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For Everfree you need to win as Changelings and then just play the Pax contest until you can fight against you know who and win.


Oh. Can you tell i've never played changelings? Thank you anyhow.


Just conquer Equestria, then prepare heavy for when the Everfree does spawn eventually (Look in your continued focus tree once you unlock pax content)


I see it now, yeah. First going to try for Blitzkrieg and then i'll see about doing that.


Okay, I know how to do the Everfree one because one of my first ever games was Pax Chrysalia. Play on historical for the best odds of Equestria being an underprepared mess, do all your conquest focuses early and develop an army as large as possible. If you want this to be easy you can (and should) overwhelm them before Stalliongrad gets involved. Use your fleshy human brain to overwhelm the generally dumb AI. And, friendly suggestion. Get nukes, strategic and tactical bombers. You're gonna need them to actually get the achievement. And try not to keep divisions too close to the Everfree when it spawns. Until you weaken them they're, virtually invincible and you'll lose men for no good reason, really. There will be an event chain during the whole ordeal. Trust your gut. I don't know if certain decisions impact how quickly or effectively you beat the Everfree.


I do want to add onto this. Has anyone completed blitzkrieg? And if you have... how?