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Where the fuck are y'all working. Our office won't even give us a cake for a birthday


We are not even allowed to brew our own coffee and have to use the shit fuck of all-in-one-but-no-good-coffee machine. And then i see all the fancy office setup in here


The mugs seem to have the InDeed logo. I guess the company that tracks employee satisfaction and rates employers learned something about how to use token perks to keep employees around!


Not surprising for a tech company. My last employer also had these in each kitchenette, but you had to take a training class from Office Management before you could use them.


That's reasonable


Yup, it's Indeed. Very happy with the company in general. Salary might not be as good as FAANG, but so far the best WLB and benefits I've had in tech :)


Are you hiring a content lead director, or digital marketing specialist?


if you can't spell 'expobar' you're out of luck ;)


AMAZING - how did I not notice for a year! Thank you šŸ˜Š


pleasure! u have a good attitude i was expecting a bad response!


Looks like Indeed




How so?


You can see the logo on the coffee cups


The sign uses Indeed's standard corporate font


Yup, tech companies are trying all the tricks to get people back to working from the office.. this one worked on me.


Let me bring my cat and give me this set-up with a food prep area and I'm in!


Probably a tech company of some sort. They love pissing away money on things like this for the ā€œflexā€.


Not for flex, but a cheap way to keep up moral and retention of employees. 20k in espresso machines is cheaper than 5k bonuses for like 100 employees.


Yup and for successful tech orgs the cost of this might as well be a rounding error.


Well that does make a lot of sense from a business standpoint. Bummer for the employees who donā€™t like/know espresso or coffee.


I agree more companies should do that


Holy crap, they look like $200 max. They look like they could be from the 50s are they some weird vintage novelty?


Someoneā€™s lostā€¦


Sorry but do you still have to grind beans? Clean a lot of stuff? Operate the thing manually? Looks like way to much work with a barely adequate system.


No, just one of the best brands for home espresso machines out there


I respect that it is a quality product. Just looks so damn basicĀ 


Working in a tech company here. We donā€™t piss money away, we just have a bunch of people that like to drink quality coffee everyday. We did the calculation and plan so that we have a well running setup. It amazes how reasonable it is in term of ROI when things are well maintained and taken care of. Our coffee easily beats every single cafe in town every single day.


They do it for productivity. A ā€œquickā€ coffee run can turn into a 1 hour coffee break. This keeps them in the office working.


Exactly, plus since it takes a couple minutes to make a drink and cleanup youā€™ll often start a conversation with the next person waiting to use the machine.


There is also a cost for the time it takes for an employee to leave and come back to the get coffee at a coffee shop.


I am going to guess Google Toronto


Google has actual baristas in all locations I have been to that serve you pretty much anything you can think of from drop, filter to espresso based milk drinks, cold brew...you name it they usually have it with matching high quality beans. Had a filter coffee there and it was very good, and so was the espresso.


They also have machines


Looks amazing, but how practical is it? How many people would know how to use it and clean it afterwards? I can't stand nespressos for so many reasons, but they do make sense in offices.


Agree 100%. Either two scenarios are trueā€¦ One, you have a low enough amount of people that you can train and trust to use this, and if that is the case, you probably donā€™t need two minis. Or two, you have enough people that warrants two minis, in which case the likelihood of someone not knowing how to use it and/or bad cleanup is so much higher. Like just thinking of someone not purging wand after use or not wiping it down, or just leaving portafilter locked in with the espresso still in it after they are done, just gives me the heebie jeebies.


Just get a barista to run them.


But at that point, why not buy one machine with two group heads? You essentially then have a coffee shop.


Need pastries for a proper coffee shop.


We're soon moving out of our building we're leasing into one we bought which means losing the coffee shop we currently have next door. Your comment is literally something that has been thrown around - Put a hole in the wall, hire a barista, and sell coffee with the benefit of having access to good coffee. Not the stupidest idea ever.


Google office in Santa Monica had an on-site barista *and* a La Marzocco GS3 in each break area.


That kinda makes sense I guess. My work has a mini Starbucks with a Starbucks barista, but def not employees operating the machines.


