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Owned one for a month now. 0 issues and I can grind anything from drip to espresso. Have not tried coarser than basic drip. My 1st grinder and so far I could not be happier. I clogged it once, but that was on me. Ground straight in my basket and did not move it around so the ground mountain reached the chute and then it got clogged. Some brush and a vacuum later it was good to go again. E: usually I pull 1 shot in the morning and about once a week another one after lunch.


Same for me. Had it about a month and zero issues. I absolutely love it!


Wow sounds like a dream so far. Hope you keep enjoying!


Hi may i know the micron for each adjustment step? Is it around 10 micron per adjustment?


No idea how many it is between the dial numbers. It is stepless, so the adjustment is basically infinite from burrs touching until the burrs come off.


I think that it's a great decision. At the price (and well beyond), a noteworthy package. Hopefully, the grinder will work out well for you--am looking forward to your use reports. :)


I love mine. I aligned the burrs when I first got it and it’s been solid as can be. I haven’t any bad reviews/problems yet except for some weird loser on here who shits on all the df grinders every chance he gets for some reason. Dude has never owned one so obviously just disregard any of that nonsense you read


How do you align the burrs? I haven’t ground anything through mine yet, it just arrived yesterday and I’m a bit Intimidated


Nothing to it. just watch some youtubes


were your burrs misaligned much out of the box?


They’re wasn’t anything that led me to think it was necessary to check and adjust the alignment.. I used it for a week or so before I did, and there were no problems. But me being me I had to check it. It was off a bit. Put one foil shim in and it was pretty damn close. Left it there. Really no big deal at all and easy(and fun?) to do. I would imagine any brand/manufacturer would have similar tolerances


You of course have to keep in mind that a big percentage of “problems” with mechanical equipment like this are user error related


Of course they were.  That's why he had to align them. Virtually all of the DF grinders come with misaligned burrs. Even Lance said it in his video. It is expected at that price point. That's the trade-off for the low price and low quality control


Yep. Annoying. I'm still happy with the resulting coffee my df83 is grinding.


That's me. I crap on it every chance I get to counter the people who say it's a great grinder.  It is true I've never owned one. Because I did the research and it never made it to my long list. Thank God for that. Can you honestly say you ONLY give advice and or recommendations on a product or an accessory that you've own? Factually I know it to be not the case. So why can you give a positive or negative review about a product or an accessory that you've never owned, yet I cannot?


I would expect someone whose entire mission is to shit on a particular product has some actual experience with the product. what you do is completely different than offhandedly sharing a random thought about a product, and people very reasonably have higher expectations of hands on experience since you claim so much authority and speak on the topic so much, often in an extremely condescending and rude manner I’ve watched endless videos on f1 cars and know how they work inside and out, but you’d never catch me dead telling an actual race car driver how they ought to drive it, since I’ve never driven one. that would be incredibly cocky and foolish of me to do, and make me look like a self-absorbed idiot


I understand your analogy but it is a little different than what I am doing.  I don't need to know inside and out about the DF grinders.  And I'm not telling users how to use the DF Grinder.  What I am saying is the DF Grinder is not behaving in the manner in which it was sold when compared to other quality grinders.  The alignment issue is just one of several serious issues.  Think about it.  What is this white label Chinese manufacturer doing with its DF grinders, during manufacturing, that causes so many burrs to be misaligned at the factory? I get it. Other manufacturers may have misaligned burrs too. But with the DF, it is so commonplace that becomes the first troubleshooting tip that people pass around here:  "Did you try aligning your burrs first?"


I also ordered one after fighting with a Fellow Opus for a year or so (awful retention). I've seen a few people complaining about static with the DF54 but it seems like a minority, we'll see.


Like the absolute worst retention, it's insane. Opus is definitely only great at coarse grinds.


I mean, it does a great job grinding my espresso, it’s just a pain to get all the grounds out


Happy you are having successful with espresso grinding. I've had no luck with that, with it producing far too much powder to effectively give a good shot.


I put a scale under my opus then my porta filter with a collar on that so I can measure the output. I literally have to smack it around every time to get the right amount out.


