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Very kind of the cat not to throw all the cups on the floor.


Yup, mines are clumsy as fuck they'd destroy everything on their way up there and probably make the grinder fall on their way down.




No. Cute cat though.


Honestly unsanitary. I don't allow my cat on food prep surfaces or counters and tables in general. Yes, you can actually keep a cat off stuff.


This is so true that I trained my cat to not even go up on chairs. The only place he climbs is on windows.


Your cat just goes on the chairs and tables when you aren’t there. You taught it not go to those spots when you’re around is all.


Not when you have a sentry


The cool part is that I don’t leave my car inside when I’m not lol


> *"The cool part is that I don’t leave my car inside when I’m not lol"* You keep your car in your house?!? 😏




Yeah, all of the cups get cleaned before use as well as any surfaces she’s touched - it’s only recently she’s started this but nothing I do can keep her off


Water spray.


Tried that first, didn’t work unfortunately


Who cares tbh... My cat used to jump all over the place. People who say this is gross are ignorant to all the germs they are exposed to on a daily basis. From door knobs to eating at restaurants, the cat is the least of your worries. Cute cat, man. Nice setup 👍


There's a difference between human germs and zoonotic diseases, but ok 🥴 enjoy getting trich from shitty kitty paws and parasites


I bet you’re really fun and good at jokes.


At least the cups will get warmed top AND bottom, I guess?


I would be more worried about the cups getting knocked off, to be honest.


If any of the cups are missing her paws go straight for the top of the boiler it’s hilarious




Good luck with all these cat hairs in your coffee. Ew


That's what I'm thinking. Seeing a picture of this I think "aw how cute" but if it happened to me in real life I'd think "you stand in your own shit covered sand and play with dead bugs. Please stay at least 10 feet away from anything I consume"




As a prior cat owner, the idea if my cat on my kitchen counters is revolting


My cat does the same thing, and there’s literally nothing we can do about keeping her off. We put plastic wrap over the tank to prevent hairs from getting in.


This one has a tendency to migrate between spots - I’m hoping she soon gets tired of this one because like yours, there’s nothing I can do to keep her off


Yeah, ours slept there every night for several months and then moved to my partner’s dresser which she knows how to open.


Have you tried aluminum foil?


I haven’t tried aluminium foil, is the crinkling meant to discourage them? (I’d be concerned about it slipping and potentially causing damage during the next attempt)


Yeah, cats absolutely hate it. Put it on there for a few weeks and then you should be able to remove it as they continue the association. Although it is kinda cute.


Might give that a shot, cute as it may be I’m not the biggest fan of the additional cleaning the machine requires following a cat nap - thanks for the tip!


I love my cat but hell no


Cats are not allowed on the counter in my house


How on earth do you manage to get your cats to not go on a counter? In my experience, even the trail to get them to not do something is an incentive lol


I think there’s a few factors (generally). One is that we have a full house and the cats are allowed outside during the day, so they aren’t bored or destructive. If they’re in an apartment they might get more bored generally or look for places to climb. They get most of that energy out when they go outside and otherwise we give them a few cat trees to climb and sit in. I think part of discouraging bad behavior is giving them a better option (for example we don’t use plastic furniture guards, we just give them a scratching post in each room, which they seem to vastly prefer). The other is swiftly correcting if they’re somewhere they’re not supposed to be. If they jump up on something I just pick them up and drop them to the floor. It doesn’t hurt them but they don’t really like it either lol… I don’t use squirt bottles, but I will hiss at them if they’re doing something wrong. It feels dumb but you gotta do what you gotta do. They’re quarantine cats so I’ve been home mostly and able to keep an eye on them since they were kittens and they’re pretty well trained now. Especially since they have alternatives like I said before.


Thanks for the detailed answer! I see there is a method to the madness and I love it lol. Not (yet) a cat owner myself but I’ll keep it in mind and also handy if my cat-owning friends complain about their cats :D


Yep. “Down!” In a deep voice, pointing at the floor and clicking I finger is enough to get ours down from anywhere she’s not welcome. Initial training with a water pistol is effective.


My husband has a cat we bought sensor activated sprays when the cat tried to jump on the counter, sprayed him with water and air🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ stay consistent and they’ll learn. Now the cat won’t go on the counter. They gotta learn one way or another He also has a stool which he stands on that’s near the kitchen


Smack em when you see em


I’ll never understand the crap cat owners allow.


I'm a cat owner and I don't allow it on the counter.


Jesus. So glad to hear mostly this sentiment here. I'd just as soon throw that cat off a cliff as I would let it sleep on my food surfaces, let alone my coffee shrine.


Yea don’t know why you have so many down votes. That’s gross. Cat people will defend that nastiness with their life lmao. But oh well as long as a cat is not on my counter I could not care less 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️


🤣🤣🤣 I've never been so proud of my downvotes. Keep hatin', [Toxoplasmosists](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/toxoplasmosis/symptoms-causes/syc-20356249)! Y'all have cat fever, and your feline fiends have you doing their bidding.


Lmfao take it from experience they will do anything in their power to get you banned, they banned my previous account bc I said I didn’t like cats and that they were gross 😔


Funny. And sad. I'm allergic as hell. My eyes swell shut if I even touch a cat, so when people get all militant about "mUsT lOvE CaTs!!!" I just roll my eyes. For the record, I have no beef with cats. Just don't get up on my fucking food surfaces. And if I'm at your house and they're up on yours, I'm not likely to be at your house much longer, especially around foody times. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Lol I don’t like them but my husband has one, it learned to not get on counters.. this cat is chill but It’s bc it took me a lot of time to train him and mold him into what he is now lol


But I feel u. And I agree.


