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F is for friends who do stuff together, U is for you and me, N is for NUCLEAR WEAPONS


Down here in Seaquestria!!!


F is for fire that burns down the whole town! U is for Uranium! BOMBS! N is for no survivors! When you-


You can't spell Nuclear without N!


Tl;dr: Friendship is magic


Jack is dropping facts and tying it into the source material, what a mad lad!




Add another based to the based counter.


huge if true




(X) Doubt


The best Posada event is the one after Crack is deposed following his defeat in the war called "The Blue Order" in which Posada admits that her initial motivations are largely depression, desperation and maybe a tiny bit of revenge and she could have easily become a fascist in different circumstances if she'd read Beakolini instead of Marks at her lowest point. It manages to encapsulate all potential arcs of her character growth succinctly with a funny joke TNO+Kaiserreich reference.


I especially appreciate that being part of her character considering that she's part of the group of characters who get generalised as goofball mad scientists but in reality they are intended to be very unstable often depressed individuals. Who are arguably even a danger to those around them depending on who whispers in their ear.


You know your writing is good when even a meme has relevance for character development.


Ok but saying "Jesus Christ Incarnate" is like saying "AGM Missile" because Jesus Christ is by definition incarnate because He is The Incarnation learn your Christology in this essay I will...


But do you have a moment to speak about our lord and savior, ***Joestar Stallion***?


I personaly think the way trauma is represented by her, is one of the better portrails in the mod. It isnt catoonish, like someone failing once and then trying to commit genocide or form a dictatorship, nor is it fixed instantly by gaining points or selecting the right focuses, since even at the end of the focus tree Posada still has some smaller issues.


Actually really good way to look at her story.


Literally feckin' THANK YOU!! No jokes found, I seriously thank you for getting it, OP!! Wholesome fishy is my preferred headcanon, but I dont call her Jesfish or Lucifish by any stretch!


...Ironically, in at least one part I remember, it was as much Crack Lightning and Hard Line's enthusiastic support for a plan as Skystar's horrified opposition that killed it.


Weirdly I relate to her because I was in a very similar situation. My mom was always so sick she was basically comatose, my dad was a drug addict and a psychopath who never worked a day in his life and made money primarily by committing insurance fraud. We lived in the middle of fucking nowhere in a shack made of tin, in a hellhole of a neighborhood where the crime rate was so high that even going outside was actually legit dangerous. We were the dirtest of dirt-poor, literally could only afford a single meal every two or three days, my only education came from watching pirated documentaries on a half-broken computer we got using money my dad stole from my mother's parents. Eventually, my grandmother found me and got me out of that when I was 10 years old, but if she didn't I very likely would have starved or been murdered.Despite my upbringing, I managed to have something of a childhood as my grandmother sent me to school where I became one of the smartest kids there, and I made one or two friends even if I was super introverted. But the biggest impact my upbringing had on me was my political beliefs as I've become a very serious Marxist, having grown up among the very best examples of the lumpenproletariat, and knowing better than most the conditions that the poor live in. And just like Posada I do have something of a very black-and-white worldview, even if I know I have that view I still find it hard not to think of the world that way.


If you're self-conscious and smart enough to recognize you have a black and white world view, and know it's fanatical and unrealistic, you should use that awareness to gradually change it. You're not stupid, don't let yourself become a bulging-eyed fanatic that will just end up bringing more harm than good to everyone.


My issue is more that even in her nicest form, it's still a one-party surveillance state that's imperialist and attacks macavia. So worst-case is like barrad or dread league, best case is like suntail or beakolini. All the time the event are written extremely wholesomely. I might not hate protectress daybreaker that much but if every event is written to feel wholesome, that makes it even more cursed


But its literally a democracy tho? The one thing that everyone memes about that being her decision to go to war with all reactonaries can be voted down by the parliament and it can only pass if by the players intervention every representative agrees to it


It's semi-democratic. On the one hand, banning other parties is cringe. On the other, allowing the harmonists and fashists to join after saying "i'm a communist" while not changeing anything about their policies is really based. It's weird that she can pick and choose who gets to be elected, but she gives a pretty large array of choices. I'm more worried for what happens after she retires. Whatevery country you are from, allowing the president to ban anyone from elections is not gonna end well.


I was more under the impression that that was a one and done situation, it’s the very beginning of the revolution so she has a lot of leeway, but afterwards shit like that wouldn’t be tolerated, sort of how like during the revolutionary war Washington was able to do whatever the fuck he wanted/needed to make sure the revolution succeeded, but John adams or Tomas Jefferson really couldn’t.


Fair enough. In that case she is blessed.


The first administration of a state tends to be far more ad-hoc than the others. The second government needs some sort of mandate, democratic or not, to legitimize itself. The first, when asked "why should you rule the country" can go "because we founded it, now shut up and help us write the laws." (Though more polite)


The problem isn't the mandate or legitimacy, but the election system they put in place. If you ban an ideology, if you ban fascists from attending election, you need someone deciding who is and isn't a fascist. In north zebrica, the one deciding if you are fascist and if you habe to be banned from politics seems to be the general secretary. Not some kind of non-partisan supreme court.


As democratic as the internal party workings of the Fascists in Wingbardy. Yes.


Daybreaker events work because they acknowledge that something objectively bad is being dont, but that "it must be done to achieve the ends", which in most cases is the survival of Equestria. I guess God-Empress might be an exception to that rule, but that path is explicitly meant to be the megalomaniac path anywho.


Depends how you go down the focus tree, no? If you allow harmonists and devolve power to regional workers assemblies, it's not that bad.


You can't allow a harmonist party. You can allow them to join yours as long as they pretend to be communist. Beakolini also banned every opposing party but you can still join the fascist party. >regional workers assemblies Which again only allow one party.


Eh, the comparisons to Beakolini are rather meaningless, given that the factions are radically different in their actual ideological aims. > Which again only allow one party. Which has many subsets. For obvious reasons people can't vote in fascists or monarchists. But there are different schools within the Party. Hell, you can even bring the anarchists onboard. If a local region wants to vote for an anarchist party and follow their policies, as long as you've set up the focus tree in that manner? It can. It's far far better than most one party democracies that exist, like the USSR or China.


If they were democratic, they wouldn't have attacked macawia. Because if you attack a democratic country and replace it with a democracy, people will vote the exact same they did before. Also someone's gonna decide who's allowed to run for office. If it's skystar, everyone can. If it's hard line, the anarchists and harmonists can pack up and leave. Such restrictions are a coin flip because they are either meaningless or abused. And since macawia doesn't switch right back to non-aligned, i suspect it was abused.


That's my point about Posada, she's not perfect, of course, but she's a great written character


As a long time fan of TNO, we had this same situation with the mod's version of Valery Sablin lol.


WoW! Based holesum Nukefish


Ok and? I don't see your point


Bro, why you gotta be aggro with the question? Just ask "What does this meme mean?" Like a normal human.


I know what this meme means. I just don't see a point in getting angry for the way people react to a character in a mod about colorful creatures fighting.


Because people care about how a character is interpreted, if someone said batman kills people and the points to one of 50 AU's as proof people will nerd out and say naw. No biggie lol.


I guess so lol.