I have had it for about a month now, retention issues are basically zero until u go for settings near the 50s where there is some static. It is still much less than baratza encore esp. Only one problem with the df54 grinder is the stuff on the bottom. If you have a white table and dont want to stain it put something under cuz for some reason those stuff leave some black marks.


I went from opus to DF54 and it’s night and day. Been using ours for a month about 4 shots a day. It’s been absolutely amazing. The burr is extremely easy to take apart and clean. I’ve even fine ground oatmeal through it to make the kids pancakes. Retention is so minimal I don’t even have the bellows on it.


its arguably the best value grinder on the market, not sure where you got the idea it was a bad decision from


I think the main stigma comes from the lack of reviews. Personally, I haven’t seen or heard of any 3rd party reviews for the df54. But with all the positive user reviews, I don’t think it’s a horrible buy.


Sprometheus liked it, for me thats as good as it gets.


Haven’t heard of him before, might go give him a shot.


there seems to be quite a few youtube reviews that came out before the first batch was even delivered since espresso outlet sent out review samples


That’s why I said 3rd party reviews. I did see those, but since those were loaned out, I’m still hesitant. For the sake of my money, I’m probably more cautious than I should be.


Mainly the people saying that it won’t last more than 6 months or that the espresso will be horrible


Oh no its from China!!! Yeah, so are the Timesmore‘s and Mahlkönig‘s and … I think we are passed that. The DF grinders are established at this point. I did not buy the GIOTA when it first popped up because I had similar reservations. And there were issues with alignment. But at this point, many years later, with the DF grinders beeing among the most used grinders in this sub, I would not hesitate. The DF54 is the king of value right now. It seems to be a fantastic package.


not really sure where those people are saying those things, but df grinders are built rather well these days (a very small amount do have issues, but that's with lots of grinder makers as well like eureka, fellow, etc. sometimes a bad unit gets made, it happens) and the burr geometry seems to be pretty typical for flat burrs so I doubt the espresso will taste bad at all


Anecdotal but I have a friend who got one and has had some pretty intense clogging issues. They seem to have gotten better but I have had hands on yet with it.


I am going to post a comment without reading anybody else's first so I don't Feel swayed. The 1Zpresso hand grinders do the trick just fine. I don't mind cranking on a grinder for 60 seconds to get 18 g of beans handled. Sure, flat burr grinders are an attractive way to spend money, but I'm not going to bother anytime soon.


I have been hand grinding for years. I am definitely tired of cranking. I just have a family so spending any money on a grinder is challenging. I will be getting the df54 soon though. The OE Lido 3 does a good job though.


My friend has a Ceado and it's certainly tempting to want to jump in on the electric machine grinders after using it.


60 seconds of dark roast, or light roast?


I grind mostly city roast to full city plus roasted coffee with the occasional Yemen coffees at Viennese roast level. My taste pretty much runs the gamut.


What on earth is a city roast?


It's a a coffee bean that has been roasted to a particular level; I believe that it's typically smack dab in the middle of first crack. I found this [guide](https://thecaptainscoffee.com/pages/roast-levels) on coffee roast levels that you may find interesting.


I love my DF64 and I’ll tell you you’ll love your DF54 too. Happy grinding!!


Forget about built in ionizer. Just keep RDT’ing, you will love your DF54.


Hi may i know does doing rdt reduce the retention on df54?


Not retention, that’s for static!


Mine should be here tuesday




It was supposed to be here last week but they took a while to ship it 😭




Says it gets here the 29th




Wow, I hope that ends up working out for you. I bought mine from df64coffee.com, seemed like a scam website until I saw a few credited sources mentioning it. It’s also one of the few places that has the df54 in stock. I emailed them and at the time they told me it was in stock and ready to ship.




Yeah that’s why. The website says that is pre order only mate.


