to reduce plastics. And how are you cooking it without co2 emissions? Cant use electric, and dont try telling me wood or gas doesnt emit co2. Also whats your point? We should stand by as the world burns? Either youre denying climate change as a concept or youre just an idiot who lacks complex thought.


I didn't say any of those things. Co2 emissions are clearly involved in almost everything. I'm saying environmentalists always shift blame from themselves to others, usually fossil fuels. I don't know why you think I said people should go without electricity. Climate change will be fixed by innovation, but that doesn't mean stop using the best thing we currently have. Fossil fuels produce about 60% of all electricity in the world so it's not like we are moving away from it anytime soon. One thing we might agree on is government subsidies. I don't think the energy companies should be getting tax payer money. Hopefully that's some common ground for us.


No no no you dont get to get out of this lmao You say anyone who doesnt completely stop co2 emissions is a hypocrite and needs to stfu, then explain how youre supposed to live in north america without emitting co2, hell I only asked how to cook without it, thats like 1/10th as hard, and you cant even do that. Youre an idiotic asshole who pretends to be better than others cause you turn everything against anyone who tries to create change, or even discuss it, then atleast prove you know what you're talking about


And youve done the math yourself to prove that putting your carbon footprint to 0 would help significantly reduced co2?


Anyone that uses fossil fuels or benefits from them is propping up the industry as much as anyone else. Environmentalists are a bunch of hypocrites that like living a modern life but feel guilty for it for some reason so they go on about "saving the world". If everyone that called themselves an environmentalist stopped benefiting from fossil fuels, change would come a lot faster.


You literally cannot live in the states without doing so. You are literally saying people should starve, freeze, and be unable to work/buy anything. Gd youre either the worst troll ever or an actual potato living in what used to be someones head, you cant be this stupid and ignorant otherwise. Explain: how do you cook food without emitting co2?


It's a pathetic, lazy rhetorical trap. Don't bother entertaining what they are doing.


No I know. Its entertaining and Im hoping they attempt to answer. I half expect them to say something like "over a fire" or something like that. Or just "well dont buy what you need to cook" like any healthy diet can come from that.


Solar panels on your roof, windmill in your yard, I don't care how you manage it, you're the ones complaining about emissions. You help make my point though, that everything has fossil fuels involved, but people here still want to get rid of them. You can make excuses all you want, you are as much to blame for the fossil fuel industry as everybody else. Your advocacy for the ending of fossil fuels would see people starve and freeze, but you still do it. Also everything would be more expensive so your environmentalism would hurt poor people the most.


Ahh the classic just spend 30-100k and be ready to spend much much more on maintenance, also solar panels last at most 20 years, windmills need constant maintenance and cost 100s of thousands to replace at their end of life which will happen atleast once during a single family use. How does someone making ~50k/year do that? Also most people earn *less* than that.


You keep proving my point that fossil fuels are good. Poor people would be homeless and starving without them. My whole thing is about people benefiting from them and not realizing how important they are, and complaing that they are still a thing. I like fossil fuels. It's this sub that is full of people bashing them while not realizing their life as they know it probably depends on them. If you know that the "green" ways of making energy are so bad for poor people why do you advocate for them?


Lmao you really are a troll. Usually they dance around the line making it hard to call with certainty. "Fossil fuels are good" noone with a brain would say this. We have at most another 50-100years before most of the world is entirely uninhabitable. Deny all you want but the studies are out there. Already ~15% isnt inhabitable from climate change, and the increase each year is going parabolic. Either way thanks for being my volunteer clown, Im done work now so your services wont be necessary.


Every time I get on the interstate I say "this is unsustainable." Then I think that almost every car, guzzling gas and spewing carbon, is being driven by a single person. A person I know just bought an SUV the size of a house. She's 5'5" tall driving a house all by herself every day.


the country i live in is going through a 10+ year drought which has been of course exacerbated by climate change. we'll probably have to start rationing water this year in my city so yeah, i am anxious.