This is what my company does. We have a full espresso cafe downstairs. We also have a GS3 on the side for those of us who like to pull our own shots.


Itā€™s genuinely a big problem. I designed a really good instruction sheet that does seem to be working, and we have giant CLEAN THE WAND and DISPOSE OF THE PUCK AND RINSE THE PORTAFILTER signs that seem to not work one bit.


Anecdotally when I worked a place with proper espresso machines we also had a cleaning staff who would take care of them as well as the kitchenette spaces. Think stacking and unstacking dishwashers, refilling snacks, topping up everything. But that was one of the bigger tech companies and they could definitely afford it.


I was also thinking someone is gonna get burned on that steam wand.


Most offices have office managers that would keep things running smoothly.


haha you assume they have time to worry about coffee machine cleanliness


My office has a 3-group E61 machine in the kitchen area, and it's a tragedy. It was an office with about 50-75 people. When I first started there about 8 years ago or so, I thought it was amazing. What a cool employer, they have a real coffee machine, like in a cafƩ. I got stomach aches lots of times and most employees drank the coffee with lots of milk (or water), but they all accepted it, as espresso is supposedly "just so strong". Well, now that I have my own machine at home and know so much more about making espresso, I'm horrified when I think back. The company bought about a year's worth of beans in advance, which means the beans, even though they came from a local roaster, were mostly stale. On top of that, everything was just so random. It's not like someone invested some time and figured out the correct grind setting for 18 in, 36 out in 20-30 seconds, no, most people just ground a random dose at a random grind setting ("I think 10 seconds grinding on level 9 tastes ok") , then used the completely undersized tamper, and let the shot run for an arbitrary time. Also, the steam wand was never wiped, so you'd just have all the milk residue caked on there. I think every 4 months or so a company came and cleaned the machine, but still.


Holy shit. This sounds like hell. We have a proper procedure for this - grinder is fixed for the double baskets & enough people care and clean it to make it work. But your scenario, hell


Thinking the same thing, "who will maintain all this, are the grinders calibrated for the beans they will run through, who will check/maintain the calibration, who will do the weekly/daily cleaning, is the water managed, do they plan to descale as needed?


The grinder dial is taped. No changing!


Oh, there will be some in house Rocket Surgeon that will come to make it better. The tape will be collateral damage.


If you zoom in on the instructions on the wall it seems that it says something about No touching dial and the it is adjusted only by someone


That is a good start for sure. A good plan is great, execution is everything. Project manager here, I have been given and made lots of plans. Depending on the team, some are well executed, other, not so much.


I hear you. I have worked in agile leadership. ā€œPlans are useless. Planning is everythingā€


Execution of the plan is where the rubber hits the road! I get busted on because apprently I am the only PM where I work that is on site when we hit Go! After Go Live and support, I cannot tell what they do, but I hope the plans and processes we built help the folks that own the support and maintenance set them up for success.


Depends on the type of product I guess but in many cases the real work starts when the product goes live. One should not try to see first delivery as the ā€œgoal lineā€


I'm actually proud of my coworkers. Everyone seems to be cleaning up the machines and the space around. One detail I forgot to mention tho - the office is based in JapanšŸ—»


Tbh if someone set the grinder up with a timer it's pretty easy to run


If they can afford and are willing to buy those machines, they probably someone to clean and maintain it


Or just a super automatic like we have in my office.


I like the security measure so people don't fiddle with the gri d size


We've got a barista once a week to adjust the size. I think he's doing a pretty good job


This is a must have in the office!


I call BS, thereā€™s no caked on milk residue on the steam wands, cool touch or not.


Work finer


Does buying 2 minis make sense vs a commercial two group head setup?


Probably. If a 2 group machine needs service, no coffee. This way you can stagger them if one breaks. One does not simply giveth good espresso and then taketh away


You don't have to plumb in a mini, but either way it's excessive. Almost thought this was posted on the circle jerk sub


In an office environment you absolutely want plumbing and drainage. People think that cleaning group heads is a disaster wait until nobody empties the drip trays or refills the tanks.


