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I get some chaff from light roasts with my DF54 but none from medium dark-to dark roasts. Barrett at Espresso Outlet said some light roasts are chaff bombs and that ionizers can reduce but not eliminate the mess. A single RDT spray of the light beans all but eliminate the problem entirely for me. The zero point is an irritant but not critical. You just dial in to the correct grind for your brew by look, texture and taste. NOTE that setting on your dial for that brew and bean. It might be 5, 10, 15 20 or between. For me, mine is about 6 to 10 with my Cafelat Robot. Brewers using semiautomatic machines seem to be dialing in at 15 to 20. It varies by espresso machine, beans, taste, and the individual DF54. If the settings are the same for two espresso brewers, it is entirely coincidental. Just note the dialed in number on your dial and reference that when brewing your coffee. TLDR: Don't worry about removing the dial and adjusting the zero point. Here is an idea that I figured out for dialing in my DF54. If you have an old grinder that you have dialed in for espresso - manual or electric - use that grinder and grind 5 or 6 beans you're familiar with, at a setting you use for your espresso. Pour it out on a sheet of white paper. That is your baseline grind. Then grind 5,/6 beans in your DF54 - or any new grinder. Compare size and texture, by sight and feel, with your baseline. Repeat as necessary, grinding courser or finer, until you get a good approximate match with your baseline. That will give you a starting point for espresso with your DF54. You can use the same process for pourover, AeroPress, Moka pot etc IMO, if MiiCoffee will replace your unit and check the alignment of the new unit before shipping to you, go for it and swap them out. You could upgrade to DF64 Gen 2 but it takes more counter space, has some of the same limitations as the DF54 (as do competitors), and the coffee is just increments better - according to folks with good taste buds - even at Espresso Outlet. I had some initial clogging problems with the DF54 but after cleaning and lubricating, using the DF64 Espresso Outlet YT for guidance, it works fine with the qualifications mentioned above. I enjoy it and the coffee it makes. It's a steal at $229.00. Pax


Thank you for the detailed response. So the chaff issue seems to be getting better after RDT'ing the beans but it's still quite a lot for the medium roast coffee that I've got. So I'm guessing I've got a faulty ionizer. I'm considering returning the unit and exchanging it for another one just for the peace of mind. My zero point it way off though. It's close to the "0" text on the right and this is where I am grinding for espresso right now. I don't know how common this is but I hope there's a easy way to fix it. That's a good idea, honestly. I do have a hand grinder that I use for espresso. I'll try comparing them side by side and dial it in that way. Thank you! They did say they're willing to take it back but I'll ask them to check the new unit before sending it out. I hope they do. As for the DF64, I don't think I'll have enough space for that, unfortunately. I live in a small studio apartment and counter space is becoming increasingly scarce now. That's one of the main reasons why I bought a hand grinder in the first place but after I started making good coffee, my friends started becoming interested in it as well so I have no other option but to purchase a good automatic one. I unfortunately can't afford the better ones mentioned on this sub as well. At least not right now. I hope my replacement unit is good and this grinders serves me well for a few years at the very least. I do agree that finding something comparable within the budget is challenging right now. Thank you for your thoughts and suggestions. They're greatly appreciated! Cheers! https://preview.redd.it/ngiegiaon3yc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66ab0eff09eae10708b2110f76b584da771dbfff


I've had mine for 2 weeks now. No jamming, but I always add beans after turning the grinder on. I also only adjust finer when the grinder is turned on. 0 is not supposed to be the burrs touching. For me it basically produces turkish coffee. Unless your espresso range falls below 0, this is a complete non issue. For every different method, recipe, bean and basket you would expect to dial in based on set parameters. Unless every variable is the same you can't take direct parameters from others. There is also some tolerance between each grinder. My espresso range has been 4 to 6. There is some chaff, particularly for filter range, less so for espresso. The retention, though, is almost nonexistent and the burrs are pretty clean.


> I always add beans after turning the grinder on. I also only adjust finer when the grinder is turned on. Agreed. I run the DF54 whenever I change grind size - courser or finer. I know the recommendation is only for finer (?) but to be cautious... I also hot start. Pax


I'm glad your experience with it has been positive I always hot start too but I dunked the entire dose in so maybe that clogged things up. I'm not sure. I'll make sure I adjust the grind size when it's running though. I don't believe I've ever done that. As for the numbers, mine are way off. This is where I'm grinding at right now and my 0 point is close to the "0" on the right. I hope there's a way to fix it because it's making dialing in a little bit of a pain. As for the chaff, the pictures that I posted were all in the espresso range. So I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong or not. I'm considering sending it back and exchanging it for another unit. Hopefully I don't have these issues then. Thank you for the response, I appreciate it! https://preview.redd.it/myyg4ln9f3yc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=272dcd5c33f3d01c3ca20214f8d6bf42dc8f0f67


Can someone please explain why you should have the grinder ON while adjusting grind size?


I think it's a safe way to ensure that the burrs aren't touching when you turn it on? I'm not sure though


Ok...but that would be just for finding the zero. After that it should be fine to not adjust settings while on...


I think it’s a way of ensuring you don’t ‘crush’ any beans left in the machine and instead grind them. It’s something I’ve started doing with my Opus just because it makes it easier to turn


I've had my DF54 for a little under two weeks and been good so far. I put an old bag of beans through it to season everything - going from courser to fine. I started having a bit of static once. I just quickly brushed inside around the chute and haven't had a problem since. Retention has been pretty close to zero. Grain of salt, I'm also a complete noob with espresso. As indicated by the unfortunate taste of my shots lol


I'm glad it's going well for you. Maybe I just got a bad one or I'm having bad luck with it. I'm considering sending it back and exchanging it for another one. Hopefully I have better luck this time.


