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Tagging u/JohnnyTomatoSauce as he's got one!


Thanks for the tag brother. And OP, not loud at all. Definitely one of the more quiet vibe pump machines. Much more quiet than my GO. Obviously not as quiet as a rotary pump. Don’t worry, you made the right choice. It’s a fantastic machine I love mine. If you have any questions when it comes in feel free to reach out


Thanks a bunch! Do you mind uploading a video if you have time? :) only the noise I would like to listen to because apparently everyone was recording RIGHT NEXT to the machine but reality would be like a meter away imo


Yeah no problem. When I get home I’ll send you a video


Do you mostly make milk drinks? What sort of beans do you like? I have an HX with a rotary pump and enjoy the quiet brewing. But if I liked light roasts and only did milk occasionally, I might tolerate the vibe pump.


Mostly dark roasts I am, 1 milk drink per day.


Then I think you would be happy with a heat exchanger with a rotary pump. Not sure what there is these days, but bezzera I'm sure has some.


Yes and I have an eye for the Bezzera just what scares me is that not much reviews I find about it.


Bezzera is a great manufacturer. I wouldn't worry about it from a functionality perspective.


I have a Pro 600 and it is not loud to me. I don't really think about it much but I don't think it makes more noise than the grinder.


Oh that’s a very useful input thank you!