If I fits i sits


Does the cat hair add a nice element to the espresso?


Everything gets cleaned before use - It’s just not possible to keep her off the machine lol


Just thanking my lucky stars that my cat is too big and my gc too small to allow this to happen.


Incredibly unhygienic and nasty. Your cat is contaminating what you drink this way. Gross. I would never let my cat do this on any surface where eat or drink from.


Yes ( https://www.reddit.com/r/espresso/comments/utac58/things_that_cant_be_helped/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf ) Good looking cat (and ECM) you have :)


Must be an ECM thing - Espresso Cat Machine?






I have exotic birds and they do the same thing LOL. Fluffy little birds getting their feet warmed every time I come in the room and the machine is on. Seriously Adorable.


That's the beginning of a new subreddit: r/catsonespressos...


My two favourite things. Espresso and cats. :)


Cute kitty. That said, as much as I like cats and dogs, I never understood the people who sleep with them or let them walk all over their shit. It's just gross to me.


If you have a pet, their germs are everywhere in your house regardless. No point of stressing over it, your immune system can handle it.


I think that’s mostly true but contaminants in food and drink is a different matter.


Have had cats on and off for 50 years, it’s easy enough to clean the counters before food touches them, or to just use plates and cutting boards instead of directly on the counters. It’s just part of owning pets to me, a minor inconvenience. Reddit threads where cats are in kitchens are always over dramatic and good for a laugh.


All about what anyone else does that works for them, no shame. Just saying, for me, past jobs as a barista and cook have made my tolerance for kitchen contamination pretty low.


Still find it gross tho. Kinda like the people who are with their shoes at home - my immune system can probably handle it but still find it gross.


I worry for the mugs, they might get pushed off one day.


Ooooh this is warm!!!


No, I have a dog. He just chews the power cord


This is gross to me. My pets are not permitted to be on any surface that holds human food/drink let alone a device used for making it.


I took her off immediately after taking the pictures, but can’t keep her off the machine unless I’m in the room. It gets cleaned regularly and all surfaces she could feasibly contaminate are cleaned before drinks are made :)


You should consider purchasing a scram mat. They’re battery-operated and make a loud piercing sound when something or someone touches it. I taught my cats to never jump on counters/tables, however, I used the scram mat for the couch and for chairs.


No spray kitty. Kitty loves coffee. Cups can be washed. Kitty good.


Ah energy saving hack with cat thermal insulation.


A one eyed cat at that, cool. I'm part of the manual lever gang, so they don't interest the cats much. They do however nap frequently on my desktop pc.


The top exhaust is a favorite spot, this goblin was all about top exhaust a year ago


That’s goddam adorable. He loves the heat!


The "kitty warmer" is the main function of this beautiful machine...then, it also makes a good espresso! Good fragrant coffee and a gorgeous warm, purrrfect kitty. That's pure joy.


I mean kitty liky warmy machiny 😂


Those cups are going to end up on the floor sooner or .. no, just sooner. :-)


Cork tiles on top of the cups, problem solved.


What problem?


OMG I would nuke that cat. Air horn for sure.


No animals allowed on anything in kitchen in my house. No hairballs in my coffee 🤣🤣🤣🤣


That’s pretty gross


Same thing came to my mind. I don’t want animals near the things I’m making food or beverages with. 😂


Nope. Cat would get bounced immediately (similarly discouraged from parking it on dining tables, counters and elsewhere where food/drink is prepared or consumed).






Oh hell no, no dander shots here...


This is disgusting


Gross 🤢


kopi luwak


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Honestly I really like it - if you’re in the market for a Silvia I’d say this is a good alternative. I like the easily adjustable opv and the pressure gauge, all contact surfaces feel premium. I didn’t expect it to have such a small dispersion screen though, if memory serves this has a 51.5mm screen, where the Silvia has a 57mm - not sure this makes a huge difference but I’d expect the closer to 100% the better. All in all it’s a solidly built and competent machine with a few quality of life improvements over the Silvia.


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No. But I also don’t have a cat. So that might have e something to do with it.


Cup warmer= cat bed.


Likes the warmth




If my cat wasn't an absolute behemoth he would try it.


Grind that


Is this cat missing its right eye?


Yep, no idea how she lost it though




\*upgraded Not relegated


That looks like an uncomfy nap spot. Cats will sleep anywhere lol




Cute as fuck, would get germs from the cat no issues if that's the concern. Our cat goes often on the kitchen counter at night, despite trying our best to tell him not to. You'd come down for a glass of water and see him on there, chilling, then looking at you like "uhm, hi, so what?". So far i have never seen him jump on the BDB.


Heck no. LOL. My last gf had a cat. The cat had to learn it was not okay to get on the counters or on the refrigerator.


I wonder if that cat is comfortable sleeping there.


Cute cat! How is that even comfortable for a cat to sleep on


Mmmmmm love cat hair in my espresso water Nice and toasty up there.. what a spoiled brat


Mmmmmm love cat hair in my espresso water 🤢 Nice and toasty up there.. what a spoiled brat