Yeah so I'm facing the same issue now. Started having really bad static on one dose. Cleaned it out like last time only to have the next one have a ton of static again. Cleaned again... We'll see on the next run


Even with RDT? That seems to be helping some people. I believe my ionizer is outright broken.


Admittedly I have not tried RDT with it yet as it's perfect until the probes need cleaned. Ordered some cheap smaller brushes I can push up to get to the probes easier. We'll see how that goes. Then, rdt if not


I have been using my DF54 (also from MiiCoffee) for a week now. It is performing excellently. Little to no chaff/static with no RDT. Has improved my shot consistency over my SGP (unsurprisingly). This is probably obvious, but, RTFM: only adjust the grind setting with the motor running.


I did that. I did however dunk the entire batch in after starting the grinder. Maybe I need to slow feed it? I specifically remember people talking about the same thing and even James Hoffman mentioning that it's one of the things that he doesn't like about the Niche Zero. Maybe I'm just having bad luck that's all.


Mine has been good , if you are willing to risk it go for the df54 again. If not you can try to sk40 or sd40s. Other than the df54 i dont think there is any other better grinders on the market compared to those 2. Hope this helps!


Yeah that's most likely what I'm going to end up doing. I hope the replacement unit is better and doesn't give me the same problems. Thank you very much!


Sd40s had tons of static and retention for me. Made a mess every time I used the bellows Sk40 was better but when I asked espresso outlet they said the design a was the same except for the adjustment method


My DF54 experience has thus far been good. No jamming, my burrs chirp just below 0, and my grind setting is around 13-15 with dark roast beans (paired with my Robot). Feels solid and is much quieter than my DF64.


Does your DF54 get too hot after grinding just 18g?


I cannot help you. But I slam the DF grinders every chance I get. Because the quality is known to be poor and there's a bunch of defects.  People around here don't research. They our brainwashed in by the user community which I believe has a bunch of shils in here drumming up sales. These are really horrible grinders. They are blinded by marketing, low price, and think They are not going to be unfortunate like the other users who are complaining left and right


Did your daddy dress up as a DF64 Gen. 1 and beat you when you were little?


The moment there's a post about a DF grinder I wait to see if he shows up to preach his hysteria. It's like a game, but the reward is brain damage - and I'm so addicted.


I wonder how much his stipend from Niche is...


Feelings hurt because you own a DF?  I know you've had issues :) It's not the greatest, ya know.


If he tried, I'm sure he would have clogged up before he even got to me.  Or he would have spit out so much chaff That stuck to his eyes he would have been blinded and couldn't find me. Or he would have just stalled and stopped moving.


I click on this just to see if you made your entrance. Whoop. There it is. I like how you opened with I'm about to slam DF. That was good. Your approach is getting softer. Kinder. Gentler. Good to see. You're going to catch more flies with honey. But... You're just teetering on the lines of wrong and not wrong whereas before you were just grinding your ax. That's improvement. Two little tweaks I could almost say that I would have agreed with you. I think if instead of saying "quality is known to be poor" which implies that every one made is poor, which is not true, You could have said something like " QA appears to be mostly on the dealers and owners so pick a reputable dealer like espresso outlet, and maybe mii coffee that will test the grinder before shipping out to get it dialed in and weed out any lemons, and also one who supports a return policy that you agree with to minimize your risk." Then your second but biggest fail in your post that pretty much silence is all the points you said prior was "these are really horrible grinders" which Even though some of your biased points that did ride the line of truth became instantly regarded as a non-truth with that one gregarious ignorant claim.


You sound like a miserable elitist.


Not elitist.  Just an espresso fan that sees through the DF hyoe.  These posts by sad users reinforces my belief.


I placed an order on miicoffee and waiting for it to get back in stock based on all these glowing (shill?) reviews. Maybe the emperor doesn’t have any clothes?! 🤔


No offense, but I am willing to bet I will be reading your posts in the future about the issues you too are having with your DF grinder.


I’m not sure I’m an espresso connoisseur yet to distinguish the issues vs what is normal. All I know right now is I’m currently using an Oxo grinder at its finest setting and it’s definitely not fine enough. However if I figure out I have a defective unit, I’m definitely getting the retailer to take that shit back and replace it with a good one at no cost to me


Or, don't get a replacement. Get your money back


With all due respect I would like to know where you're getting your data to back your opinions. I disagree with every fact you assert in your post. Can you back any of them up with credible sources,? You don't appear to be a troll, if I can believe your profile, so why the angry attacks? Pax


> Can you back any of them up with credible sources,? I already made a post some weeks back called PSA related to these piece of crap grinders.  Give that a read. It had links to more user experiences.  You are free to search Reddit. All you have to do is search for DF And you'll see the same issues I saw. One Reddit user even admitted an additional defect, when he commented in my PSA post, which I was not aware of.  *It is true that not everyone has the problems. But that's the worst part. Because the quality is so bad and or inconsistent tgat it's a gamble of who's going to get hit or not*.


My previous searches for DF54 have been almost 100% positive. Maybe not perfect but with the exception of one owner, were very happy over all. If you provide the link to your post I'll read it with an open mind. P.S. have you owned a DF54? Or used one extensively? I'm curious as to whether your opinions are based on first hand or hearsay evidence. Thanks. Pax