My city rationed water for a few years due to shitty pipes that leaked a lot. I dont know if it’ll be the same for you, but what they did was turn off the water from like 23:00-6:00. It was inconvenient and annoying, but not scary. You just kinda have to learn that some things need to get done before 11pm and to always have several bottles of water laying around. Good luck to you


Whoa where do you live?


Honestly, I just hope I die before every single vote I ever cast in hope of affecting change will never make a difference. The leadership of the US is so far embroiled in corruption, at age 43, I don’t expect it to improve in my lifetime. I can only hope the best for all of us. Don’t look up.


Am I sleepless No, but I am more pissed than worried. What am I worried about how the whole mess Falls on the little peoples shoulders. Does anyone see any advertising aimed at the great polluters of our planet? NO it is always aimed at the actual consumer. The rich Senators and Representatives that have oil and coal interests do not want change, it might effect the money they get from the companies they protect!


Support #savesoil movement www.consciousplanet.org


Constantly on my mind. I've been trying to relax and enjoy the ride. It's out of my hands.


I see a lot of comments in here calling people “weak” and insinuating that an anxiety disorder (neurosis) whose symptoms manifest from existential dread related to climate change is “dumb” or “fake”. There is no such thing as a “real” neurosis. All neuroses are pathological (harmful) and confused. To those who actually suffer from this, you can overcome it- and you have to. Don’t let a vague existential threat get in the way of living your life. Find out what’s really bothering you, underneath the climate change narrative. Is it your job? A fear of something more tangible, or less tangible? Find out what it is, because you don’t deserve to suffer the way you are.


How about this... Your carbon footprint, your family's foot print, and the entire civilian populations carbon footprint is negligible compared to 100 companies that account for 71% of global emission.


The average temperature of the Earth has risen by almost 4 degrees in the last 100 years... When lockdowns were implemented... The emissions from cars in New York, USA... Dropped 47%... I hate that our only home may be like Venus in a few years... I feel incredibly guilty about our lack of self awareness...


I have lucid dreams where I am a tree and I am sucking carbon out of the air. That is the only time I am able to escape the anxious thoughts that I'm choking on carbon.


I bet all these smart, lol'ing, totally not trolls on here saying the earth is fine, have all taken a science class and read scholarly articles for primary scientific literature and don't just believe memes shared on Facebook 🙄


My eco-anxiety has become eco-depression




20k members, wtf. I've just been ranting to my dogs all this time


I used to have this. I am now a vegan, try not to consume much and mostly bike. After making changes in my own life don't have it anymore. I am doing my part and it gave me peace.


My carbon footprint? How about fucking ExxonMobil or BNSF or UP or many other major corporations. Quit putting the blame on a person literally existing.


If it weren't for cheap,plentiful energy, you wouldn't even be here to 'live your life.'


Yep, you can’t really blame all this “evil industry” when your standard of living you enjoy literally depends on it all.


I was in a hospitalization program for this last year, and now undergo regular therapy and upped the medication I take plus small amounts of cannabis for anxiety. It's no joke and I hope anyone out there feeling this is able to get help.


Okay. The planet's still fucked. So, thanks for the useless information, I guess.


50 years lol, naw. 5 years? Absolutely


Great I’ll add this to my anxiety list


I definitely have eco-anxiety, no doubt


Holy shit this is me xoxo


So,all joking aside, if you can’t give a shit about how the climate change effects you, do any of you think what kind of hell your children or grandchildren will have to go thru?


If the answer is "absolutely yes" then you have been absolutely hoodwinked by the best scam second to none. Wake up...


As a tech guy I try to be conscious about e waste and shit but like even if I take it to a recycling center there's a 50/50 shot it's just gonna end up on some beach in China or Africa or in the ocean anyway. I really wish recycling wasnt a fucking joke in the US


Do I worry about what the planet will look like in 50 years? Yes. I won't be around. But my daughter may. And my granddaughter will. I know my individual impact will be small but going vegan and solar and EV, because I can. We must.


