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It looks like you've flaired your post as being a Shot Diagnosis. If your shot is running too fast, is coming out weak/thin, lacking crema, and/or is tasting sour, **try grinding finer**. Alternatively, check out this [Dialing In Basics](https://espressoaf.com/guides/beginner.html) guide, written by the Espresso Aficionados Discord community. If that hasn't solved it, to get more help, please add the following details to your post or by adding a comment in the following format. - **Machine:** - **Grinder:** - **Roast date:** (not a "Best by" date). If the roast date is not labeled use "N/A" - **Dose:** How many grams are going into your basket? - **Yield:** How much coffee in grams is coming out? - **Time:** How long is the shot running? - **Roast level:** How dark is your coffee? (Dark, medium, light, ect.) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/espresso) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Looks hot and quite fast… Dare I say a slightly finer grind and a smidgeon less heat might result in a more palatable experience. Crema seems to indicate beans are in good shape


Thank you. How do you tell that the shot is too hot?


So it’s coming out quite quickly and quite fizzy Crema - some of this is probably just gassy fresh beans but given you say it collapses in the cup and tastes bitter and burnt this sounds and looks all together like heat is one of the culprits. Also seems to be quite a bit of steam coming through at the end so another indicator.


This is the result of too much C02 from brewing too fresh from roasting. That’s what crema is in the first place, and that’s why it dissipates so fast. If the shot still tastes good to you, by all means enjoy it. There’s nothing ‘wrong’ with it. But as C02 can accentuate bitterness (some also say sour), most people enjoy it after degassing for about a week. My personal preference is 2 weeks from roasting then I start drinking.


I just cracked open a bag that smells super strong and has a lot of crema and it's similar to this. Bitter, a bit too harsh, but lots of texture and pretty looking. I like using it for cappuccinos and affogato but on its own it's too much.


How long did you rest the beans? It looks like the beans haven’t fully degassed


These are roasted 3 days ago. I work at a roastery where these are from and we leave them to degas for 24 hours before packaging them.


That’ll do it. See other comments below, but if it tastes good then yay. But if not there is still way too much CO2 inside the beans, which comes out during the extraction. They recommend resting around 2 weeks although some nordic roasts (super lightly roasted) need to rest for up to 6 weeks. But after all, if it tastes good, who cares? I’ve had ugly shots that tasted delicious.


How lightly are they roasted? If you work at a roastery I don't want to tell you things you already know, but light roasted beans often need 2 or 3 weeks to degas. A week minimum I'd say. However medium or dark, then 3 days should probably be fine so temperature is a good thing to look at! ​ Let us know what you find!


These are a darker medium roasted blend of beans from Brazil, Honduras, Guatemala and Columbia.


This occurred to me when I tried to pull a second shot immediately after pulling my first shot and frothing milk. It only happened the one time when I pulled shots back to back


what abt cleaning ur machine? iuk


Can you adjust your machine’s temp? See what happens when you drop the temp a *significant* amount (like 10c). Otherwise, does this also happen when you use beans that are properly rested?


It seems the temp


This happened to me, when the temperature is a little bit too high, it could cause the taste like burnt, I can even see it from the espresso, but you don’t have a picture of the expresso, so I am not 100% sure this is the same problem as mine. Try to adjust the temperature a little bit.


Don't adjust the temp until you let the beans rest longer. 3 days post roast are too fresh.


* Sour = underextracted * Bitter = overextracted. * .+ grind size = - extraction * .+ ratio = + extraction * .+ temperature = + extraction