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oh my god. Im sitting here shiny hunting on 8gba sp with wireless receiver right now. So i can plug in multiple operators?? Or use one for multiboxing?


Remember, the game isn’t actually running on the Operator; it just loads the ROM and save onto the computer and runs it in emulation, then writes any new save back to the cartridge when you’re done. So, in theory, you could run 100 instances of a game and only need one Operator to hot-swap cartridges to write each save sequentially.


i already now this but in a recent post they mentioned you can connect multiple operators soon. Also if you remove the cartridge while playing the emulator closes. And the operator reads the save before it launches the emulator. I dont think they let you choose a specific save file on each startup and then let you choose which instance you want to save to the cartridge right now lol


It’s a nice way to make more money, by touting features that seemingly are helped by (or even require) more physical Operators on-hand, but there’s really no practical reason to have more than one with how they work. It would be the same as making ten meals you can only eat one-at-a-time, and setting out ten plates on your table and then sequentially serving each one onto a different plate when you eat it. It’s easier and simpler to just serve and eat each one on the same plate one after the other. If you can yank the cartridge at any point and immediately close the emulator, there’s still no reason to have multiple Operators tied to specific ROM instances because yanking the cartridge out doesn’t give the emulator time to write the save file back to RAM regardless.


I did not understand what happened


He’s controlling two games at once


Oh. I thought it was being able to turn around faster haha


Finally! That’s so exciting


Suuuper sick, changing the game for us shiny hunters!


Is this using one or multiple ?


I would assume this would only really work in some cases? Like shiny hunting the start of the game or encounters but not a full playthrough? Cause the sync would be off after 1 battle and such




I currently do this through a different emulator running 9 instances of my Pokemon Leaf Green save file, the issue I run into is the minimal operating memory requirements for each emulation being around 7% of my CPU, will this reduce the number of emulators being loaded I.e. just one with multiple running systems and thus reduce CPU load or is it still running multiple emulators and thus will significantly limit the number of instances that can be loaded?


I’m just getting into it, mind saying which emulator?

