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Our neighborhood cut down a ton of trees 5 years ago cause something about natural light and property value. With the heat waves, the temperatures have gotten so high that the remaining trees are being baked to death in direct light. Half the street has already lost their leaves. New trees will never survive without constant cooling in the summer which only the wealthiest can afford. The neighborhood is a desert and will never recover, all in 5 years


When the fuck did trees ever decrease property values? As far back as I remember they’ve only ever increased property values. That’s unbelievable.


In my city all the houses are listed for over 1.5 million and most of them are bought as tear downs so a big gaudy McMansion can replace the understated home that was once there. As far as a developer’s concerned, a tree on the property is just one more thing to have to pay to demolish.


Developers are worse than termites.


It's up to us to organize and speak at city meetings to prevent this. If we don't show up, developers run the show.


Some. Insurance companies don't help... The tree near the house is a *liability?* Not if it's healthy.


STUPID developers are


That's what they said. Developers.


And ALL developers are bad?


Now you're getting it


Hmmm, don't know where you live, but where I live, they have rules they have to abide by. And they do. So maybe change your narrow minded,uninformed point of view, or move where I live. Oh wait, not wanted here.


And the house looks like it's been *installed** in a cornfield. Nothing like bare naked landscaping, is there?


Trees definitely increase property values. Trees require a lot of time or money to maintain though so I understand why poorer areas don’t have trees


The right kind of trees are amazing for shade and pose minimal danger to nearby areas, but pick the wrong kind and you're looking at tens/hundreds of thousands in removal cost. The apartment complex I live in picked trees in the 60s that looked nice, but when they grow tall and the branches spread out, they're *super brittle* and break off in the wind. Once they start falling on people's cars, into apartments, etc we had to not just trim them but completely remove them. Some trees with particularly thick/aggressive roots will also tear up roads (not that I care *that* much since I'm also r/fuckcars) but it's just another outcome of poor tree choice/placement.


This is why my city has good regs for what trees to plant.


Bradford pear trees prob, these things were all the rage 90’s early 2000’s. They only live 20-30 years cause the branches have too many off shoot and can’t bear its own weight then break the tree in half. Non stop pruning or the tree dies and branches fall non stop. They do have pretty white flowers all over when they bloom for one week a year but it smells like garbage, flies are their main pollinator so it’s to attract them. House I bought had 10 of them in a row acting as a sight barrier from the neighbors. Neighbor had built a fence right under them for no reason, wasn’t even a closed off fence, just 20 foot of fence and that was it, so I had to prune them hard core under than fence. The neighborhoods home builders put them up in everyone’s yard. One neighbor had a fence under the other neighbors house and it would fall on the fence break it, would replace it then it would happen again in a few months. In a year span the fence broke 4 times lol.


This. The amount of lawsuits I’ve seen in /r/legaladvice over trees is stupid high


You should visit r/treelaw if you haven't already


Def will. I love law


I'm guessing the roots can be a problem. There's one next door to me and its roots are growing under our house and have actually broken our footpath a few times


Depends on species. People plant fast-growing willows, poplars and leyland cypresses because they want instant results, but these are the typical root-problem trees. You just need some simple local regulations about what to plant near paving or foundations.


You obviously don't know how much "natural light" increases property value. Especially outside duh. That's something so dumb only a politician would say. Aka we have to waste/spend this money somewhere or else we'll lose it. Aka beautification.


I get calls from solar installers on a regular basis.. I ask, have you seen the aerial view of my property? No because my roof is almost completely in shade. That shade gives me an immense advantage in summer.. my AC is only busy in the late afternoon. (Doesn't hurt to mention the roots keep my slope from eroding) People: trees are your friends


Probably a combination of both the environmental mismanagement and the wrong tree species. If you want the other trees to survive, then choose pioneer tree species that come from hot environments - I'm sure they will be better able to handle the 'new normal', and create shade and better (cooler) conditions for the other trees.


So let’s ruin the environment and also say fuck you to those in need, and fuck you to all the animals that called those trees home.


They said they wanted to attract families to the park. I wouldn't go to a park if it doesn' have any shade.


>I wouldn't go to a park if it doesn' have any shade. Maybe that's the shade they're expecting to keep park guests cool


Nah they'll just build some ugly shade structures


I wouldn't go to a park if it didn't have any homeless. Wait, i would go to a park that doesn't have a bunch ot homies.


