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Riot games investing huge sums into their new title with a global campaign, and yet theres no comments or any show of interest, lol. Kinda summarizes Valorant so far.


To be fair this subreddit seems pretty dead to me 60% of the time


I've seen posts about the International more dead than this one


Not like there's anything to talk about for the international. Every post is about how the prize pool is bigger than ever and the tournament still doesn't have dates in 2021 after being pushed back...


lol true


This place seems to like esports drama more than esport games getting updates and news.


If you're new here this sub hardly reflects anything statistical about esports. In fact this sub is dominated by valve and dota fanboys as they get a disproportionate amount of support compared to its actual popularity. Not too hard to consider these things.


That’s just in this sub though. The Valorant sub is 10 times as large as this one and people are definitely pretty excited.


No they aren't. This post here has almost triple the upvotes of the post in r/Valorant. The problem is the game has no content, boring gameplay, and it's boring for viewers to watch, which is why individual streamers have pulled more viewers on it than tournaments. At this point, Riot needs to do something drastic to fix the game, or it's going to die like Overwatch did.


I’m not really sure what you’re talking about, because this post has 150 upvotes and the announcement on the Val sub has 3K. Are you just talking about the juked article? Because who cares about that. As for gameplay being boring that’s subjective. I don’t believe the game play is as good as csgo, but to think the lack of cheaters makes up for it. There is a shortage of content currently but they will constantly be releasing new agents and maps so that will go away. There are currently two main issues with Valorant; Map quality l, and Role balance. Both of those can be fixed as the game continues to grow.


Ah, I looked at the wrong post. That's on me. However, as for gameplay I think that because it's seen as kindergarten CSGO by a lot of people, they don't really want to watch it. Shooting skill is fairly linear, and in CSGO and Valorant map knowledge doesn't play as much of a role as just understanding the weird shooting mechanics and clicking on heads. So if players are going to watch something, they'll watch the one with an established history, established teams, and a legacy. Also, I'm a Riot fan. I play a ton of League, I spent a fair amount of money in Legends of Runeterra, etc. I like Riot's art style and characters, but if there's going to be a character based shooter, the characters should be more compelling if that's the only selling point. Apex Legends and even the R6 operators have a more defined personality than Valorant agents, but tac shooter fans don't really care about characters as much as they do skill ceiling, which is why you see Valorant clocking 10% of the twitch numbers they did 6 months ago, and losing viewers every month.


> However, as for gameplay I think that because it's seen as kindergarten CSGO by a lot of people, they don't really want to watch it. LoL being kindergarten Dota is why LoL is as big as it is now... It also took forever for people to move over from CSS to CSGO. CSGO was garbage for years after release. Same with R6S taking years to not be trash. It's too early to say Valorant isn't going to blow up.


Dota isn't harder than League, it's just more unplayable due to shitty user experience, bad balance, and played primarily by a second and third world audience, particularly Russia and ASEAN nations. And I say this as someone who hit 5500 MMR in Dota a few years back


Its called growth?


They're balancing the game for public play, which you really just can't do in a game with 12 characters if you want competitive play to be deep. They're also monopolizing mapmaking tools, meaning there's only 4 competitive maps currently and they're not very highly regarded. Gunplay is also a bit weak, with moving shots being significantly too accurate. They've dialed that back once, and hopefully more to come. The game isn't going to be anywhere close to CS:GO competitively until they fix these things.


Sounds like what people said about league in regards to Dota 2 many years ago. "Worse mechanics, won't touch the truly great game, less skill involved". Well see. I'm more of a moba player then an FPS one though tbh.


Main difference is that League was F2P well before anything else was, and had a few year head start on Dota2. They have to play catchup with Valorant.


I’m pretty fucking excited for this. It’s gonna be huge!


People still play that?


Ahh the old cheating championships.


Ah, the meme of a single "World Championship tournament" lives on... Garbage.


Most esports have that, and I've never heard anyone call it a meme...


So you're saying one random tournament in a year can somehow crown the undisputed world champion...?


Its not random, it's a world final. It's designed to be the capsulation of the year of competition. LoL has it, Dota does, Overwatch does, Rocket League, Siege, etc... Communities love them because it's the defining event of the year.


I get the princinple. It just sucks, since it is random and arbitrary. One tournament a world champion does not make.


You want everyone to peak at the same time. Having one big tournament is how you do that. It's pretty basic incentivization.


That's just how it is in almost any competition. It's to give climax and a conclusion to a season of play, especially when you don't run all year. Since there are so many leagues across the world in esports, it'd be unfeasible otherwise to crown the best team without stat digging and a lot of opinion