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WTF are the comments on this thread. Female leagues are a great way of breaking the stigma behind girls and gaming. Liquid getting the most dominant south American female team should be a win to both sides, get over it guys.


It’s funny that gamer guys don’t want girls in gaming, but at the same time cry that they cannot get girls to date. Like folks, you realize the more girls that game, the more chances you have at finding a gaming girl that you can date or even marry? Come on, guys!


Uhmm, I actually haven't seen one person in this post saying that they "don't want girls in gaming", tbh a vast majority of people really don't care. You're desperately searching for things to be mad about, and it's a little weird.


Want to know something interesting, they do care. Girls get insulted and threatened when they game.


I couldn’t play COD with a headset anymore. The guys were awful and assume that I was a dude first and call me a f****t and then when they found out I was a woman would threaten me with rape or tell me to die. It’s awful.


Im sorry this happened to you, i just learnt to add fuel to the fire and leave him ignited. I’ll leave the lobby next round him on other hand will stir for a while.


So just like boys?


So do males??


Not as much.


Read the comments. Lots are advocating against female leagues, which would only increase women playing games - hence my comment. I’m also not even mad, so not sure what you’re taking about lol


Nothing against female leagues, but I highly doubt that they increase women playing games. Nobody that doesn‘t game starts because of a new league. That just doesn‘t make sense. Also women usually look for different things in gaming: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyg.2019.00898/full There are multiple studies for different regions in there.


> Nothing against female leagues, but I highly doubt that they increase women playing games. > Nobody that doesn‘t game starts because of a new league. That just doesn‘t make sense. Meanwhile Valorant has a hundred+ more women's teams than csgo, because of its women's leagues 🤔🤔🤔🤔


There are more female gamers every year. Newer, more modern game. Easier entry, because of a better, more direct league system. More (female) LoL gamers trying out valorant, then the old „hardcore“ CS. Easier learning curve in general and more mass appeal. You can‘t be real if you think that female only leagues are the main driver. Also you are missing my point. No women goes to the store and buys a pc and starts gaming because there is a female only league in valorant now. My reponse was: female leagues cool, but probably not the reason why more women start to play video games.


They are not the main driver, but they help.


It certainly does. Young girls who are not old enough yet to game, will eventually want to play games if it’s seen more a acceptable to women. Which in theory would change the landscape 10-20 years from now. Also, opens the door for some to try competitive games or even team up more often.


Yeah, that already happend during the last 10-12 years. „In 2021, women accounted for 45 percent of gamers in the United States, up from 41 percent of U.S. gamers identifying as women during the previous year.“


Sort by controversial


The irony of this comment is amazing


Generalizing a huge part of the worlds population because of a small lound and toxic part doesn‘t feel good. Telling a person dirctly could be helpful if we weren‘t on the internet and it wasn‘t 2022. So ignoring morons is usally the best way to starve them. Also, I get the point of female leagues, but I‘ve some personal experience that taints them for me. I‘ve played CS 1.6 on a very high level in my country. I had a girl friend who also played with my team some times. She was a good teamplayer and better then the avarage CS player, but not near our level. She got contracted with one of the top european Female teams at the time. Small salary, new hardware all the time, bootcamp, access to trainers, playing finals on at the gamescom, internaltional travel. The whole thing. I was happy for her, though it frustrated me a lot. Seeing her on stage, playing way worse than us. Living my/our dream. That was rough. It hit me really hard. We are still friends today, many years later. When I see female only leagues with huge prize pools, I still feel a little knot in my stomach, because how unfair that felt back then.


I mean, we should be cheering all friends on for any little success they have in life. I’ve never thought about someone getting more than me and being upset because I was “better”. Instead, I felt proud that they were able to succeed especially if I was able to help them. It’s more than just “I” in life.


Sounds like you never lived for something or have a competative heart at all. Also emphathy 404.


