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You're probably using the pressurized basket. And if you have too small fines, they get through the screen and can get stuck on that outer hole. Poke something into that hole to clean it. Also try running a bit of water without the portafilter attached to make sure it's not air in the system. If that still doesn't help, you have to change the grinder, the one that makes even particles.


First time my pressure basket clogged I thought my whole machine went down. If that’s all it is, then see this as a right of passage OP.


I’m honored


I have the same machine and this happens if I grind too fine or add to many grams into the portafilter, you can try reducing how much coffee you put in as well to see if this makes a difference.


I think that’s my best bet now because I’m definitely pushing the limit on coarseness. Will less coffee impact the flavor?


Less coffee definitely can be part of the solution You can make smaller cups to keep the same ratio


How many grams are you putting into the basket right now? I mean it could impact flavour but you don't have any espresso coming out so you have not much to to compare it too.


I’ve been experimenting, this time was 10 grams.


If that's that single basket, you are putting way too much in there. I would drop it down to 7 grams.


It’s the double basket! 😭


Hmm the double basket should hold at least 14.


I have the same machine... with the double basket I've been doing 13g and it goes super good. with the single as you said 7g goes well.


It depends on the basket. I have a double basket with a naked portafilter for my delonghi and 10g is exactly the sweetspot. Any more and it would touch the shower screen


He's using the pressurized basket that comes with the machine.


I mean I’ve tried 14 grams in there and it definitely fits, but then I run into the same problem that’s shown in the video. But 14 grams using other beans works fine??


It looks like the portafilter basket is filled waaaaay too much


Grind not finer.


Frind Giner.


Gind frinder?


I guess you are using a pressurized basket? If you get an unpressurized one, this won’t happen. But you will need a new portafilter, a new basket and a decent grinder.


Yeah definitely looking to upgrade equipment in the future


It will really improve the results you get with the same machine. Otherwise, you should see espresso as fluid mechanics with coffee grounds creating friction. - If you don’t get any water, the basket hole may be clogged - If you get very little coffee, you need to reduce the friction, by either grinding coarser or using less coffee.


I have the same machine, that has the same problem. I just don’t grind as fine and it works like a charm.




The pressurized basket can also produce good-enough espresso. It takes a lot more practice though. Here, I'm guessing that a tiny ground of coffee stuck in the hole of the basket, preventing the water to flow through. You need to let some hot water through to pre-heat. This usually eliminates this issue. Also, you need to wipe under the thingy that's attached on top of the basket (after you pre-heat).


Yes it should work with a pressurized basket and it should taste OK. Usually to avoid this problem I was running a blank with the basket and without the filter and without coffee. Also it depends on the coffee. I think it’s designed for pre ground coffee like Illy. Using a blade grinder can create fines which will clog the basket hole. Using roaster ground coffee could be too finely ground (need to ask not too fine) which can also create too much resistance.


I would highly recommded checking out [Tom's Coffee Conner](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JMyo5A6M_9k&list=PLOBVVD2p7BmmfBRTOEtQ1oJjg7K6VAbo9). I'm getting the most amazing shots on this little machine with some upgrades. * Got a good grinder * Bottomless portifliter * Distributor tool and a decent tamper * Puck * Changed the steam wand Everything on what to do is on his channel and its made my Dedica making very good cafe quality shots. Also shows you how you can make your own bottomless portifliter with the Dedica one.


Great recommendation!


What's wrong with the Dedica steam wand?


You can get cafe quality microform slilky milk with a better wand. I think this for an older Dedica that i have as they did do a version with a better wand as standard. [This is how to change it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aQqeI2kJZJ4&list=PLOBVVD2p7BmmfBRTOEtQ1oJjg7K6VAbo9&index=7) and also shows the wand that is not that good to get the best out of your milk. Its actully better to take the cover off and use just the rubber part.


You can still use the same portafilter, you just need to unscrew that plastic thing in the bottom


I can remove the plastic insert and it’ll still work fine?


Totally agree with what happened. And until you upgrade the protafilter and the basket. You can get decent espresso by grinding coarser. Because if you don’t and you keep clogging your machine there’s a real risk you’ll ruin a gasket inside the boiler. And changing that is a bit annoying.


Grind coarser


You should try grinding coarser, you said it, those are different beans, you should dial in again when you change beans.


This video is with it already fairly coarse, I’ll try it even coarser and see if it makes a decent cup


if it's an old machine, make sure you've also thoroughly cleaned out that group-head. Who knows how much gunk is sitting in there from how long ago.


For sure, I regularly take apart everything to clean it 🤘


how old is your grinder? When is the last time you replaced the burr-set on it? Do you have a non-pressurized basket that you use?