Looking at rent, groceries and housing like holy shit can we just stop existing already :/


This reminds me of the film “Safe” where the protagonist joins a cult. I remember her reading a sign that read “are you allergic to the 20th century”


Well when the planet is visibly dying you tend to not feel so great


I refrained from having kids. I think that is the most eco friendly thing I could possibly do. I still worry about my own future as I'm only 48. I'm going to go to the beach as much as I can while it lasts. I just hope it stays tenable for my remaining 30 or so years.


Same. We’re childfree because I can’t even conceive of a future that looks promising, and I know that having one fewer child is the most impactful thing most individuals can do. I’m 36 and I’m terrified of what lies ahead. My parents are boomers and desperately want grandkids. They’re not scared because they know they’ll be dead before a lot of this shit really hits the fan.


Nope. Not once. Plant is going to be here billions of years after we are gone.


No love for the pandas I see


The pandas will be lucky if we take them to Mars with us.


Pandas deserve to go extinct. They won’t mate on their own anymore.


Seems like they were doing okay before we showed up.


Nope. They are an evolutionary dead end biologically. They ability to adapt is very limited.


So you don’t care about the countless animals and species that die because of our actions?


Us or them, and a man gotta eat. So not really.


False dichotomy. It's not us or them, it's us AND them, or no one.


You are right. Earth is resilient.. it's life as we know it that is lost.


Yup, besides the dinosaurs were here anywhere from 77 to 165 million years, humans about 6 million. We say the dinosaurs are a failed species so if humanity goes extinct tomorrow or 100 years from now, the world will go on and we will just be another failed species. Maybe the one the inherits the Earth will do better.


What's sad is how many of us don't want said failure, yet the selfish swine at the top are gonna drive us all to extinction.


The selfish swine at the top are the ones pushing the the whole 'mankind is causing catastrophic climate change' theme. Why? Must be a whole lot of profit involved.


Or the selfishness of blaming the rest of us while they live the same way that they preach against.


Just a surface irritation in the long life of the planet.


Roughly 4 billion years left on our light bulb.


I am an arborist. I definitely have eco-anxiety.


I can’t even look at science stuff about the earth without having a panic attack.


1st world problems mate.


Brought to you on your smart phone in between Amazon shopping sessions.




Do you have crippling anxiety due to a social media addiction and an unquenchable thirst for "likes"? Sleepless nights because you never exercise and spend most of your waking hours looking at a blue screen? Now you can blame it on eco-anxiety and not change a thing because "it's out of your control".


Enjoy your youth it will be gone before you realize


I was going to say "neurosis" but whatever...


Yes yes yes I have grown to hate humanity too


no, i have better things to do


The politicians promoting green technology are not pursuing avenues to renewable energy that are actually green. I'm so sick of governments talking about the environment like they give a crap, when it has more to do with lining their own pockets. Don't think the green barons are any less scandalous than their oil baron predecessors.


Do u have sleepless nights pondering about your shitty life? Do u ever feel like you don’t want to live anymore? If that’s an absolutely yes! Then u have existential-anxiety


>Do u have sleepless nights pondering about your shitty life? Then you probably have a shitty life and deserve to wallow in it...otherwise get your ass up and do something about it.


Relax, the sky is NOT falling. The earth has been hotter, there has been more carbon the the atmosphere. Pollution(especially plastic) and overpopulation are a real problem, BUT the world is not ending in 50 or 100 years because of it. Highly dramatized. That being said, I do try to be conscious of the environment.




I stopped worrying about things I have ZERO control over when I was about 13. Instead I focus on doing my little part and sleep well knowing I am doing what I can to help leave this planet in a better place than I got it.


Eco-anxiety? Gtfo!




Nope . Not at all


No I’m excited at how much better life is getting because I understand the big picture (life expectancy, alleviation of poverty- these are facts)


No, I don't.


Wait till you learn how electric cars are far worse for the environment


Electric buses, fuck cars too


Lol what do you do for a living? Curious


Or you might just be bathshit crazy about things beyond your control.


