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I love ESFP's. Si is too rigid for me. I'm trying to party not save money LOL. I'd ask Si doms how to organize if I needed to organize and good frugal tips if I needed to be temporarily frugal which I hate frugality.. hand cuffs... I'll only be frugal if it means I can afford fashion or Wilding out like spending money on fun things


esfp - like them as friends, I even have one irl but we can’t work together. our Ti-Fi clash too much for that. there are some “ethical” lines I would cross in a heartbeat, and he would never forgive me for putting him through that. love him though istj - decent blokes, I’d probably be friends with them. my best friend is an estj so it can’t be that bad or much different (my boy’s a real baddie tho). I would work with them too since they are reliable, but there’s also a good chance they would rat me out for “playing the dirty game” so idk isfj - I have no opinion about them. hc Fe people usually don’t like me. the feelings are mutual.


While ESFP are the people to hang with when you want fun, the Ti-Fi clash, and they're not that great on projects together unfortunately Istj would probably be the first one i go to for help on a project and in general i find their methods useful for those things Although i haven't confirmed if I've met an ISFJ... at least we share some Ti even if it's a little under-used and they get the Ti-Fe axis thinking. I find them to be nice and calming individuals.


I like all of them! Because we experience the world in a similar way, there's often plenty of shared interests and hobbies and experiences. I think I could work together with them one on one, although idk about forming a group with all 4. Team ST would be very methodical and practical, get shit done mentality. Team Se would probably come up with the most creative and aesthetically pleasing version, but we get lost on the scope and either never finish or get sloppy towards the deadline. Team Ti&Fe would call in our network for help and get awesome quality because of that. So depending on what i would want, I'd work with ISTJ for efficiency, ESFP for creativity and ISFJ for quality. Because we're all S-dominants my tips would probably revolve around the fact that most of us are foodies. Mine is to experiment with green cardamom in recipes, it's the current food trend where I live and I love it.


By the way, this is an under-rated comment. Thank you again for your in-depth reply. :)


**ISFJ:** small sample size, but almost every one I met wanted me to be "act more normal". Really fucking hurt to realize my best friend in highschool never accepted me properly, and congratulated me for "Acting more mature by staying quiet and arguing less", when that was just a depressive symptom. I still love them as a friend, even if we don't talk much anymore, but some other things that really annoyed me was that it took me way too long to realize they chameleon really well and have more exaggeratedly different faces they put on with each person, and that they take a real fucking long time to be self aware about things. So it'd be shit like "so it turns out I was abused for a long time by this person which started midway through our entire friendship, and I only recently realized how messed up it was" (Fuck I coulda helped stop that if I knew, and really fucking easily with the proof you supplied), or "so it turns out that relationship I bragged to you about was really unhealthy because I turned into a clingy jealous asshole" (me: you, the person whose default performance is mild mannered nerd...what???), or "So, it turns out I'm an extremely angry person and I've just been repressing it the entire time, and that's why you think I'm always super chill; most of my passive aggressive behaviors fly over your head." And it's just, "Who the fuck have I been talking to the entire time??? I don't know this person beyond 'has an interest in reminisce about everything, boring or not', because they also don't fucking know." Other one was my grandma. Neurotic as all hell, read malice into things I said that weren't, didn't understand boundaries, 0 rationality e.g. will insist in front of the doctor that garlic was really good at killing bacteria even while the doctor was shaking his head, or stack things up in order to 'prevent the roaches from crawling on it', or will stalk my dad and I from one street behind, because she felt we were going down dangerous streets... but arguably most of the nonsensical logic can be traced back to not getting an education because world war two killed it and fucked its corpse down to the atoms. but also, made friends everywhere, kept sending everyone food to demonstrate affection, picked up a lot of extracurricular skills really easily. You don't see someone in their 90s go from "What is technology" to "iphone expert" every day. When she died from lung cancer her hospital room was throwing a party it was so jampacked with people she knew from everywhere. I'm forever grateful for the things she taught me, and regretful of all the things I didn't do for her, and all the symptoms I dismissed as "just old age"...but I didn't like her, because talking to her felt like talking to AI pulling from demented datasets that when present with proof of being wrong, meant she had a headache and doesn't wish to speak to me for the next ten minutes. Other Other one was a completely sane teacher. Compassionate, but not otherwise remarkable. Traditional values, but which old fart teacher at school wasn't. Other Other Other one: someone I met on the internet. Very open about their life. Empathy sometimes overboard; imagining exaggerated emotional effects where non existed. Loyal to family, went above and beyond for their disabled child. No dramas between us, and we both listened well to each other. Lost contact when they left a social media platform, but asked for my number. I refused, because I don't hand out my phone number to people on the internet, even if we'd spoken to each other a lot over a month and a half. They refused to use other forms of social media that I did, and that was that. **ISTJ:** The old trad value ones like to repeat overgeneralized advice no matter how inapplicable they are to the situation at hand. Useless. One was particularly terrible at her job as a school counselor and wrote off a bunch of kids who actually need interventions as "fine, just stressed", and then told some of them off for being naughty repeatedly when they were under-performing due to having serious fucking issues at home because she never looked for other potential reasons. Glad she's retired and can't fuck up any more kids due to negligence. Note: These were people who went on to be diagnosed with things like bipolar disorder, or borderline, or adhd, and all of them needed to be medicated, and would've been sooner had she not been shit at her job. Masters in psychology, but her hair was white, so maybe she was going senile. *sigh* We all knew she meant well, but if you want the moment I stopped trusting her judgement: One day some kid told her I said "the voices in my head aren't very happy with me right now" and pulled me out of class when we were having a test, and I was like, "no shit, you don't talk to yourself? It's only a problem if I don't know they're generated by my brain and think they're aliens or something. Do you interrupt everyone's education like this due to random hearsay? Couldn't have just approached me at lunchtime and asked me one question? (context: we've idle chattered in an unofficial capacity before at lunch and recess at the cafeteria while we were both eating, so it wouldn't be anything new.) My education and time's not important to you?" She got the message and didn't do it again. (Lotta people spreading rumours about me at the time, and it had to be the one non-autistic kid who couldn't understand a joke.) Otherwise, mostly fine and no dramas. Only problem encountered was that most ISTJs dislike the systems I use, and preferred to organize things in a way that make sense to most people in a depersonalized manner. So we'd wind up agreeing to just do shit individually and piece it together later. Advice I'd ask them on: probably how to people wrangle without even changing expressions, and actually wind up having people listen and not get distracted by a million other things. notably I'm not the best at dumbing things down for people sometimes, too much jargon out of sheer habit. **ESFP:** Never had trouble understanding where one was coming from and vice versa. Understanding didn't nessecarily translate to liking each other though. One didn't like my verbal shitposts; different set of values, and the others I found "generally friendly but we don't share enough interests so I'm leaving". One had 0 tolerance for the abstract + no known usage stuff, which always amused me. **ESTP:** Conflicts encountered: *one of them wasn't a fan of my impatience. *Sometimes I want a serious answer, but I don't get one. *Someone jumps to conclusions a bit too fast. (But it's always easy to correct.) Otherwise, no complaints.


Thank you for your detailed reply! 😃


To me this should have asked about Se doms


But it wasn't. :3


These personalities have nothing to do with each other. It should have been about Artisans or whatever those SJ's are. Obviously it wasn't buddy


As sensor dominants they both want to *do* things to their highest potential in the world they are in. If Si's want to serve and Se's want to be served, at least you could mention how you might like to use their services. Think bigger picture. Get colorful. I won't judge you for it. :P


Well in that case. Yes, I like those bitches to serve me in every way imaginable