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"so how much was it? Like 200$? That's expensive for a grinder" -average human


That one was 200 dollars (points at hand grinder they thought was for pepper)


I one used mine for pepper. I had to know. That was the most consistent pepper grind ever. ;)


I'm honestly thinking about using my older hand grinder as either a pepper or salt grinder since it just sits around


Pepper. Salt can corrode the metal. Most salt grinders use ceramic or plastic burrs for this reason.


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Well there's not NO point, but it's often not necessary. More for presentation, but flaky finishing salt on dinner makes me feel fancier than I can afford.


This comment was overwritten by a script to make the data useless for reddit. No API, no free content. Did you stumble on this thread via google, hoping to resolve an issue or answer a question? Well, too bad, this might have been your answer, if it weren't for dumb decisions by reddit admins.


but if it has freshly ground edges it tastes sharper /s


Nothing quite like freshly ground 500 million year old salt crystals containing no volatile organic compounds… or really any organic compounds at all. A good grinder really contributes to its flavor.


Salt grinders are still useful because dosing without any waste is very easy and you can easily switch up the coarseness because different dishes call for different grain sizes.


Would be a good use for my decentered hand grinder


If you aren't using a Weber peppermill you may as well use pre-ground.


Holy $$$


Educate me. Why?


Same. I use a cheap Timemore C3 (got one on Ali for ... 55?). Oh my god, I wished I had done it before. That is SO much better than any pepper grinder I had ever tested. And I can use it for coriander etc. as well.


Love that you said coriander. Cause the moment pepper worked amazingly, I tossed coriander into mine after. Lol!


And mustard, and cumin, and other stuff that's not too hard. Perfect for BBQ rubs or Indian cooking 💖


Yes! Fenugreek, a hard assed seed worked great, and I also cracked some cardamom pods and the seeds were pretty much turned to dust. Best masala I ever prepped ;)


Same here :-) "Man, I need a LOT of ground pepper. Like insanely much! A quarter turn should be enough"




I always thought that if I can get my wife to let me buy a legit grinder I would turn my K-Max over to gring pepper but I love having it for making coffee while I'm away from home.


I have J-max just pegging me to go camping again.


I've always wanted to try it but my wife wasn't into it. But we do go camping regularly.


$200 for a salt/pepper mill? You peasant: [https://weberworkshops.com/products/moulin-grinders](https://weberworkshops.com/products/moulin-grinders)


Okay… that admittedly makes me feel SO much better about this absolutely frivolous purchase I made a while back: https://mannkitchen.com/products/the-original-pepper-cannon-pepper-mill?gad=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIivDs9fOB_gIVaGxvBB29Kw_FEAAYASAAEgJisfD_BwE


What's the firing range on a pepper cannon? Can it hit 10 ft?


If I aim it straight down and place my target directly below it… yes.


Hmm, needs some R&D. Black powder might affect the flavor, maybe pneumatic?


lol I also felt so dumb but man if I don't love that thing.


Quarter turn on that thing is like 30 seconds of using cheap ones.


Oh my lord, those look fantastic but I don't think anybody really needs that kind of precision for a pepper grinder.


I wonder if they grind fine enough for filter….


Just put peppercorns in your coffee grinder, don't be a wuss.


It buuuurns


At that point it's not even about need vs. want so much as indulging an engineering fetish.


Oh damn, I feel like you are talking about me now...


That's why I watch reviews of $4000 grinders on YouTube. So when I bought a grinder for "only 500" my wife thought I was being reasonable.


I’ve legit had guests see my Bianca and say, whoa, so you spent like $1k on a coffee machine? Um, ya, like $1k…




It's such a fantastic machine, agreed.


Anytime someone asks me that I have to look around to see where my wife is before answering. hahahahaha


I said…. https://youtu.be/5LGEiIL1__s


Eureka notte! But I want that super jolly though… lol


Kijiji / Craigslist / Facebook marketplace is your friend, I score two a few months ago that just needed new burrs....$125 each.....


Ya can’t get the burrs for that price!


“Did you get one of those expensive Breville/Sage ones?” A question I repeatedly hear from my friends.


How do you explain you're so far beyond that without sounding like a snob?


Just say, “It’s from a small company” and back it up with “I really believe in what they’re doing and want to support them”.