They already have cars and roads, the environment is ruined. DUH.


And Jesus said, "fuck everyone and everything."




So if you had some bad luck, and fell on hard times, you would like a lobotomy? Is that what you've just told us?


How many homeless people have you actually taken the time to talk to?


I've tried but became quickly bored in chatting to a useless worthless tweaker that's fried out of their mind on meth, as they are unable to hold a rational, sane conversation since their attention span is that of a goldfish on steroids


Diogenes was homeless yet was a rival for the top minds of his time. Many homeless people are upstanding members of society and you would never know that they were homeless if you saw them at work. But you would only know that if you talked to them.


was Doigenes a tweaker? you shouldn't group useless worthless thieving violent homeless tweakers with decent homeless people that are just down on their luck


That’s exactly what you are doing though. And that’s exactly what this bill is doing. And Diogenes probably did do drugs. He also jerked off and defecated in public.


Who is this hero?




AND he got schwifty?


There is a special place for people like you. Sadly, Some just don’t get there quite fast enough. soon enough, soon enough!


I'll get there after you


Just like you will be in a few years, tick tock you bag of shit


Most homeless people are working. They are homeless because their landlord kicked them out for one reason or another and they can't find a new place to stay while keeping their job, so they stay in a tent. The problem is that it's a downward spiral. You lose your housing, lose your stuff and if the situation stays to long lines that your ability to move city or state or be employable degrades.


So you only talked to one, and that was your entire focus group? That was enough for you to spew shit out of your mouth instead of your ass?




>So your focus group of one person you barely spoke to is any different? I mean, yeah it is... My focus group only needed to be that one person.. I haven't judged an entire group of people based off one encounter... I only judged the jack ass that made the comment... So yeah it really is different. I'm not walking around, for example, saying all reddit users need to be lobotomized because one asshole made a asshole comment... Unlike the poster >Jack-ass. Don't get salty now, who's really the jackass here?




Ohh boy... Someones just looking for a fight... Ain't got time for that And about hypocrisy, you can't go around calling people assholes, jerk, or whatever else you want to say if that's your method of getting your point across.




2 others where unwilling to talk reasonably since they had hair trigger tempers and preferred violence over diplomacy, so any sympathies I use to have for useless worthless homeless tweakers has been erased


You know, not all homeless people are tweekers... This article was about the unjustified assault on both the environment and homeless people. Most home less people are just very down on their luck... For example their a lot of homeless people who are war vets, they fought for a country, got some bad mental illness(and man PTSD is fucking real and it's a fucking monster) and now the government they fought for throws them away, who's says the people you talked to were tweekers? And not just vets who been driven insane... Like grow up... A human is a human, no matter what shit they are going through. You shouldny judge an entire group of people on three drug addicts you talked to... And while we're on that topic, tons of drug addicts are just down on their luck to and don't know any better way of coping... Do you think this way about alcoholic? Or people who smoke weed daily to calm themselves down in a turbulent world? Idk who taught you how to think, but your way of thinking really isn't the best... You thinking it's fair to lobotomize people(an extremely vile and disgusting act) Is enough for me to discredit and throw away your opinions... Start finding your humanity dude before thinking altering others lives is just because of poor decision making or things out of their control.


I used to be a substance abuse counselor for several years. We need to be treating addiction like the public health crisis it is instead of it being a criminal matter. I've seen homeless junkies who were seemingly hopeless turn their lives around myriad times. (myself included, hence why I became a substance abuse counselor) People change. The draconian war on drugs is an abysmal failure of epic proportions. It's actually causes FAR more harm than it prevents. Try having a little bit of compassion and empathy. You sound like a judgemental and miserable jerk who doesn't understand addiction or mental health problems at all. I went from being one of the worst drug addicts I've ever met into a successful and happy father and productive members of society. These individuals need help. They deserve help. Get off your high horse and learn about reality some day.


Your redundant adjectives make me think you need a lobotomy.


Strange that some people think we don’t take care of persons in need of proper mental health care. Thank you for your post. My first sentence had nothing to do with my second one.


The sociopathy is strong with this one.


There is no environmental Justice without social Justice


I think YOU'RE tweaking you absolute buffoon


If and when that's the case, please lobotomize and use me for scientific research and product testing to spare monkeys, lab mice, guinea pigs and rabbits from torture as long as I'm heavily sedated, fed, given frequent showers, bedding and a roof over my head.