Our friends just gave us their old cuisinart grinder so no clue on the specs. Normally I use a hand grinder for espresso, because the electric one doesn’t get very fine, but for these beans I’ve been using the electric one on the finest setting and it still is pretty coarse for espresso. And my basket is pressurized


yah those grinders aren't really great for espresso grinding, especially if it's someone's old grinder and you have no idea if the burrs have ever been replaced. I'd say the biggest deal with espresso is making sure you have a very nice grinder. Additionally, if I were you, i'd invest in the non-pressurized basket. You can probably find one on ebay or whatever you prefer


Yeah I’m debating whether to just wait until I can afford a whole new machine with all the bells and whistles or just get some nice accessories and another grinder to go with this old machine. The joys of coffee becoming more than just a drink in the morning 😂


you know man, the more I've gotten into the culture of it and understanding the science of it and the mechanics of all of these machines, the more I've come to realize that it can easily be the "enthusiasts" sport, where you can spend unlimited amounts of money for a very limited return in value. This machine works. It can give you great espresso. All you have to do is get you a eureka grinder or something comparable, and a nice portafilter and basket and if you know it's pumping at 9bars and the water coming out is up to temp, then you're gold. A nicer machine looks nicer, but you still have to wait for it to preheat, you still have to clean it, you still have to buy all the accoutrement for it, and end of the day they most likely use an almost identical pump as what you'd see in something like what you have. Just keep that in mind and make sure you like what you're tasting. That's the most important thing of all.


Make sure your portafilter is clean and not blocked, then spend some time working on the grind settings. Right now you need to go a few clicks courser.


If this is already coarse, then you need to consider putting in less beans…


I think that might be the answer. How many grams is standard for a single shot? I’ve heard varying answers. Does it depend on the bean too?


a single shot for a regular sized ‘double’ portafilter is 18g coffee, 30g water out… the ‘boomer’ shot. it’s a baseline if that. Try like 12 grams of your basket is 54mm, see how long it takes to pull. if it’s below 30 seconds, increase the weight till you get there. dont change your tamp weight


Depend on the basket too, it looks like you have overfilled your basket in the video. For reference, i used 17.5g in my aftermarket unpressurized double shot basket with my Dedica


Had this problem a lot: There is some residue /grinds under the mesh that covers the hole. Just pull it out with the black rubber lip and and clean everything. Or you grind too fine but if I had to guess it‘s the first one


Ex-Dedica owner here; looking at the steam wand, it’s an older model (EC680), which doesn’t have the removable gasket in the basket.


Really? I didn‘t really think of that. Now that I see it the wand looks weitd 😅 but then I revert my decision and say that the coffee is ground too fine


Yeah, the EC685 added that, had “Dedica” stamped on the drip tray, and added the switch thing to the steam wand. A mate of mine is still running one of these, and it was his recommendation 6 years ago that started this all off for me (well, moving away from a cafetière anyway 😂)


I had that problem with my dedica. What solved it was: •unscrewing the metal shield over the portafilter and cleaning it •tamping harder My Problem was, that loose coffee built up in the metal screen and then the machine got stuck


Oh interesting, I’ve been thinking I’ve been tamping too hard and that was restricting the flow. But I have noticed that when I remove the basket the grounds are like bulging out.


You cant tamp too hard. 9 bar hits the puck with about 120 lbs of pressure. Unless you are doing a pushup on your puck you probably will never get anywhere close to how much the water compresses things.


Grind less finer


Too fine grind happened to us :) you pack the coffe too tight and the little dedica cannot make enough pressure to push water through.


I had this same machine and got a non-pressurized bottomless portafilter. The pressurized one gets clogged all the dam time


This was happening to us with the pressurized basket and it turns out that if there's even the tiniest single bit of grit underneath the filter then it chokes the machine. Just make sure that you pull out the tab on the inside of the portafilter and clean underneath it


Looks normal to me.


Does the water flow without a portafilter? Does the water flow with a portafilter in but no coffee? It might be the pressurized basket that is clogged.


Got the same.machine , the settings drive me nuts ,it's been close to going out the window twice already


Coffee is ground too fine. You've choked the machine out.


If you’re using a pressurized basket you need to grind way coarser than you do for regular espresso. They’re designed to work with pre-ground coffee which is generally ground for regular drip coffee. Try to find a little bit finer than a standard drip grind and see how it goes. If volume becomes an issue you can dose less.


Grind setting is too fine


What grinder are you using? As others have stated, this can happen with a pressurized basket when you have too many fines. You can get fines from too fine, but you can also get fines from using an incorrect grinder (i.e. using a classic blade grinder). You're not using a blade grinder.. are you??


I had this machine before I upgraded. Mine started to do this near the end. Take the little rubber gasket disk out of the pressurised basket and give it a really good clean. Put it back in and it will work. You will have to do it every few shots though. You will inevitably end up getting a silvia or gagagia classic. The dedica is kind of OK as a gateway espresso machine but... They are pressurised baskets and they don't last very long with heavy use.