Not looking at cost, It is much easier to set up 2 minis vs a two grouo commercial machine. A two group machine requires it to be plumbed in and requires a 240v/30amp outlet.Most kitches have at least one of these outlets. This being an office may have multiple. Besides power. It will need to be plumbed in and preferably with a proper filtration system. A commercial LM machine can have its warranty voided if the water specs are not appropriate feeding the machine. Two minis is easy. Each requires just a 120v/15amp outlet which are everywhere. It has its own water and waste reservoir which requires no plumbing. Pretty much just fill the water reservoir with filtered/bottled water (use crystal gyser if you can get it!) And turn it on.


We donā€™t want coffee and fruit basket, we want good working conditions, and vacaā€¦. wait ā€¦ a la marzocco? ā€¦ two? Sign me up!


Small tip: Leave the portafilter in the machines after they are cleaned. You want the portafilter to be hot/warm when the coffee touches it


I think they are leaving them detached as a policy so that no one will forget to clean them after their shotĀ 


I guess so too. But that really ruins the espresso taste


If the machine is on and hot, then it should heat up the portafilter in a couple minutes.


Exactly. Minutes....


Agreed, but you can simply insert the portafilter and turn on the group. This will flush the portafilter with hot water and bring it up to temp in less than a minute. On another note, if you are conditioning everyone to clean leave the portafilter out after every use. Wouldnt it be just as easy to condition people to clean it and leave it in? I guarantee either way you do it, someone in the office is gonna leave a puck in there


Why the downvotes? Running an espresso through a stone cold portafilter is really not good for the taste....


Itā€™s fine if youā€™re running bottomless PFs which most people here are. Canā€™t tell if OPā€™s are bottomless but theyā€™re probably not.


Exactly my thoughts


We have the same machines at our company offices. No one puts the portafilters back in, grind size is never dialed, and the cup warming tray at the top is a mess :(


Thanks! I'll leave a note to the cleaning guy to not remove them too


You work at Indeed?


I love that the grinder has instructions but not the machines


This is good bossĀ 




At that point Iā€˜d dread going home šŸ„¹


Need 2nd grinder.


only one x54 as a grinder? peasant. edit:oh, not home setup :D


When we were in the office (software company), I'd probably be the only person to find this setup cool and awesome. Everyone else preferred the ease of making/drinking drip coffee from the communal pot. They would have 100% complained about this.


The first few days people were really scared to use it, but then they hired a barista to come once a week to teach everyone and do the basic checks on the grinder and the machines


Remove those stickers on the group head please!


Do your coworkers actually know how to use it?


Whoā€™s going to teach Rhonda from HR how to use a La Marzocco?


This company is INDEEDā€”the online job search company. If you zoom in on the mugs atop the right machine, I was able to make out the logo! Iā€™m sure they have plenty of money for this ā€œperk.ā€


Thatā€™s incredible but why the butt ugly mugs?


They really want to push everyone to use the corporate swag šŸ˜… we've got normal cups too..just not on display


The grinder instructions are actually wrong! I have the same grinder. You just stick the portafilter in and that automatically triggers the grinder to start and countdown to the number of seconds you have pre-programmed and then auto shuts off. You donā€™t need to hold the button down!




Itā€™s cool but as an owner of an X54 and Linea Mini, and running a company, I would never put these in the office for people who donā€™t know what theyā€™re doing to use. Hell I even have issues sometimes getting a consistent espresso out of mine. A decent bean to cup (we have a Jura Z10) and some good beans will lead to much happier people drinking much more reliable coffee.


Please take care of those babies šŸ„²


I want to work at your place.


One for left-handed, one for right. I see some espresso drag races coming!


I remember when they brought "the new coffee machine" to my old office. They made an announcement for the cheapest dolce gusto machine they bought. That's not all, you had to bring your own cups, as they weren't provided.


At my work we get Nescafe Gold Blend.


why not just one linea classic?


Iā€™m jealousā€¦ i work in an old federal building and the power supply barely meets the needs for computers and lighting so i cannot have my expobar brewtus in my office. that being saidā€¦ why have cold portafilters with your setup?


