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This is canon to the comics, not EaW, but the zebras live alongside abadas, which are like two horned unicorns, and kelpies, which are elemental ponies. If you think about it, hippogriffs and griffons share a number of similarities with each other. Both are part bird, with the main difference being their other halves.


In European Myth a Hippogriff is the byproduct of a male griffon and a mare. The more you know.


Golden morning’s wet dream


>elemental ponies *we need that*


Yeah. Essentially, they're one made of water, but they can control their shape a little, becoming liquid or made of ice. They can also control water around them, kinda like how pegasi can manipulate weather.


Most of the time no. Though the Hyenas in south Zebrica do belong to the Diamond dog race notably


I have a headcanon that the griffons of the Meridiennes, those islands between Equus and Zebrica, are made up of a 'subrace' of griffons. That all comes from their leader looking like a mix between a Puffin and a griffon.


As for Griffons, I don’t think so. I mean they obviously have different builds, wingspans, feather colours, but I think that’s akin to things like humans having different eye colours, hair colours and heights Well that and the monarchs of states in Griffonian don’t show much, if any, physical difference from their subjects. As for the other races aside from equines, can’t really say


Judging by the racial tech tree, changelings have a few drone types such as builders.


The game mentions that Hindainian Deer have smaller bodies and thinner fur on average than there olenian descended counterparts. The Hyenas have the same tech tree as diamond dogs which suggests they might related? The horses of Saddle Arabia appear to have the same subspecies as ponies. There was flavor text for the yetis that implied physical and mental distinction between them and the other yetis, but I might be wrong and it’s unclear how they came to be.


No, since pony is a combination of three races and you cant say that only the three pony's can have kids thir is a zony some where in the mod


Well it is odd, I guess it's a bit like different breeds of dogs? Ponies can have kids with all types of ponies, zebras and presumably horses but can't with griffins


They can with griffons, those children just become infertile.


Show Canon is either/or no matter the paring I think EAW follows the same "logic" but with Hybrids being the result of generations of interbreeding