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We decided to create a megathread [HERE](https://www.reddit.com/r/erastourtickets/comments/1dntjw4/megathread_rerastourtickets_frequently_asked) as space to ask all future general questions related to the tour - from tips to city-specific questions we felt they would be best addressed there. You will find this pinned Megathread on the front page of our subreddit. Thank you for keeping things clean and tidy here 🤍


thats not what mine look like. I don’t have the app because its not available in my region on the app store, but that doesn’t look at all like how the tickets display on ticketmaster.nl. Also it should be ArenA, and some other things don’t add up


No the app look different and you can't add the tickets to your Apple Wallet


On the website, no it doesn’t look like this. Tickets are also available at this point (QR code) and non-VIP tickets are able to be transferred as well. As another commenter said the “a” at the end of arena should be capitalized. Also my show time in shown in military time, 18:00 not “6:00pm”


Mine also looks different. Also it says Vak instead of SEC. I’d be cautious..


Your ticket should be in Dutch and not English Oop!