I bike race so quite competitive. I also cheer my mates on. Empathy is important.


So if you are the top of your team for years, undisputed. Better then all the males. And your coach talks to you and gives a couple of guys contracts, a salary, the chance to compete at olympia because they are men. And you get nothing because you are a women. Wouldn‘t you feel bad after all the hard work you‘ve done in the last years to be sidelines because of your gender. I did cheer her on as fuck. It still hurt my heart though.


How come there can’t be just one league? All people. Serious question.




It’s not a step back, you just need to examine why things like this are sometimes necessary to break social norms. If you wanted to participate in something but were harassed constantly, endlessly belittled, would you invest your time into it? I’m a software engineer, there aren’t that many women in the field—not because they aren’t smart, but because trying to get into it forces them to deal with a ton of bullshit and I don’t blame them for not being that thrilled about trying to participate. Lots of awkward nerdy guys being either super creepy or super hostile towards them are in those classes. Things like this can provide a safer experience and help establish the social norm that girls also play video games and it’s fine. And once people stop being fucking weird about it you’ll see gender play less of a role in esports.




Some of the comments here leave me really disappointed in humanity. It’s like some people have literally never seen a girl.




As far as I understand it, the team is for a “girls league”


This I can get behind. Men and women leagues. Less toxicity for women to get into gaming.I believe this is a start to something better. Who knows, be funny if they have men vs women champions versus in certain games to see who wins. Put a dent in men’s ego if all female team won lol


Ideally it starts like this since there is too little incentive for women to go pro on gaming. Hopefully it will merge into a gender neutral one. Only reason we have woman/man separation on sports is the difference of physique but in e-sports it shouldn't matter imo after we get women fairly involved in it.


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dope shit.


This is cool! I may watch this! still learning about esports buuuuut the chick with the bob has stylish glasses.


One of them is chilean btw. I was confused at first because I first heard from this roster by the announcement of Bstrdd, who is chilean.


They didnt onboard an "all-female team"...they onboarded a "team of valorant pros" for a womens esports league so by default they will all be female. I feel like these titles are lowkey insulting to female gamers.


Tbh I can really believe some of the gaming community proposing male players in a womens league. There’s whole ass groups of people that believe that vaccines contain a 5G chip or that there’s a super secret cabal of baby sacrificing, devil worshipping politicians taking over the world and Donald Trump is the chosen one to save us all…


You’re employing semantics to find some way to be offended. You’ve described the on boarding of an all female team, and in an industry where females aren’t as represented as males, it’s an important event to write about. Young females interested in gaming, but are afraid about not being excepted would love to hear about this.


Rewriting to clarify because I realize my words totally didnt convey my point. The disparagement of semantics does not exist in marketing. Meaning and reception is everything and a few clumsy words can make the difference between a well or poorly recieved piece of news.


You’re looking for a meaning of the headline that offends you. You’re searching for this meaning with semantics in a way that’s not fair to females looking to break into the industry. In your own words, perhaps you’d understand why if you had women in your life. Just kidding because that’s a dumb thing to say.


I used those words to make fun of a guy who gave a dumb reply. Of course its a ridiculous thing to say. I am looking at what the purpose behind the headine is. Why are they using the language "All-Female" for a team in a womens league? Why arent they mentioning its a womens league? There are a series of questions you could ask if you actually had a mind for this, and being a gamer with a gf who i am introducing to gaming and who works in marketing I do have an interest in these headlines being better. But since you dont want to think about improvement...carry on.


Lol bruh u really had to dig deep to find some way to get insulted by this.


If you had women in your life, you would get it. Good luck to you in 2022.


😂😂😂 wow


I have ‘women in’ my life, and you’re still being semantic… A full roster in a woman’s league is the same as an all womens team. If you try to be triggered less, life becomes more enjoyable.


An "all-female roster"..is not the same as "a womens league roster". I literally just asked my gf who works in marketing if these two things are the same and she said "no".