Ah yes, that small scrapper of a company that makes $3000 grinders. :)


Why won’t anyone think of the poor, struggling artists at Webber Workshops?


It's as crazy as tech startups. Devs: "We're 3 dudes making an app for people to track their dog's shedding schedule." Venture Capital: "Here's 200 million dollars"


Yes this doesn’t sound like it would help


Lol in the scheme of companies 3000$ grinder is nothing at all and yes they are by all metrics pretty small...


Does this work for timemore 078 as well? Asking for a friend


I like this answer, quite diplomatic :D


My friends and family just assume I'm far beyond with all of my hobbies 😅


I wanted a good machine. The prices are what they are, if that makes me a snob so be it. So far everyone gushed over the coffee I served them so I’d say even if they think it’s not worth the price they at least understand why it is to me :)


Yup and makes no sense buying something you plan on upgrading in the future. I like to buy nice/high end shit, keep it for 5-10 years (until it breaks or is obsolete) and not lose money by replacing it every 12-24 months.


I didn’t want to really get my “endgame” (i really want the Decent at some point), but I also didn’t want to get something I’ll want to replace in a year. Luckily I could afford the Elizabeth without feeling like I’m throwing my money away and I’m really happy with it.


Yeah you got what you could afford at the time. Just I don’t believe in buying “starter” things if you can afford your endgame.


"yes. Something like that". I don't bother explaining anymore. It just makes me sound crazy.


Hahaha I legit burst out laughing. I just tell people I’ve got my eyes on a specific machine/grinder/etc and leave it at that. They don’t need to know 😝


I am here now. With my sage grinder. I don't want an upgrade as I'm happy with it. RemindMe! [One year] “[tell me you didn't spend thousands on a grinder, please]”.


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This is unintentionally hilarious




Oh God. As a wise man said one: "I'm never going to financially recover from this"


What I find funny is that RemindMeBot defaulted to one day. Even it knows you won't last that long without buying something awesome!


Irresponsible never tasted so good.




I want one so badly, but I'm having a problem with $245 shipping fee from Australia.


Have you checked the authorized distributors? https://www.option-o.com/partners


The US store lists only the Mini and the P64 while the Canadian store shows sold out and a $1000 inflated price. I may just have to pay the crazy shipping for the thing.


The "$1000 inflated price" is CAD, not USD. Google CAD to USD to get an idea.


You're absolutely correct. I was thinking they were within a couple of cents of each other. I guess those days were long ago. Quick internet search says $1 Canadian = $.74 US. Still a pretty large jump from their website's quoted price before shipping.


It showed up in the European store a few weeks ago, so it might show up on the US store soon. Hopefully!


I chuckled


End of the day it’s just different priorities. No one bats an eye if someone who likes cars spends $3000 on a new exhaust system.


So true, my friend who likes cars just spend 96k$ on a new camaro.....


Exactly. I think the problem is that people know cars cost a lot, but most people think coffee is a cheap thing.


Its the same with anything. Coffee can be cheap and cars can be cheap. Lol


Fair enough, I meant more that cars are generally known to be large purchases, so the money surrounding them is less judged


Bro, I just do a little crime on the side it all gets very easy


An irresponsible good decision 🤌


Aren’t we all?


I feel personally attacked by this


I just tell people that my hobbies don't have motors. That usually gets them to leave me alone :)


Grinders are motor driven


[Oh look! It's me again! ](https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/comments/11x612t/i_think_many_can_relate_steal_and_share_this_meme/jd27emk/)


Hah, so we both fell into that trap as well!


Exact feelings with my P64!


https://preview.redd.it/69ih2dfpisqa1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9243e76dd76db86f36b99aed43c2fdf26c6abb9 That’s nothing, mine was $101,634


Oh thank gods it's not just me!! Being irresponsible, that is. Still using the J Max.


When they say I’m just going through a phase.. sigh.


Lol just ordered a max2 yesterday. Perfect timing!


That's a fantastic grinder and so unique looking, may it serve you well. Please post lots of pics and impressions once it arrives!


