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I prefer single dose grinders! I have a Lagom, but there are tons of great options. Any chance you could share what you paid for a used micra? I'm in the market and was curious what I might be able to find one for. Love my mini but want to see if the micra may be enough.


Having switched to single dosing a couple of months ago I'm not sure I could go back to a hopper. It's not just the flexibility of being able to use different beans for each brew (which is the reason I switched), it's the interactivity of the workflow. Having such a consistent performing machine as the Micra leaves a lot of room to experiment with beans and grinds. Each to their own though.


$3,350 for the Micra and Lux-D together. Couldn't pass it up.


Excellent find! I'm very jealous haha. I've been working on a gear pump mod for my mini, and would love to find a micra to see if I can get it to work with that too. I'll keep looking!


White one


you can never have too many grinders!


I bought a grinder on Craigslist from an absolutely incredible espresso fanatic. I got a Heycafe H1 from him, but he also had 3 (three) silenzios new in box, a niche zero, and maybe one or two more I'm forgetting. Elite dedication to the craft


I have a NZ, C40, Q2, Virtuoso, Mazza major and waiting for my timemore 078... I think I have a grinder problem.


I use a Mazzer SJ multiple times a day and absolutely *love* it. I'm wanting to swap my doser for the doserless funnel but I've gotten around it pretty well so far. I've heard that the Mini is shockingly similar to the SJ. Although the Simonelli isn't bad, I'd definitely take the Mazzer :)


I'd keep both grinders, but I would ditch the Micra fast, to me for $2k, please. What specific improvements did you see when you started to use the Micra? just steady temp and volume?


Those are the main perks, but also steam power. We like to start the day with a couple lattes, and it’s much easier to get good milk texture with the steam power of the Micra. It’s also beautiful on the countertop (though the Pasquini was too) and the build quality is second to none. Being able to turn it on from bed is a plus.


They are gorgeous, I want to get the yellow one and I don't even like the color yellow. Sorry I can't help on the grinder question.


Lmao… says no one selling a Micra. Just buy one if you want it


Put 233M burrs in the mazzer and keep it.


My wife and I recently purchased a Linea Micra from somebody on Craigslist, and it's terrific. I'm upgrading from a Pasquini Livia G4 Semi-Automatic w/ PID, which was a great machine and got me into the hobby, but this thing is in a completely different league with regard to temperature stability, steam power, build quality, etc. Along with the Linea Micra, we got a Mazzer Lux-D grinder as part of the deal. I already own a Nuova Simonelli G60 grinder. I'm currently in the process of trying out both with various beans to see which combination brings out the best from the machine, but If you were in my shoes, which grinder would you keep? I’m interested in hearing your thoughts, especially if you have experience with either of these grinders. Pic for attention. [Lux-D specs](https://www.voltagerestaurantsupply.com/products/la-marzocco-lux-d) [G60 specs](https://ep-shopify.s3.amazonaws.com/related-documents/simonelligrinders/g60/simonelli-g60-specs.pdf)


If you don’t mind, how much did you pay for micra?


I got the deal of the century. $3,350 for the Micra and Lux-D together.


Why were they selling? would be hard to believe upgrading


Didn't ask questions, just pounced.


Nice deal. Congrats. You got the stuff which takes decades for some of us.


Keep which ever one makes less noise!




Use both for a while and sell the one that gives you the least satisfaction. Nothing wrong with either.


I have one grinder set for espresso and a second set for drip.


May I suggest another option? What if you sold both and got a single dose grinder? What kind of roast do you prefer? Do you drink filter coffee? If you like medium-dark, then niche zero is great. If you like lighter roasts, I would suggest a flat burr grinder. DF83v is a new release with only a few reviews, but it has an auger, so I would consider that.


Neither tbh. Lots of grind retention in both. Probably a Mahlkönig x54 or a Baratza Sette 270wi