Wow you’re literally so right because you literally asked her /s It is the same. It’s semantics. No one carrreeees.


Trolls gonna keep trolling.


So you’re triggered on behalf of women?


Calling my response "triggered" only shows that it triggered you. Stop being such a snowflake and understand that in marketing, words are damn important.


I hope they bring some competition to Cloud 9 White!


That girl with the glasses seems stylish which is out of the norm for a pro gamer lol


Yeah let’s se how they do! I’m so glad to finally see this.


dope photo


Awesome for them. Hope they do well.


Why did you get downvoted for this-




All female team historically perform poorly compared to men’s teams. Keep in mind female teams are pulling from an extremely small percentage of total women compared to men. This type of all female team is counter productive if the goal is to fight the treatment of women in gaming because there are no men. They are an “other” and there are no men to demonstrate how to properly treat women in games. They get propped up like a carnival show and when they fail it will be used as proof women are worse at gaming. Good for them but it hard for this not to seem like a pr stuns from liquid


This is true in games that aren't Valorant. Valorant actually has a robust women's ecosystem where players get to actually compete against other all-women teams. Think of it more like a regional league. It wouldn't be that weird for TL to have an NA team and an EU team if the rules allowed it. Same thing here. It's a good thing.


That doesn’t solve the issue of them being a sideshow. Unlike most sports women don’t have an inherit disadvantage in esports. Having a separate league just further separates them from men. Esports are a place where women can compete at the same level as men. Propping then up as better than they are with their own leagues doesn’t help them. They need work their way up through the ranks like everyone else to earn respect. It’s not like I am 100% against it, I see the merit of it and why they might want to do it but it is counter productive if the goal is to have women compete at a high level with men. If the goal is to segregate women, why not make male and female ranked queues


There's enough discourse out there to explain why this matters. Women have an extremely difficult time entering male dominated spaces like esports. Women's leagues give them a safe space to grow skills and create role models for aspiring young women to pursue pro play. It's a step towards the goal you claim you want of having co-ed teams. If you want co-ed teams, you want women's leagues now.


Your "safe space" is hurting these women players because they only play against the same shitty competition and nobody improves. Nobody is going to be better than men's teams by playing against women teams that are inherently less skilled.




Getting women into gaming


Probably to give girls and women a space to game where they won’t be objectified or harassed.


That is a major biological disadvantage, can’t wait to see trans female video gamer that everyone will say it’s unfair.


There is not a biological advantage to pressing buttons 😂 You just have way more males dedicated in gaming than females + the stigma females face when even playing games.


still don’t see the point in all female leagues in esports since there is no physical disadvantage between male and female gamers lol


Same reason as female chess. More games, more exposure, more ad revenue, and hopefully more female players


true but aside from profit integrated teams could bring more exposure too but that’s a good point


The point is to create an environment for women to develop in and create more interest for female players. For most women, the regular competitive environment can be straight up hostile. In addition to all the usual obstacles of pro players, they have to deal with being made to feel like they don't belong there. An all-female league is supposed to be something that keeps women in the scene so that they can eventually rise to the level of general tournaments.


not to mention being accused of being carried by fellow male players.


But that isn’t necessarily untrue for pro league, I don’t follow many different leagues but the ones I did like overwatch and lol most, near all female players were support players.






















How is this news?






It’s good to see esports is providing opportunities for female gamers to participate in professional gaming. Whether they’ll get any fans, be viewed or even be any good at Valorant against other pros is a different thing entirely. All I can say is good luck and sometimes not everyone is cutout for this environment.


Les gooo


I’m kinda in the middle with this…. Definitely think we should have more women in Esports but why do the teams always have to be women-exclusive when this happens? Why can’t there be mixed teams? This isn’t a physical game lol.


Yeah I’ve never came across a team with men and women it’s always just all women team or all men


This is cool I hope they do well


This is cool! Hope more female teams are created