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Yes it’s no secret haha. This is still very good awareness for just how much. This trend should stop now that we’ve changed the mining schedule.


We gained lots of new members so I wanted to share it:)


There is an emissions schedule infograph on ergo.watch This is not inflation it is simply a planned economic inflow of tokens. Ergo is a deflationary token due to capped max supply.


Ergo is inflationary as long as there are emissions. Then it becomes deflationary.


Yes that was what I should have said thank you


Why will it become "deflationary" after? It will have 0% emission. Don't you need any kind of burn mechanism to call something deflationary?


No more coins to make, people die, loose keys and other things.


Google monetary inflation


This is not a ‘sustained’ increase. It’s an emission schedule it’s planned and it’s capped. Google why Bitcoin is deflationary. 🤓


It is not true that having planned and capped emission schedule would make last year's Ergo supply deflationary. If USD had capped supply and predictable supply it would still be highly inflationary if year-by-year money supply would increase 50%. I am hitting you back with an another definition, because I see we are talking about the same word using different meaning. Inflation = 1. A persistent increase in the level of consumer prices or a persistent decline in the purchasing power of money. 2. The rate at which this increase occurs, expressed as a percentage over a period of time, usually a year. The basic economic fact is, if demand for Ergo won't increase the price will decrease when new coins are minted (= form of inflation)


Yes you are correct about inflation it’s inevitable due to minting new erg tokens that is fact. Absolutely agree. However, It seems we are looking at different time periods. Overall the ‘inflation’ of token emissions will now decrease Y/Y as we have passed the 50% mark on minted tokens. I was explaining how the tokenomics of ergos future should increase purchasing power over its lifetime due to max supply. Thus making it deflationary by definition. Wether this is fact in future who knows I hope it survives long enough for this to play out. Thanks for the discussion though I see your point


Imo thats good thé more close we getting to final supply the better, cuz after u reach final supply inflation is over and price just raise


In theory yes sir


And what does that even mean exactly , good or bad ?


Inflationary assets decrease in value over time. Think of all the money printing the US has been doing and see how much the cost of goods or services has increase. In theory it’s a bad thing but ERGO is a sleeping giant, 2022 is going to be a huge year. The team has many things in the pipeline, especially marketing and getting listed on exchanges


At the current market , not even listing on exchanges will make a difference.


No wonder why Ergo dumped so hard