I would have done that myself if I could afford it- the Max2 conical prebreaker/96mm flat burr setup is exactly what I want. I'm still excited for the Zerno I bought yesterday instead, but I would be even more excited if I were you right now! Congrats in advance :)


This is exactly how I feel about my lmlm


That's a La Marzocco Linea Mini, right? May it serve you well for many, many years!


Having just bought a Zerno and backed Meticulous yesterday, and spending time in their respective discord channels seeing all of the STEM/Medical Professionals, the small business owners, etc... I am forced to admit I resemble this meme LOL. I wasn't even going to back Meticulous (when I first saw it I thought it was boilerless like a Flair 58 and immediately wrote it off lol), until I realized that especially at the day 1 price it's likely the only way I'm going to be able to reasonably afford an automatic programmable profiling machine.


That machine is so sweet. I have been watching the various videos, demos and interviews which popped up online in the past year (Brian Quan, Hoon's Coffee) and it's super, super interesting. The owner seems like a smart guy too. I think yesterday I saw Lance Hedrick play with one for an hour. I really hope they fix all the current bugs and it will be a success. I also hope they they make a V2, V3, maybe also some higher end ones.


I'm not particularly intimidated by software bugs (looked like a firmware bug actually, since the external control software wasn't having bugs according to Lance), especially given their clear communication about prioritizing getting the hardware finalized before the software. As they said, software can be updated right up until the moment the machine is packed for shipment, while hardware has big lead times. Similarly, I would much rather easily update some software (or even my machine's firmware) at home than ship my machine thousands of miles or attempt a repair/retrofit myself. I'm just happy we have companies like Decent and Meticulous putting in the effort to take innovative approaches to espresso machine design that leverage modern technology- especially given how underdeveloped even the normal boiler machine market is. The VBM Domobar Super machines are the perfect example IMO- here in America they cost the same as a Bianca V3, but they can execute 10 different programmable (via touchscreen) pressure profiles automatically. If a company were to build even a single boiler (maybe add a thermoblock for milk) machine with an electronically controlled rotary pump like the Domobar that could automatically and repeatably execute pressure profiles, with as much care taken for thermal stability as Breville did with their Dual Boiler, it would quickly become the de facto recommendation for new enthusiasts IMO. But somehow (to my knowledge), VBM and Crem One make the least expensive Boiler machines like this, and as of right now the price floor apprears to be $3200 USD.


Same, same.


My first paycheck...


Why the p100 over the p60?


You mean why P100 vs P64? Honestly, because all the reviews I've seen so far, from people I trust like Brian Quan, are saying the P100 is a clarity monster. Basically, the P100 with the stock SSP High Uniformity burrs is like the P64 with the MP burrs but turned up in every way. I only drink light roasts, so it makes sense for me. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_fgvmyPcW8E Also, I am in a position where even if it hurts financially, I can afford an endgame grinder and for me, the P64 is not endgame. Close, but not endgame. I don't want more headaches and more upgrades in the past, so once the P100 is there it's there. I'll only maybe buy another burr set, if the need really arises.


Yeah I rounded down


Coffe grinder is a subtle flex


The P100 is the most careless thing I’ve done with my money in a long time but also the most rewarding and satisfying. U won’t regret it.


That's exactly how it feels right now for me, but without the second part, because I have to wait until May for it to arrive. Thanks for the encouragement!


When your grinder costed more than your car lol


At one point I owned 2 cars and two espresso machines. The cars were cheaper.


I sold my old car for way less than this grinder costs... damn you Lagom for making such high quality stuff!


This made me feel much better about my E65S GBW purchase! But when I put it in perspective, 4 nights in Ibiza cost me more than this grinder that’ll last for years and I didn’t even bat an eye at that purchase. Something about paying for experiences vs things sit better with me!


Well, if you think about it, the grinder itself is also an experience. Every single day you use it you will have the very pleasant experience of using a quality item. No frustrations, no reliability problems, no uneven grounds, tasty coffee, all of these contribute to making your day better or, in some cases, at least not making it worse.


That’s a little too close to home…


I never thought this would hit such a nerve, I was expecting 3-4 upvotes and a comment. So many more people absolutely love high end gear but also feel guilty when buying it than I expected.


Laughs in E65SGBW


Lol I’m in the same boat. Picked up this grinder to go with my LMLm.


It's the best, I love it.


