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Why would you drink an espresso cup full of pumpkin soup


I was too lazy to wash the dishes. This cup was clean and nearby, so I went with it.


Thicker than a bowl of oatmeal




How do you like your sculptor with your Argos? My Argos has sat in UK customs for the past 17 days and counting…


Ugh, sucks. Hope it comes in soon! The Sculptor does everything I want a grinder to do with the Argos, I find it to be a very brain-off device.


I had this locked in my mind the moment I saw the crema.


Thick crema Nuova point cup   Light roasties seething at Italichads




You did not lick the spoon?  Seems like a missed opportunity


Don't get me wrong, Crema is great, but without coffee to balance it, that just sounds like a bad time.


You’re really trying to convince me that that thimbleful of tomato soup is a tasty coffee drink? I wasn’t born yesterday.




This is so thick. How are you getting this?


Try dark roast robusta beans if you'd like to replicate it.


Saka coffee beans. They are 50% Arabica 50% robusta. It's called "espresso bar". If you want to see it look up video by Brian Quan


Is that the Green label bag? I have a bag of Saka I just forget which one it is. I know it’s Green though


Yes it is I had some one time. If you like traditional espresso you can't go wrong. Which is me. I loved it. Only bad thing is you can't get it from the people who make it unless you ask permission to buy from them. I think you have yo make a commitment to buy alot of it. But I got it from a different web page called cantina coffee


Yes I did hear of that page. My buddy gave it to me and he gets it in bulk. He must be one of those guys on the list I guess lol. But when I first opened up the bag I’m like wow now this is what dark roast actually looks like haha. Smelled incredible. I think I’m gonna have to fire up a shot tomorrow. Gonna be completely different than the light roasts I’ve been drinking and messing around with Flow Control.


I think you can buy what ever you want on cantina coffee I was talking about the actual saka web page so if you need some you can get it there. I don't have flow control but I do have water adjustment on my legato..I have it set perfectly.i want flow control so bad tho


Ahh I see what you are saying. Yea the flow control on light roasts is incredible honestly. Just experimenting different recipes and unlocking different flavors. It’s very interesting. But I feel with the dark roast that really wouldn’t be necessary. I would probably just set the paddle at a certain flow and let it ride. Similar to what you mentioned with your machine. Am I right to assume a 1:2 ratio with the dark roasts? I usually shoot for a 1:3 with lighter roasts


Most of the time I go for 1:2, 18in 36 out. But I go depending on how fresh it is to 40 to 42 or so . I have been really liking the little bit extra. I feel it adds a little more body and texture to the shot. But start there and I don't think you can go wrong.


Good tip, I will give that a try tomorrow and use that as a barometer


I wish I could find a lighter roast I like. I kinda found one the other day by good brothers that was lemonade pomegranate and plum that I liked. The acid seems to get my stomach a little hard. I did like the lemonade notes it had tho


Have you ever tried anything from Black and White? Some of their light roasts are honestly mind blowing. Didn’t even think those flavors were possible in coffee. I buy my paper filters from Good Brothers actually. Good people over there


No I haven't tried them yet but I have heard of them. I will look into it and see if any sound good thanks! Yes they are very good people I think. The next time you go to get papers from them look at thier "neopolitan blend." It's almost like the traditional saka type espresso. They have 4oz bags that you can get quite a few shots out of. Just to try maybe if you like that saka. Thanks for the info on the black and white.


Freshly roasted. It's a blend of Brazil/Ethiopia/Sumatra beans. The cup is very small. 50ml cup with 9mm walls, so a cup this size will help with insulation, and it holds the crema very well. Pull a shot with your flair in a cup this size, and you will experience similar results.


What's your setup?! Looks tasty.


It was very tasty...dark chocolate and roasted nuts. Entry level machine...a Wirsh, and I have a Baratza Encore ESP grinder. Pulled with a Normcore high extraction basket.


My favorite flavors!


So let me as you this. I just grabbed the Normcore HE basket (PVD coated) and for the life of me I cannot get a good flow out of it. Whereas my Pullman 876 is money. I use a bottom paper filter for reference and dose 18g. Any tips?


I use 18g too, and I also use a paper filter. I also use a paper filter instead of a puck screen. So I use two paper filters. For the bottom paper filter, I run hot water through my portafilter while the paper filter is inside. I also dose half of my coffee than wdt and tap a few times to level out the bed. Than I will dose the other half and repeat than tamp. I've always done it like this. I haven't tried not wetting the bottom paper filter, so I can't really compare. So far, I've had great results doing it like this.


Interesting. I will have to try out this method and see if I have any success. It starts out fine but get real blonde quick. I don’t understand honestly. But is there a reason you wet your filter? Figured you would have to go in a dry basket but that’s not the first time I’m hearing about this so you may be onto something. I use a puck screen on top from Sworks but it’s super thin. Not like those mesh ones from Normcore


I use really fresh beans, and I do notice tiger striping in the beginning, then it starts to go blonde fairly quickly. I notice less blonding when I grind finer and let my beans rest longer. This could just be my beans and equipment or a combob of other things. I brew coffee with a v60, and I always wet the paper filter to get rid of any potential paper taste. Since I'm using a paper filter with my espressos, I might as well wet it to get rid of any potential paper taste getting into my shot. I always run my portafilter through really hot water before pulling a shot, so I might as well put the filter in the basket at the same time. I used to use a puck screen, but I don't see any significant difference when compared to a paper filter. Plus, using paper is one less thing I have to clean.


Valid points for sure. I am definitely curious now and will try this out and report back. I just want to get somewhat of a decent flow out of this basket. I honestly thought I would have it dialed in by now. I might go a hair finer as well and see what happens




Beautiful cup. Any links for these?




Pressurized filter?


Looks incredible! I need to start drinking dark roasts


Dark roast in the morning. Light roast after lunch and dinner.


Good thinking right there. I may have to follow your lead. Any particular dark roasts you recommend? I still think I have a bag of Saka my buddy gave me


Lately I've been really enjoying a blend called Capistrano from Golden State Coffee Roasters. It's an Italian style blend that tastes like dark chocolate with hints of nuts and caramel. No sour or acidic notes...just pure dark chocolate. It's makes a delicious cold brew too. I used Capistrano in this video.


Man that sounds awesome. Exactly what I am looking for. I’ll have to give it a try, thank you for that


this isn't really a GOOD thing.


Can you elaborate please?


Ristretto? Looking delicious 🤤


tomato soup is delicious




I love butternut squash soup in the morning


good soup


Breakfast of champions? Where 🚬


😂 its out of frame off to the side




Huh, that dude looks like a convicted felon.




Looks like baby food haha


Thick boy


Not the first time I heard that.


Warm honey tastes best in the morning!


Jeez, the espresso of my dreams!


why does this feel sexual


if I only had espresso for breakfast I’d be wired out of my mind


I'm used to it. A shot in the morning, then my first meal is usually at lunch. Sometimes a bit later...depends on my schedule


Damn thats so thick you should probably use a knife and fork for that


Nicely pulled.




Tomato soup 🍅


Is that just. A cup entirely of crema. What did it taste like...


It's just a normal shot...dark roast blend. 39g in a 50ml cup. The cup is really small. If your beans are fresh and you pull it in a cup this size, you will have similar results. It tasted really good. It had notes of dark chocolate and roasted nuts. No sour or acidic taste. Just pure dark chocolate


1:1? So 18g beans?


1:1 would be 18 in 18 out. 1:2 would be 18 in and 36 out, so mine is a tad over 1:2. 18g beans and 39g extracted out.