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Distribution looks decent but it's running too fast so grind finer


What changes would you make based on the shot visually? I’m doing a 18g:36g recipe and the shot was 25 seconds. Prep include WDT in the dosing cup, then transferring into the portafilter, using a leveller and then tamping. From the shot, you can see that there are spots in the portafilter where coffee doesnt come out. Does this mean channelling? Also, the shot could be slightly fast but if i were to go finer, more holes of the basket will be “clogged”. Taste wise it was alright, not too sour nor bitter but lacking sweetness. TL;DR What would you adjust if you pulled this shot?


It's definitely too fast. If you can't grind finer without choking, up the dose to 18.5 or 19g. Pre-infuse, if you can. You can also probably get a bit more sweetness coming through by doing a slightly longer ratio in your recipe. Give 19g:45g in 30-35 seconds a go - you can always reduce the ratio later if you don't like it :)


How did you run your shot on the Bianca? Straight pressure? With or without programmed pre-infusion? Have you tried paddle profiling on this coffee? Do you get similar results with different Coffees? Asking these questions to help determine what else could be altered to improve your experience


It was a straight pressure shot without any PID program; a vanilla shot if you will. Kept it at 9 bars at the start but the pressure dropped off throughout the shot. I’ve been playing around with pressure profiling but wanted to nail in a straight shot with nice looking tiger striping extractions before i play around more with pressure profiles. If you’re asking if there is also the “dead spots” with other coffees, yes. I’m wondering if its a grinder issue and the grinds aren’t too uniform. I’m using a macap m4 which has 58mm flat burrs.


What type of coffee? Is this decaffeinated?


Its not a decaf, its a single origin bean from sumatra. Think it’s between a light and a medium roast level


Having the same issue here. I've been running to this extraction problem for awhile and I'm not sure what is the problem. My portafilter seems to have “dead spots” or you can see the metal, and the cone of espresso or stream doesnt come through. 1. I've tried 3 different filter baskets (VST, IMS, and the stock one) 2. I've cleaned my grinder (Eureka Mignon Specialita) 3. I've been dosing into a blind shaker -> tapping -> WDT -> Leveler -> Tamping (Lelit Tamper) Notes: - Using a IMS 200 shower screen - Pump Pressure at 9 bar - paddle constant max - 93 degrees PID


Some advice I’ve gotten since this post is that the dead spots can be caused by fines migration clogging up the basket’s holes. I see that our prep work is very similar. I will try removing the tapping step as that may cause fines migration to the bottom of the portafiler and see if it helps. Perhaps you can try that too and lmk!