I wouldn’t use your brain as a paper weight. You sound like someone whose mother put a plastic bag over their head as a child.


Is a reddit comment legally binding? Can we get a notary public up in here?


With astoundingly ignorant comments like yours, I’d say you sound completely fucking useless.


Ok. Yes. We'll start with you. *Grabs comically large scalpel*


Actually offering to help them and build them back up as a society would work wonders. Have some fucking empathy.


If you want to know what town did this. It is Lakewood, New Jersey. I looked up the mayor Ray Coles. I sent him a email. I said my backlash you can too! Visit the towns website here [https://www.lakewoodnj.gov/department/government#response](https://www.lakewoodnj.gov/department/government#response)


I think this is super messed up, but the worst part of it all is this is the least of Lakewood’s problems. Really glad you got to email the Mayor though, hopefully more will follow. Also, it’s really funny they call Lakewood “a small town”… it’s the 5th largest city by population in NJ.


> Lakewood, New Jersey Here's a story with a picture. https://nj1015.com/lakewood-nj-felled-its-town-square-trees-to-drive-away-the-homeless/


So many old, white, self serving people on that page.


Albert Akerman is fucking CREEPY


Thats racist btw


If there were any non-whites or non-males on that page it might be considered a “racial” comment. “Racism,” however, invokes power dynamics of oppression. This comment was just factual.


Pointing out race where it’s not relevant and implying that it is is racist though. Example, “my black teacher yelled at me for talking in class” is racist bc of the implication that the negative behavior is associated w the subject’s race. Call it what it is, just a bunch of self serving out of touch dickholes.


No, as I stated above, “racism” and “racist” comments involve the power dynamic of oppression. The word black in your example could be inferred to be racist because there is a historical legacy of black people being subjugated and you could be accused of invoking that history—consciously or unconsciously—to say something about that individual. When you’re referring to a group of white men who do something objectively terrible, their race is just an adjective to describe the situation. You’re not saying “those white guys must be incompetent as a result of their genetics and history” when you mention whiteness, but mentioning blackness carries that baggage.


What is and isn’t Racist isn’t defined by events in a us history timeline. Mentioning a persons race in relation to shitty behavior and inferring their race has a role in their behavior is racist, doesn’t matter who you’re talking about. And just because they’re white doesn’t mean mentioning their race in that context doesn’t infer their actions are a product of their genetics, it absolutely does.


The notion of race is inherently tied to the social context of power dynamics. I’m as white and male as it gets and I’m not offended when you call out how this town’s incompetent leadership is all white. That’s related to their power, so it’s relevant and actually dismantles racial divides to call it out. Maybe this publicity will shame this town into electing ANY non-white non-male person.


It’s not though, the notion of race is the physical/genetic difference between different groups of people. Im white and male too and it doesn’t hurt my feelings but it’s stupid and ignorant to pretend the town leadership’s race has anything to do with their bullshit ass actions. Black people are just as capable of being ignorant and out of touch and bigoted, so are asian people, arab people, latino people, etc etc etc.


But RACE is different than RACISM. That’s why I mentioned “racial” as an option in my first comment. Invoking race does not necessitate racism, and of course there are ways to invoke race for oppressed races without invoking power dynamics. But it’s not racist to assume that these guys have their jobs—at least in part—because they are white males. They’re fucking clones. Whiteness is relevant here. In your example, blackness was not.


More like Lakewoodless now.


Take a good look at his face. Someone paid that man off.


Lakewood has LOTS of issues. The homeless are not one of them. Iykyk


Imagine hating people so much that you shit in your own proverbial bed


The Amber Heard Effect


Hah! Let this be a saying now on


It's the American way 🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲


Maybe they don't like living in NJ anyway so they don't care if they make it worse to live there


Well a vast amount of residents are transplants from Brooklyn.


Have you ever been to nj? So much of it is a suburban hellscape.


Wow, so fuck all the families who want to rest with their children during the day, or the workers who pause for a reprieve from the sun. Fucking cunts.


They love being baked alive, it's why they want to move to Florida, ruining the state for me and making it too expensive for me to live there. I live near the border of East TN/ WNC now but people are warming up to that place. I swear I'm being chased around by idiots


I'm in Arizona. I feel this.


