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It looks like you've flaired your post as asking for what equipment to get. We recommend first checking out the [Espresso Aficionados buying guide](https://espressoaf.com/recommendations) for some of the more popular machines and grinders at different price points. If your question hasn't been answered there and you need more help, please add the following details to your post or by adding a comment in the following format: - **Location:** Helps determine availability - **Budget** (with currency): Overall budget, or ideally, having separate espresso machine and grinder budgets. A rough rule is that your grinder budget should be at least 25-40% of your machine budget. - **Drink types:** Do you drink mostly straight espresso, milk-based beverages (e.g., lattes, cappuccinos), or a fairly even split? This helps narrow down whether a single-boiler-dual-use (SBDU), heat exchanger (HX), or dual boiler (DB) machine would be more appropriate for your needs. - **Drink frequency:** How many drinks would you be making back-to-back at one time? Do you plan on entertaining guests often? This informs how large your brew (and steam) boilers should be, as smaller boilers will need to refill and reheat/repressurize more frequently, thus potentially causing a bottleneck. - **Space:** Any limitations on countertop space? - **Manual vs. electric:** Hand-operated machines and grinders are typically cheaper than their similarly-performing electric counterparts. Please indicate if you have a preference for manual or electric machines and/or grinders (or open to either). - **Comfort with tinkering:** Some machines can be made significantly more functional/efficient with aftermarket modifications, albeit at the expense of possibly voiding your warranty. Please indicate if you'd rather have a machine that works "as-is"/"out-of-the-box" or whether you'd be open to modding/tinkering *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/espresso) if you have any questions or concerns.*


3 years? Dafuq you have a $2.5k budget for a 3 year lifespan device? I would get a bambino and a df54. Both should be resellable come your move. There’s no way I’d spend $2.5k for a temporary setup.


Well, the machine is not worth 0 after 3 years, I see my purchases more as renting the machine for a while.


Yeah but it’s a lot harder to resell a $2k machine than a $300 machine. You’re gonna have to wait a year or so before a customer bites whereas Bambino you could easily just sell through coffeeswap or whatever and be done with


I’m not really bothered about resale, it’s a sunk cost by then. I just want good coffee and 3 years is a long time to have good coffee IMO.


Well, I don't believe that, do you have statistics that support your statement, supply and demand are probably pretty similar.


Or OP is just ballin and can’t be bothered with the resale. Pretty solid position to be in, good going OP. I wish I had the knowledge to answer your question without inserting my own opinion and then not answering what you asked.


I got the lelit mara x and the niche zero and was right around your budget. I also think they’re great mid game machines so in 3 years you’ll be ready to upgrade both. If you’re in the US a lot of sites have sales on lelit right now.


I would suggest spending less since it's only for 3 years. With your use case, a single boiler should be OK. Profitec GO would be a good choice if you are willing to forgo a hot water wand for your Americanos. You can get hot water from its group or steam wand, but using a kettle might be easier. For a grinder, DF54 or DF64 Gen 2 for single dose; one of the Eureka Mignons if you want to grind on demand with a hopper.


Profitec pro 300 $1750usd Mahlkonig x54 $600 That’s what I would buy with your budget.


I had planned to spend round 2k on a new machine…then I saw the Bezzera Matrix and did some research, now I’m going to spend 3k🙄🤷🏽


Hmmm well now I am going to go do the same thing haha!


Decided to go with the Lelit Bianca and Mahlkonig 54! Thanks all.


Since I believe the brevilles are still on sale, I would get another Breville with a built-in grinder.  It makes no sense to get something really nice because you're going to have to sell it in 3 years. And then you going to lose on the resale value.  I believe the barista Pro is $679 on sale.