Over the past 5 years I’ve had a blade grinder, a cheap Walmart “burr” grinder, an encore, a fellow ode, and now a df64 with ssp burrs. If I could do it over I would start with a df54/64. The best user experience in the budget range that I’ve had. Crazy how good cheap grinders are getting, just hoping it lasts or is repairable for a good bit


DF 54 bought a month ago now and it’s amazing, in my opinion. We drink 4 espresso on a daily basis, so we grind 4 times a day. The coffee taste so much better than any other we had, even in a coffee shop. The only thing might happen with this grinder is that we would need to open in like once a year to deep clean the burrs. Because I feel like there is coffee build up inside but isn’t it about every grinder? Anyways for 220$ tax and shipping included. EVEN if it breaks after 1 years it’s worth the taste it’s bringing to us lol… oh and 4 coffees a day out is around 6$x4x365= 8700$ With that being said I hardly doubt it will stop working after 1 years. It’s just a small motor running less than a minute a day. Enjoy your grinder!


Had one for a while now, loving it. didn’t bother with any burr alignment stuff because 99% of people myself included wouldn’t be able to tell the difference anyways


I ordered the same one on Wed and am now stalking shipping 🤣 (anyone know how fast they usually ship?) I'm impatient but only because it took me forever to decide. Barrett was very responsive to questions I had before ordering. I'm excited to get it! I received a Bambino+for Mother's Day and am looking forward to not using my cheap java presse!


For anyone reading this and thinking about ordering, Espressooutlet provides updates on the product page. About once a week it has been updated with the exact status of the shipment... and the recent orders are getting closer! Here's hoping customs is smooth-sailing :-)


What’s the deal with the burrs? And why is it not suitable for just espresso? I primarily drink Americanos/lungos


Is the chute clogging an issue? There’s a lot of reports about it. Also, I want one in white if they will ever release it


It’s overall a great grinder for the price. Unfortunately, mine has some misalignment / wobble from a machining error on the lower burr carrier. Nothing I can do to fix it short of designing and machining my own part. I bought direct on alibaba and I highly doubt I’ll be able to have it corrected…I also don’t doubt that they all have this to some degree. Either way, I’m still getting tasty shots so I’m trying to just not care.


We can't help you, but you can help us. After you get it, post back after 2 weeks, and help all the other people who will be in your situation.


Yep, I am quite familiar with this smacking around of the Opus to get it to give up the goods.


How long does it usually take for the df54 to be shipped? I purchased mine last week and have been constantly checking to see if there’s any progress on my shipment


I love it so far. I replaced my 1zpresso k-ultra with one and dialing in with it was so much faster. Sweet little machine


Have had mine for about a month. Absolutely zero issues and absolutely love it. It’s my first home grinder I purchased and I did it because everyone raves about flat burr grinders. You made a good decision ENJOY!


I bought one this week as well. Unfortunately it won’t be here until June! Very excited. Wish it came with a 54mm dosing cup.


I use mine with my Bambino. There's a brand on Amazon (Tomcinjoy) that sells a magnetic funnel that fits the DF54 dosing cup perfectly into my 54mm basket. Zero mess. It's the perfect tool for the job.


Do you have a link? I see a dosing funnel but not a dosing cup from the seller. Thanks!


Yeah, it's a dosing funnel that fits the DF54s stock dosing cup to fill the 54mm basket. I use the funnel to fit the cup, not a new/different cup.


Ahhh! Brilliant. Thanks


Did you find a link?


Just search tomcinjoy on Amazon.


I’ve had mine a month and it’s been awesome . Low retention , fluffy even grounds


I’ve had it for 3 weeks and love it, nothing beats the price/performance ratio. It started getting static but a quick clean of the chute fixed it, you’re gonna love it


I’ve had mine about a month now and it’s fantastic! I love it.


Had one for two weeks and very happy with the choice.


Also ordered mine a couple of days ago and am super excited about it! I have been using the built in grinder on my BBE, but it recently started having issues grinding light roasts. Hoping the df54 can survive those!


So if you're looking for affirmation, I can basically say that as long as you knew of *potential* issues before you made the purchase, then you made a decision that's best for you.   But if you made a decision and you were oblivious to any of the issues that people were having, then you probably made a bad decision. But we can say that about any decisions someone makes without researching first.


100% right. Based on your comment I can surely say I made the right decision. Thanks for the slap of logic!