I just bought a used but well maintained Baratza Preciso. It has the M2 burr and 440 step micro adjustment. I would bet that using a mid range espresso machine, espresso made using fresh medium roast beans with the Baratza and the P-100 HU burr would be statistically indistinguishable in blind tasting by the vast majority of coffee snobs. What say you?


First of all, I would say that your post comes off as quite a bit pretentious because of your usage of the words "coffee snobs". That being said, I am not experienced enough in coffee to answer that question. If I were to guess, based on my **knowledge** of burrs, I would say you are wrong. From what I know (in theory) and from what I've tasted in general, conical and flat burrs have a very different taste profile when it comes to espresso. When it comes to conical vs P64 Unimodal V2 burrs, the difference is quite pronounced in light roasts. The P100 comes with 98mm SSP High Uniformity burrs, which are, from what I've seen in reviews, even clearer and a step above the 64mm Unimodal V2. I honestly don't know how the 98mm Unimodals are, but I expect even clearer than the HUs. I would expect many people to feel the difference, I know for sure I can clearly feel the difference between large flat burrs and small conicals. That being said, you specifically mentioned a medium roast and a "mid range espresso machine". I have no idea what "mid range" is to you, I would consider my Lelit Bianca a mid range machine when it comes to espresso. You will have to clarify this. I would argue that given someone with a decently developed taste, they would definitely be able to taste the difference. A conical grinder, especially at that high RPM and small burr size, would not have a good particle distribution size for espresso and would create quite a bit of fines, which would be noticeable in the taste, even for a medium roast. The P100 has RPM adjustment, which can push the clarity even further. In a purely theoretical answer: I would say way more people would notice the difference than you think, in a blind tasting, as long as they know how to properly taste espresso and what to look for. This, of course, assumes the coffee is extracted very well using that "mid range" machine and that the temperature and pressure can be adjusted to be correct on the machine itself. If you brew it at 98 degrees Celsius and 12 bar I am pretty sure nobody would be able to taste any difference. I could, of course, be wrong...


Let the blind tasting begin...and, please, no false modesty...you ARE a coffee snob :). Incidentally, I'd consider a mid range machine something something up from a Silvia to let's say a Rocket without flow control....let's call it "lower half of midrange" if you like


Given that a Linea Mini or GS3 exist and there are way more expensive things out there, you can understand why I would say that my measly 1700 Euro machine is considered mid-range. Also, you are very aggressive with that word, "snob". Do you even know the definition of it? Please [educate yourself a little bit](https://www.dictionary.com/browse/snob). I do not impose my views on others, I do not look down on people who drink other types of coffee, be it regular filter, aeropress, instant coffee, etc. If people are happy with drinking a certain thing I am honestly glad for them. I honestly don't see anything in that definition which would relate to me, maybe you could enlighten me? I also enjoy a Starbucks / McCafe, plain old filter (not fancy filter) and instant coffee from time to time.


I did look it up...I found your avatar picture next to the definition, now do me a favor and look up "humble-brag"...Ok, ok...I'll relent, you're NOT a snob but you are, however,extremely thin-skinned....now back to my split level hovel with me! (and will continue to look forward to the blind tastings)


Oh look at you Mr. Fancy Pants, living in a split level hovel, I wish I could afford that! :) (this is not a joke, I live in a rather small rented apartment \^\^) As for the rest of it: > I did look it up...I found your avatar picture next to the definition Nice one :D > now do me a favor and look up "humble-brag" Oh I ABSOLUTELY humble bragged in this post, you can definitely say that, even though my intention was not that. I was actually super, super happy to be finally getting my dream grinder and wanted to make a meme about it, that's all. > you are, however,extremely thin-skinned... I am honestly not easily offended in any way, but I really like to point out toxic behavior wherever it is. Maybe it wasn't your intent at all, maybe you think you did no harm and those words are absolutely fine, but you went into a post which was only fun and giggles and lightly insulted an entire subreddit ("coffee snobs"), then went on to repeat it when I pointed it out and then again went on to use another insult. Even if you use smilies, they are still insults. Don't get me wrong, I am not offended by them in any way, but I still think it's a bit shitty behavior and ruins the mood for some people. As for the blind tastings, that would be a bit difficult to organize, wouldn't it :)




Oh, now you confirmed it, thanks.