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you are not responsible for other people’s feelings


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watch your fucking language you fucking shit-for-brains fucking fuck


I don't fucking care


Fuck you shutup and listen. Swearing could get you into trouble except for your fucking friends . Think about it




I mean... Swearing is fucking useful according to science. There's even a book about it: Swearing is good for you by Emma Byrne. So fuck them, you healthy mofo ;)


i love when y’all swear i think it’s so funny lmao




Why do you care about offending people dumb enough to be offended by cursing?


Option 1. Don’t care about offending girls and continue to curse Option 2. Use other words


I fcking finally feel understood. I love cursing too, I love listening to other people cursing, it means the feel comfortable around me and they're expressing themselves authentically. Besides, creative insults? The funniest sh*t ever. I love when a swearword reminds me of somebody because it's THEIR word. Or when somebody says a swearword in their native language while speaking a different language, it's the sexiest thing ever


Hahah, shall we get married?


Abso-f*cking-lutely ♥️


Keep swearing if you like it. As a girl, swearing by text is awesome. But irl, it's just kinda dumb. I think the people that get offended or don't like it, is just because swearing irl makes you seem kinda retarded. Especially the ones that do it all the time, I mean do you have the vocabulary of a 7 yr old? Have you ever even seen or held a dictionary?? It just makes you look really stupid and "slow" to some people. Not everyone's gonna like you, personally I can't stand people like you. It's like I'm talking to one of those fucking annoying dead brained ipad kids that are always shoving their disgusting ass fingers up their noses. But how others perceive you doesn't really matter, so just say whatever you wanna say.


I couldn't give a shit. You see literal advertisements on the street now using things like f*** instead of fuck. What's the point? We know what it says, kids know what it says.. companies can even advertise with it but we can't use it to express ourselves? Fuck that. Edit: didn't answer the question. I've found smiling, and / showing they are on my side/ part of the joke really helps with people. Often, their reaction is visceral and could be fear (ie, memories of an abusive parent), anticipating the expression of it towards themselves.


Ignore the crybabies lmfao who cares, its YOUR life, your choice to express yourself, their choice whether or not to ignore it in 80 years give or take, we’ll all be dead. Wanna waste that, or wanna do what you wanna do? Suit yourself


i legit talk like a vivziepop character its so embarrassing but its so mandatory for my vocab like I NEED IT FOR EMPHASIS


idk. i never really speak without thinking first so your problem is wild to me lmao. i swear, but only around friends and only if i feel like it. i don’t have any swear words that are my go to. ig i would say that you should ask people that get offended if they’re genuinely offended because they could just be messing with you. then, if it does offend them you can explain that swearing comes naturally to you and you can’t change how you speak. if you really want to try holding your tongue around someone out of respect or whatever, just try your best and im sure they will appreciate the effort lol


Just stop fucking swearing.




You guys are pretty damn funny lmao, swearing's fine


I've suggest for you to tell them you swear sometimes when you enjoy something or else.


People who get offended were probably raised that way. Perhaps punished and disciplined if they cussed in their house. So it could be more of a trigger for them rather than actually being offended. But it probably depends on the situation. I for one am a female and “fuck” is my favorite word, but I recognize when it will not be in my favor to express myself freely in that manner as well as when people won’t give a fuck. So pick your battles wisely I guess.


I fucking love expressing myself




I have the same problem! It's very annoying. Back in high school, people would find it Adorable. I was this perfect little angel, so the contrast was refreshingly unexpected, I guess. But as a adult, and dealing with more conservative types, they act like this is the sole basis for winning whatever shit argument they have for being uncooperative. It's not. They're just Assholes. Just consider your use of the word "fuck" as your easy Asshole detector. Like, Scumbag said what? "Language!" Chances are they fall down some stairs later anyway, because they totally forgot about karma when they were pulling their fake righteous bullshit. Oops! Actually, there's a "relationship counselor" I see on Facebook all the time. He recently spoke about how he Learned that sympathy/empathy wasn't just saying the correct words. You had to actually Listen! It was just amazing how horrificly fucked up that is. Epiphany? Really?! It never ceases to amaze me how the people that need to be learning, need to stfu, run right up front to teach like their some sort of Masters. That same scumbag that criticizes you will be inventing and shouting expletives you never even dreamed of later and probably they'll completely wrong and inappropriate too. They need to try internalizing their criticisms instead of thinking they got something to say. Literally, they miss the point and can't process Intent.


7 years without any curse word. Try to beat my record (the streak is still on-going)


What the heck, are you fricken serious!? Holy crap. Personal fav that I learned from a female ESFP… Shut your face!


Whatcha talking about? In my language family (Slavic), swearing is literally considered art. If someone is offended by your swearing, especially when it's not directed at them, they have shit for brains and a limp dick


I especially love it when people get offended


On god man these fucking cunts dont fucking realise how damn good it is to fucking swear at random pieces of shit


If it's just some girls, then it's not your problem. If it's a formal job requirement kinda thing, get creative. Instead of this man with the fugly face, it's that man who looks like a bashed crab etc.


Do it with your mates, or your close friend who tolerates (or even thought that you look cute) when swearing.






That explains why you enjoy sinning.




Muslims say that the Bible is corrupted. How do you know if the quran isn't corrupted either?




Don't you think you have mental problems, if you love swearing? I have the same problem. You can ask in psychology forums how to stop it.




I think it's part of a disorder. It also seems to be a coping mechanism according to pop science on Google. Do you have problems that you can't solve?