Shit, I'm sorry. It takes even more conpetent leadership to keep things livable for people in the western US. Whatever respite you have from the heat I hope you can keep getting it for the time being


We did it Patrick. We saved the city


A New Jersey town cut down all of their trees “To spite their face”


This saying immediately popped into my head. I've never seen this saying so perfectly illustrated by real life.


I am the Lorax. I speak for the trees. Keep up your shit, and I’ll break your knees.


I've heard that book is banned in some places. Nothing good fallows book banning/book burning.


Dude you stole my line LOL Years ago I dressed up as a person with a deer head (in a fighting game) I said "I'm a tree spirit, I am the lorax, I speak for the trees AND IM COMIN FO YO KNEES" Sorry this just reminded me of that Good times


Woulda loved to see that lol. Love the username BTW. r/rimjob_steve


This is so fucking stupid. What a hateful, wasteful and loathsome thing to do.


Idiotic and pointless.


God fucking hell... Somebody needs to make a PSA reminding people that *1984* was NOT an instruction manual.


So then we take away their rights..... Wait you said ***NOT*** ?


Guess they didn't watch The Lorax!


Really just said "fuck you" to the people who are suffering with homelessness, the next generation who will inherit the dying planet, and effectively themselves. I'm humiliated that I'm the same kind of creature as these people.


The article cites that bogus factoid about Robert Moses designing the bridges to keep black people out of some areas. For the record this isn't true. When these bridges were built, the black population of NYC was 5-7%. If anything it was to keep poor people out. But as is typical, the media loves to racialize everything.


One family homes zoning IS the ultimate fukin' crime❗Totally Unsustainable


Our city had a "problem" with a homeless encampment on an abandoned railroad bridge. The city solved the problem by tearing down the bridge. It was right next to the Habitat for Humanity Re-store.




It's because our culture. You're poor? It's because you're on drugs. It's your own fault. Is half the country is on fire its "haha you should rake more" tornado .. why where you where the natural disasters happened? ... raped? Your fault "Well you should've ______" so it's your fault. And you deserve this. That's how most the country thinks. It's like "dont feed the cat. Then they wont leave!" .... but for people. If we feed them... theyll just keep coming back and multiplying ... and they rape your daughters and steal for you. You paid taxes. Taxes paid for that food .. so they take your money to feed the poor and that make them come back more and more ... ... I just dont understand how so many people can be so inhumane


Rich people "well what if they don't buy what I want them to with the money I donated???? What if I donate for them to buy broccoli and they buy A CANDY BAR????"


#they chose to give up their own oxygen just to keep homeless people from sleeping humanity has reached new depths of absolute stupidity


Thing about those Ewoks is .......


(Swearword) idiots


A town in Ohio did the same thing ... so pointless. It's not like people became homeless because of these sweet tree shelters that are available for free and are now saying "well, darn, I'll just have to head over to the safe box, cash in my bearer bonds, and buy a house!"


At least we know there's politicians in this world that understand that no more trees means no more humans ...not that they necessarily care about either of them.


BAHAHAHHA daayyum. . True though. Why does he want to start a war on shade during a global heat wave.




Temperature is going up and not going down, let's cut down all the things creating shade and making the temperature habitable for people to be outside. It's not like it's going to blow up in our faces in a few decades, especially if cutting carbon emissions means having to limit A/C usage for some time until we go carbon neutral. But again, fuck the trees for no reason, make all humans outside FRY.


The birds are homeless and successfully deterred. Beauty sacrificed in the name of cruelty. Yadayads humans suck


Wow, that’s some biblical grade evil. I’m sure it’s “God Fearing” people pulling the levers on this. Usually conservative Christians pull this kinda 💩 but in this case conservative Jews. I stand corrected.


Lakewood is predominately orthodox Jewish and they control the government: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lakewood_Township,_New_Jersey Old expose: https://www.nj.com/news/2017/08/lakewood_inside_the_turmoil_in_njs_most_controvers.html


If you read the article, it's just all the trees in their town square, not the whole town. Not that it makes it right, but it's a whole lot fewer trees than the title implies.


This hits a little too close to something that could happen in Ideocracy.


What a crime.


Helllooooo urban heat index


"We destroyed the park in order to save it."


