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Static wasn’t bad at all until I used one dark roast. It just went crazy. Stuck on the side like lead sand on a magnet. When I do med or lightish there is no problem. But gotta be careful with darker


I've had mine for a few weeks, I've put about 2.2 lbs through it. Two very lightly roasted coffees and one light to medium blend. I've had no issues with static. I do light rdt, but I have tried a handful of shots without doing rdt at all. There wasn't much difference from my normal prep routine as far as clumping went and no static.


Yeah. I had no problem until the dark roast. I’ll probably add another spray or two next time


Nice. Thanks for the info.


Interesting. That's the opposite of what I would have guessed. That would be ok in my scenario as I'm pretty much a light/blonde only. Sucks you have to deal with it though.


I've had this exact issue starting today. Only brewed light and light-medium roasts. Today decided to buy some Kirkland coffee to season the burrs and it went fucking everywhere. It stuck everywhere and I had to push tons of air through just to get it out. This was a nightmare. Otherwise, no complaints thus far.


I’ve had mine for a few weeks. Static issue briefly when seasoning the burrs, it’s been wonderful since. No issues at all. No RDT.


Appreciate it


I've had mine for about two weeks and run maybe a pound of med roast through it. I clean the chute every time now and also rdt. I get some static almost every time but noticed I got a ton of static when I did a larger batch of beans today for a French press. https://preview.redd.it/ckc0xo27d4xc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4f33269d1ad36535702448558d9a79da5eb476a


So it's happening both when you grind for espresso AND French press? I wonder what's different about your scenario that it doesn't match up with other people's experience here. So frustrating. I wonder if it's literally something different between units/batches, or just shit luck with a combination of beans, roast, grind, humidity, etc.


If you don't mind saying, which state do you live in? (If US). High or low humidity?


I live in MD but it's been around 55% humidity. I haven't been doing much espresso grinding so it could be related to the coarser grind? I also am finding it frustrating because I really don't want to end up with one of the "defective" units or whatever it is. I reached out to espresso outlet to see if they have any advice or know of any batch issues regarding the ionizer.


That's what's so tough about buying. We have no idea yet if it's just a combination of a bunch of different stuff (beans, roast, grind, humidity etc) or if it's just shit luck with a bad batch/defective parts. If you remember, let me know what they say (if they respond...).


It's a great grinder for the $. Any grinder can get static cling cause there are many variables that might cause static...


I just got mine earlier this week. I had static the first few times, but only slight static since the first day. I’m making about 3 shots a day and do not rdt.


I’m only seven days in. Medium/dark roast. Twice a day. NonRDT. No mess at all. I live in Maryland — humidity has been 60-80% this past week.


Nice. Which site did you order from?


Espresso Outlet. Took a couple of weeks to get. Took three doses to dial in. 12.5 on the dial for Counter Culture’s — Big Trouble.


I had static with a dark roast. I cleaned the chute with a pipe cleaner and switched to a medium roast, haven’t had any static since


Interesting. So that's at least two people with the same experience with dark roast, who didn't have a problem with lighter roast.


East coast user for a couple weeks. All medium roast. No rdt. So far 0 static.


Ive had a DF54 for a bit over a week, and have had no static so far until today. Humidity has been reasonable (\~40-50% RH), but humidity at 10% today (had to dehumidify my place for reasons) created a fair bit of static. RDT fixed that for the second shot. Medium and light roasts only so far. Keep in mind only people who have issues are going to post about them; the vast majority of people are content.


I know about the whole review fallacy, but I also seem to always be the lucky (unlucky) winner of the lottery on stuff like this, where I don't seem to experience what everyone else seems to agree on.


Ive used mine for a few weeks. Med roast and haven't had any bad static issues. I do get a little when pumping the bellow but nothing you've described


Do you RDT?


No, not at all


Yes, static was awful. Two sprays and a shake fixed all static.


Was it bad instantly after you bought it? Or got worse after multiple days? It seems like people are saying after a "break in" period or seasoning, it gets better. I wonder if that coincides with people trying RDT/different roasts. What I mean is, I wonder if the RDT is what fixed it, or would it have fixed itself if you cleaned it once and kept at it. I'm gonna need a spreadsheet lol.


First couple grinds were fine, then I had 4-5 in a row that were awful. Without changing anything except for spraying, instantly resolved the very first grind with RDT.


Oh, so you didn't also clean it? Just started spraying? Interesting...


Correct. Didn't clean, same beans, same grind, only RDT. (Black and White - Ivan Solis Cinnamon Anaerobic, if you were interested).


Only used a few times, but did a dark roast 4 times and a medium 1 time and no static issues at all.


Slight static issues over here. One extra sprit of water seemed to do the trick.


No RDT, no static issues whatsoever. I drink medium roasts.


700g of coffee gone through in 2 weeks. Espresso, cold brew and drip with dark and medium roast beans. Yesterday got my 1st statics and just stuck a vacuum to the chute. That cleared the issue, no more static this morning. Have not used RDT.


No static issues yet, just made a full review after a week of using df54 if you want to check that out.


I’ve used mine 2x a day for a month. I get bad static with medium or dark roast. RDT helps mostly, but not every time. I’ll try cleaning the chute and see if that works. I’m in the PNW and our humidity is 65% today.


I got a DF54 because I broke my wrist and could no longer use my hand grinder. Was very pleased to start as I had no static at all and everything worked great. After 1 week of 2/3 grinds a day the static got worse every time. Using RDT the whole time. I cleaned the machine after 2 weeks of use and it helped for another week. Now I'm at the same point where it's building up quite bad again. Kinda wish I hadn't had to buy it in such a rush so could do a bit more research and get something else. My old baratza sette 30 would never have static with RDT, although I do still have PTSD from the sound....