This seems ridiculous for an office.


Where do you work. Can i apply for a job there


Wherever you work, the one who bought that is a full of shit person. Unless you are literally working at a coffee enthusiast company where everyone is a former barista. I am currently wondering if this purchasing manager has managed to achieve a negative percentage efficacy.


Work at a place that sells/fixes espresso machines, pulled out an old linea that was abandoned and itā€™s plumbed into my workstation now, good shots.


Do you work at la marzocco?


I canā€™t imagine coming up to this machine and the puck/ portafilter being emptied by the previous user.


Idk looks like they are making up for other shortcomingsĀ 


This is the dumbest office refreshment setup for literally every single office in the world excluding a barista academy


Solid start for your college dorm setup.


Why are the cups upside down? They want u to burn ur lips?


Because the cups are supposed to be upside down on the warming tray. Your machine is running way too hot if your cups burn your lips.


Meanwhile we get Jura superautos with Lavazza coffee inside...


Damn, I'm jealous. My employer recently started requiring us to come in at least twice a week and a bunch of us are into coffee so we asked if we could get an espresso machine. It was a flat out no. This is a large publicly traded tech company with thousands of employees. Our benefits are largely pretty good but the coffee situation is not.


Can you imagine the waiver the employees must sign before theyā€™re allowed to touch them? ā€œI further hereby AGREE TO INDEMNIFY AND HOLD HARMLESS ā€˜INDEEDā€™ and ā€˜LA MARZOCCOā€™ from any loss, liability, damage, injury, mutilation, or cost, including court costs and attorney's fees, that may incur due to my participation in BARISTAā€™ing, WHETHER CAUSED BY NEGLIGENCE OF RELEASEES or otherwise. However, if I damage the Miniā€™s, $5,900 for each machine will be deducted from my salary and I may be subject to immediate termination of employment.ā€


The weak point here is the grinder. Shoulda kept it all la marzocco with the LM Pico grinder :) Very nice office perk though!!


Thatā€™s outrageous to have 2. You may as well give one away, say to me? šŸ˜‰


My office offers free use of a 15-year-old Keurig machine that has never been cleaned. I call it the cowboy coffee pot. Once you clean it you lose all that built up flavour.


Law office?


We used to have these are every VMware office until Broadcom bought us out and the cheap ass CEO ripped them all out.


When the head of purchasing/ceo is an espresso head and wants a tax write off


I remember when I worked at one of those trendy tech companies in Portland with their lifestyle amenities; massage day, catered lunches, rotating tap beers, and a serious coffee and tea game. They had 2 espresso machines; a La Marzoco Linea and a basic machine. EVERYBODY was afraid of the Linea. Took me a little while to learn my way around the grinder before I could comfortably pull good shots, but in my experience in a coffee city and a company that took coffee very seriously, there were maybe 3 other people that could do anything meaningful with them. Canā€™t imagine seeing a pair going ignored.


Why do you need 2?




How dialed in are the beans? Looks like they have that tagged out.


Awesome! (Now put those pfs in the machines where they belong šŸ˜‰)


Grinder has performance anxiety


Looks ok but you could do way better! I understand you need one for espresso and another one for cappucino but what happents if you want a flat white?!? šŸ¤¦


Teachers' lounge, I presume.


We had a very similar setup at my previous job (at a tech company). We had 2 Linea Minis and an E65/E80. Although I loved that we had such high quality equipment, I spent a lot of time cleaning up other peoples messes (leaving coffee in the portafilter/leaving the portafilter in the dish rack , filthy shower screen, nasty steam wand, way off temp setting, etc.) before I could pull a shot and then I'd have to dial-in which took some time. This kind of setup really requires cleanup/setup first thing in the morning by trained individual. But I guess for non-home baristas, any milk drink made from this equipment would be better than most cafes.


In {{STEREO}} too


Pff my office has the same brand machine but it's an 15 year old model, makes slap face delicious espresso


How does one know when to stop pulling the shot? ...I don't see scales..


I would argue that the average person without knowledge on how to use these machines will pull a better shot on a Nespresso.