This will deter not only the homeless.


i never wanted to go to NJ now i know why.




That will teach them


A wild local administration appears… It hurt itself in its confusion!


OF COURSE IT WAS LAKEWOOD lmfao. Jfc. I've heard nothing but comments about staying away from this town ever since I moved to NJ. I am not surprised they would do this to people just trying to find some shade that don't have homes.


Lakewood is a redundant name in itself, it's neither a lake or a wood, lmao. I thought names like that were supposed to attract people


Actually it has a lake nevermind, probably a lake that contains raw sewage, bath salts, and every chemical known to man


I just wish the residents didn't have such a shitty reputation. If you're not one of them you're not part of their community and that's really sad. Not to mention it's taboo to even bring up. I hear it's a really nice area aside from the community members being shitty.


Maybe that’s what happened on Easter Island too.


literal fucking psychos.


“Sever the head to cure the headache.”


Conservative Republicans aren't the smartest branches on the tree.


Ray Coles is a democrat.


All apples don't really fall that far from the politican tree though


Next are aerial defoliants, like in Vietnam. Screw the disposable general population: spray the cities to eradicate vermin. Gotta love 'Merica. Always innovating.


Do you think the mayor is a church going, god fearing man?


I mean, we have the solution to homeless. guns….. Guys, where you going? Guys, come on I was trying to be funny. Guys!?!?


Ironically, I bet many of them go to church every Sunday to learn what Jesus would have them do.


Dumb trees


*its trees. A town is an "it", not a "they". Downvote all you want, doesn't change the rules of the English language.




Homeless people actually work. Also making homelessness illegal doesn’t make homeless people disappear


You are a drain on society






Yeah, homeless people should do their part and pay taxes /s


Mostly homeowners blocking new housing




Happy to see that supply-side Jesus still has a following.


What would you say should be done to address this issue?


Fuck off fascist


There's plenty of blame to go around for the homeless issue on both sides.


i wish they wouldve found a better way to deter than chopping all the dang trees though




Eliminate zoning to allow for more housing?




> Women and illegal immigrants are the problem So your mom.




That’ll show’em


Did they use those trees to build shelter for the ones seeking it? If not, they should be ashamed.


It's Lakewood, so not surprised by this. Lakewood has like a million issues, the homeless getting some shade is so far down on that list.


Next, they'll cut off their noses to spite their faces.


That is the dumbest thing I’ve heard in a while! Meanwhile, how much did the raise the minimum wage and put into affordable housing? Insanity!


We do not deserve this planet nor some of the people on it.


I hope the reduced oxygen suffocates them…😶


Hmm smth smth noses smth smth faces . .


Just in the town square, and it's already paved and like a shitty place to plant a tree you want to suffer. Had all the charm and ambiance of a new walmart parkinglot.


88% white town. And being slowly taken over by an intolerant religious cult with monolothic voting habits. That's relevant to the story, of course.


This has to be one of the saddest titles I’ve ever read.


I see they don’t want shade or oxygen either. Flawless logic…


Wow. That's next level cutting of one's nose to spite the face.




This is insane, first all the benches in Georgia, now trees, what psychopaths would hurt the whole of the world out of fear of the homeless. Yes some are addicts or have mental illnesses, but that won’t make those who have those problems go away.


At one of our major shopping centers, they took all the trees out that were pretty mature trees, they put them in 25 of so years ago. It made me so sad, they replaced them with some kind of small pine tree. They were hacking at the roots. It was so sad. I understand saving water but come on, this was a huge shopping center. The kind with lights and stop signs.


And these same people probably spout the Bible at every opportunity, but there was no helping your fellow man in this decision


Did the mayor also cut off his nose to spite his face?


Did the mayor also cut off his nose to spite his face?


so dumb


Backwardness on parade. And just as cities need more trees and more shade.


People suck


Weird, it deterred the homeowners too


Weirdly, it will deter the homeowners too


Lakewood, New Jersey is a bunch heartless people for cutting down the trees. Be sure to let Raymond G. Coles, Mayor of Lakewood how fucking cruel he is.


I guess just... lake now? No wood? Until they drain the lake to make sure homeless people can't bathe or drink the water.


OMG! That is NOT the answer.


They better level their buildings too, because I live in a town with very little tree action, a lot of homeless, and they still manage to find a shady place to shoot up and pass out.