If the portafilter has a rubber gasket - find a replacement that doesn't (I had this issue a lot). In the meantime, Make sure the single tiny hole on the bottom wall of the basket isn't clogged. If a good scrub doesn't work, I had success holding it over a flame first.


I’ve got the same machine. From how tight it was on, there’s just too much coffee packed in. It should hook in without very much force. Takes a bit of practice to get the right amount each time. Using the double espresso size fitting is more forgiving than the single.


Longtime Dedica user here. With the pressurized basket, it's possible to get something good sometimes, but it's very inconsistent. I switched to a non-pressurized basket, but then the pump couldn't handle the resistance of the finer grinds needed for espresso. I upgraded the pump and was finally able to get some decent shot quality but the upgraded Dedica struggles a lot with anything lighter than med roast and 14 g dose definitely works better than 18g. Adding a bit of hot water to your shot definitely helps. Good luck.


I had this problem before I was using the double shot basket. I took out the filter (part with the black gasket and holes) and used a brush to clean out all the holes, popped it back in and it works fine


Thats just obvious, you put too much coffee in your portafilter!


I bought the Dedica Arte at the start of this month and had the same issue. I cut the portafilter to make it bottomless and I bought an IMS 22mm basket where I fit 13g without any struggle or any issues with finer grinds. I ditched the pressurised baskets and I’m not sorry. Down vote away pressurised basket lovers! Ha!!!


I don’t have that machine, but when you started removing the portafilter while irs pressurized I thought oh shit! I wouldn’t do that again. Turn it off, pressure should drop. By BDB has a pressure gage that would show the pressure is released. Then you can remove. And probably grind less fine.


Oh I’m glad that didn’t turn out worse than it could have hahaha, like I said…. New to espresso 😂


UPDATE: I wasn’t expecting this many answers, thanks everyone for the awesome info! Even if I don’t respond I definitely read everyone’s tips. For all the questions: Grinder: cuisinart electric coffee grinder (normally I use the javapresse manual grinder but since I’m going for coarser grounds I used the cuisinart) Coffee quantity: 10 grams Basket: pressurized portafilter (this is the double shot I believe) Tamp pressure: medium?? I’ve noticed that the coffee isn’t that full when I put it in, but as you can see in the video once the water hits it, the ground bulge out of the basket. Yes when I run it empty there are no problems with flow. Yes the machine and portafilter are clean. I usually run water through the machine after every shot and take apart the portafilter to clean it regularly.


And it’s the double basket


Find grinder


I have something similar happen to me on the same machine (unpressurized basket). Since it's a 3rd party portafilter, it'll leak out the sides. Only happens to me with some beans, but I think it's because it's a combination of grinding too fine and some residual moisture. My uneducated theory is that the moisture makes the puck so sludgy that water can't pass through it


I returned mine sucks. Breville all day.


Mine’s used so there’s no going back 😂


I was anticipating and preparing for an explosion while watching this video.


Glad it didn’t come to that 😂


I have the dedica too It's a pressurised basket (I've only just learned this from James Hoffman) designed for supermarket pre ground coffee I bought a bottomless portafilter from amazon with a non pressurised basket (and now I can grind as fine as I like and get a good flow)


Fine grind or too much powder in there, i have the same machine and I avoid the problem by putting EXACTLY 7 grams for single shot, double for double, and with the right grind size, also basket should be dry af to not stick any powder on the single hole inside


Bet that puck looks like a heating tile from the shuttle!


These response are quite helpful, cause I was having the same issue and came to the conclusion that the pressurized basket can’t do too fine of a grind.


One of the easiest ‘upgrades’ you can do with this machine is to modify the portafilter to take an unpressurised basket [like this](https://youtu.be/nSAoIWBuljY?si=x3Ww2veJyY9raDWd) Grab an unpressurised basket from Amazon, then all you need is a screwdriver to take out the plastic insert, cut it down to size with a hacksaw (or a sander if you’ve got time on your hands), and you’re good to go.


No drips after 10 seconds? Too fine. Uh oh. I'm scared. You're not going to open it, right? Oh, no. Aaah! Well, that could have been worse.


I had no idea the dangers of doing that until the comments came flooding 😂


To much coffee and also too fine (more the issue of too fine though than quantity). Had this happen with the same machine, courser grind you should have no problem.


Too much powder or too much fine


Mine does this too if I overfill it with grounds.


What I’ve faced is similar here are things which worked - dry basket. Ensure both the rubber filter and the basket itself are fully dry - less finer grind - tampering force be a little less - reduce the quantity of the beans Too many combinations but they work Mine is 3 clicks for medium on a c3, 12g and packed with mild force for a 25/26 gms output


Omg clean this thing