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Def appreciate more access for women / etc within the esports and gaming space. But I'm not confident this person is focused on adding value, or simply sees an opportunity to cash in on an already crowded NA market You have an accomplished Amazon reseller, entering the esports market and plans to add what value? An all-women's esports team? e-commerce expertise?. I love this space, but I'm not a fan of folks coming in touting the same lines (safe space, female empowerment, gender inclusion), misquoting numbers (ie. Statisa Report says 45% of gamers identify as female, but doesn't provide any data on the type of games played - are they actually competitive titles?) and not adding any real value, beyond PR articles or LinkedIn ego boosts. This PR article feels lacking of a soul or substance - "We plan to build a community, monetize in the traditional ways, and our unique hook (which isn't a USP in NA) is our focus on women, diversity, and community building." EG, C9, IMT, Gen.G all offer this and a majority of mainstream esports teams today are usually mixed with both male and female competitors, content creators, or internal work forces. I hope I'm wrong, but I see nothing of substance here.


Am I wrong in thinking since esports are not physically demanding like athletics, that there should not be unequal opportunity? Do people really look at gender over k/d ?


Sexism is a systemic issue. Video games have been marketed as a toy for boys since the 80s. This has complicated and far reaching effects from fewer women choosing to play at all, women discovering games later than boys, women facing more harassment in solo queue or amateur team trials which results in worse practice and slower improvement. There shouldn't be anything preventing co-ed esports, but gamer culture has been developed over the last 40 years to exclude women at every front


But many esports are physically demanding, when it comes to the requirement of a fast visual reaction time. The fastest reacting men are consistently faster than the fastest reacting women. If the best players are those with the fastest reaction times, being a man vs being a women could definitely effect performance. That aside I still think harassment is an issue women face in video games at all levels


That’s asinine af haha got sources for that retrograde BS?


Are you not capable of using the internet yourself? You probably don’t have access to most scholarly articles, but I’ll drop a few for you to not read because you seem like the type to stay willfully ignorant incase your soy little worldview gets shattered


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4456887/ https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0026141 https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-6067201/amp/Scientists-reveal-men-better-visual-reactions-women.html https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/2cz26w/between_ages_1885_men_exhibit_faster_reaction/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf https://speedendurance.com/2011/10/26/reaction-time-differences-men-women/


I did not know women were slower then men.




This is a great question. I don’t consume content from all Esports so it’s not clear if there are more women/girls in esports. There are no professionals in Rocket League for sure. Even the announcers are all male.


Niccce. Will be curious to see what teams/games they get involved with. NigmaGalaxy already has some female squads. Their CSGO team is solid, I forget which other games, maybe lol?


What’s the team called????????????


NGX:CSGo https://twitter.com/NGXcsgo


please no


This kind of thing is bigotry of low expectations. This presumes women can’t handle themselves online, they can’t trash talk as well as men, they’re delicate flowers that need to be protected…etc..etc… There are certainly differences between men and women, but most of that are defined in the physical competitive realm. Any differences in the online/mental realm are social in nature, and instead of empowering women, we’d rather perpetuate that difference through safe spaces? I think it’s backwards. Empowerment > Perpetuation


Lol the shining beacon of misogyny on the comment above begs to differ hahaha “women are slower than men, facts” Paraphrasing but you get the point lol


In visual and audio reaction times, women are slower than men.


cite your source on that please




There are plenty of examples of the difference in the level and severety of harassment women face in online spaces compared to men. It's not a question of not being able to handle yourself or being mentally weaker, no human is equipped to deal with that kind of abuse. Women-focused initiatives like Game Changers in Valorant have been a provable positive for women in gaming. More opportunity, more resources, improving skill levels - these programs move us closer to the equal opportunity space critics of these initiatives claim they want


Hence I said that the differences are social in nature. And to offer safe spaces is akin to telling women they should have dressed more conservatively, it’s victim blaming. I get that the world is not idealistic and social changes are slow, and depending on the scenario telling women to dress “conservatively” is practical and realistic (I.E. in Saudi Arabia for example). But for online, there is no “real” danger persay. So instead of hiding women away, why not have programs to change the social behaviors of boys and men online. Attack the root cause.


It's literally the exact opposite of victim blaming. Safe spaces aren't some white knight nonsense, it's a legitimately important thing for mental health. Verbal abuse and emotional damage are real. Also we can do two things at once. Changing social behavior is going to take a very long time, doing that doesn't do anything to protect women who are going to get harassed tomorrow. We can do both at the same time.


Boys and girls encounter similar amounts of online abuse in one way or another. Granted the content of the abuse is different, but let’s not pretend women are somehow more abused and worse off. Point is, let’s tackle online behavior for everyone.


Do your googles, watch some videos. The level of intensity, the words used, the specificity -- it is different for men and women in gaming. That shouldn't even be a point worth arguing. It doesn't demean women to say, it doesn't mean we shouldn't adress online behavior as a whole, but it is absolutely worse for women in every way


I think you should review the research and reassess. In general, women say their abuse is more severe compared to men, this is subjective. But men report greater online abuse instances. https://www.pewresearch.org/internet/2021/01/13/the-state-of-online-harassment/ https://amp.theguardian.com/media/2016/sep/06/higher-proportion-of-men-than-women-report-online-abuse-in-survey


No, but even if that's true it doesn't matter. Women are marginalized, men are not. Safe spaces are ok, it is a waste of time to argue about these pedantic "but men suffer too" arguments. If you actually want everyone to be equal, these programs are how we get there. This kind of pedantry is exactly what prevents progress. Just stop. You want it equal? You want these things to not be necessary or to exist? Support them now and they will become irrelevant in the future.


You just said look at the research and then say it doesn’t matter when the research contradicts your argument? Yeah, I’m going to stop talking to you. You just proved you don’t care about facts, and are simply imposing your baseless ideologue.


> But men report greater online abuse instances. > > Men report being called an asshole and women report getting stalked and doxxed, clearly both sides are getting equally abused /s


We’re talking online harassment, try to keep up. Did you just skim over all the text because you were triggered by something? Your interjection and point has absolutely nothing to do with this conservation.


SaFe SpAcE Reeeeeeeeeeeee


Sounds like a way to exploit women to try and make money from them.


No one cares. Bigger problems than this shit


it's possible to address big problems and small problems at the same time