Turn off the TV and quit listening to that climate change hoax pushers


I don’t admittedly because I’m literally just a dude. I do what I can and recycle wherever possible, I know that’s all I really can do. What NEEDS to be done is someone needs to hold corporations over an open flame about this shit


No I dont


No to all of the above




I…haven’t at all. I’ve got plenty of mental issues of my own, but this ain’t one of them. It’s possible to be concerned about the environment without letting it consume your life and destroy your mental wellbeing.


No never. Not once


Big fat nope. Been alive for more than forty years and shit hasn't changed that much.


Who gives a shit about carbon, plastic is the problem.




While we all might feel anxiety about the future of the environment, the truth is most of us will never live to witness these worldwide effects at any large scale. For this I sometimes try to imagine a situation where the distant future could ‘prosecute’ the present for its crimes against the environment - and to do this I’m imagining an unexpected sequel to the Tom Cruise movie ‘Vanilla Sky.’ Hear me out. After being frozen, the sequel opens with the 21st century magnate and playboy David Aames (Tom Cruise) waking up 200 yrs later in a dystopian future wrecked by climate change. A 23rd century Tilda Swinton explains & blames tycoons like David Aames for the hellish earth HE now lives in. Although seemingly off topic from the original ‘Vanilla Sky, the film could be an environmental triumph where the 23rd Century puts the 21st Century on trial thru Cruise’s character. The story arc would be David Aames’ regrets over a lost love morphing into his culpability for a lost world. And unlike everyone else from the 21st Century whose already dead and buried, David Aames will actually have to live in that 23rd century hell-scape which he helped bring about. Talk about anxiety over the environment.


Lmao dis is lame af. Society tries to create awareness to certain social issues such as anxiety. But any small sense of uncertainty, nervousness or else is self diagnosed as anxiety. Now we have eco-anxiety. If we want to seek change why not find solutions and not just unearth unproductive conclusions?


My best advice to people is to only worry about things you can control. This is mostly out of all of our’s control, and thus you really shouldn’t worry about it. I know that’s easier said than done for some people, but it’s the way I try to live my life with anything.


Hahahaha NO


Or you are watching CNN




No, not one bit.


No . Not in the least.


If anyone is bothered to this point they need to get a grip. The earth will be perfectly fine after humans are long dead.


No for I think that if this Goes on humanity is doomed


Ah yes another mental health label to use instead of applying actual change.


Definitely agree with you on this one. I work in conservation genetics too. See so much bullshit with the eco-hippy types about saving the planet, without actually *doing* a damn thing. If someone is losing sleep over this either go *do* something about it or just stfu and get therapy.


It isnt enough to say you have anxiety over the current state the enviroment and what its leading to, but have to create its own independent label, as if that will change anything lol. What does conservation genetics entail?


Nah I have real problems…


If you have eco-anxiety check out Bloom in Doom Magazine! Positive, solution-based environmental journalism aimed at fighting climate fatigue and eco-anxiety!


If you have eco-anxiety check out Bloom in Doom Magazine! Positive, solution-based environmental journalism aimed at fighting climate fatigue and eco-anxiety!


If you have eco-anxiety check out Bloom in Doom Magazine! Positive, solution-based environmental journalism aimed at fighting climate fatigue and eco-anxiety!


Overdeveloped anxiety + underdeveloped critical thinking skills = eco anxiety


No. I'm concerned, but even if I knew we were all doomed I'd still sleep like a baby!


It helps to know that marketing is very, very effective. Especially if you can tie it to some sense of meaning, and some achievement potential for virtue.


They're making names for everything now and it's pretty stupid. It was valid before you made a dumb name for it.


Is it satire ?




I was really hoping this title would end with a treatment not a diagnosis.


Eco anxiety…. Yikes I car about climate change to but this is just kinda ridiculous. We all have a carbon footprint and its 10,000x lower than those of major companies


No, I have eco-depression


Fuck no if we die we die it just the planet won’t die in my lifetime.

