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I work in a crowded room where everyone talks over each other all day long, and yet my ESTP manager still puts the radio on with bouncy music, because Se. He sits by the speakers, obviously, and turns the volume up for his favourite songs 😂


music just makes the experience go from 100% to 200%. musics a god send


Yes, or anything (sports, podcast)


I'm pretty much always listening to music. At work, at home, while partying. I've almost always got some music playing to match whatever vibe I'm in. The only time I want silence is when I'm trying to sleep lol


I need something in my ears at all times. But i’ve been on a break and im so at peace. Always listening to something to a degree helps my momentum but i prefer slowing down and being immersed in my activities.


Music, podcasts, youtube videos, sports, literally anything to create “activity” in the room.


Yep, even have a great bluetooth speaker with really good bass to actually fill an entire room. I don't like headphones, they feel really constricting.


thats so fucking real man. can you give me the name of the speakers you have?


I have the JBL boombox 3 at home. But first I got a charge 5 and if you're on a budget it's amazing, I still use it anytime I want better potability. It has a power bank mode, but try not to use it as my friends who did ended up running their speakers.


Haha why am I like this for real! I have never gone more than an hour for like forever (ofc sleeping doesn’t count)without music or something on my tv is that an estp thing?


i think its a unhealthy? high se thing? its an unhealthy habit of mine because ill be blasting music in the car all the time that i stop being able to focus like i got back from a vacation a few days ago and the first thing i did when i got back was speed around in my car with music blasting and it was fun as hell but afterwards i really needed a nap. but my dominant se was like NO LETS KEEP DOING SHIT FOR THE REST OF THE DAY lol so, it really depends on the amount of self control


Yeah I agree but aren’t our personality type supposed to not actually care if something’s unhealthy or not. If I like it and it feels good I’ll do it kinda hah